NJ Weekend Historical Happenings: 7/10/21-7/11/21

New Jersey Weekend Historical Happenings

A Weekly Feature on www.thehistorygirl.com
Want to submit an event? Use our event submission form.

Friday - Sunday, July 9 - 11 - Wantage, Sussex County
Christmas in July at the Van Bunschooten Museum

The DAR Chinkchewunska Chapter presents "Christmas in July" at the Van Bunschooten Museum on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm each day. This event is an annual “open house” and also our main fund raiser to help maintain our museum. Our historic house, listed on both the State and National Registers, will be decorated for Christmas by our Chapter’s Members and open for complimentary tours by our Period Costumed Docents. Our house is a wonderful example of a Dutch Colonial style home circa 1787, filled with original pieces from the VanBunschooten and Cooper families, as well as many items of local historical interest including a Charleville musket carried in the American Revolutionary War. The event also features Attic Treasurers Sale, Food and Bake Sale, historical reenactors, a silent auction, and more! The DAR Van Bunschooten Museum is located at 1097 Route 23, Wantage, NJ. For more information, visit www.vanbunschootenmuseum.com.

Saturday, July 10 - Forked River, Ocean County
Appraisal Fair

Have you ever wondered how much that keepsake, family heirloom, or antique gathering dust is worth? Now you can find out when the Lacey Township Historical Society hosts Marilyn Melega & Company from Old and New Legacies on Saturday, from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Admission is only $5.00 at the door and will include a tour of the museum and the appraisal of one item. Additional items may be appraised for $5.00 each with a limit of three pieces. The event will take place at 126 South Main Street in Forked River, (Old Schoolhouse Museum, Route 9, behind Mrs. Walker's Ice Cream Shop). Should you have questions regarding this fundraiser call 609-971-0467 and leave a clear message. No reservation needed.

Saturday, July 10 - River Edge, Bergen County
Vintage Baseball at Historic New Bridge Landing
Family Friendly Event

Love baseball? Love history? Step back into yesteryear when the Bergen County Historical Society hosts an old-time game in the meadow at Historic New Bridge Landing in River Edge on Saturday from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Featuring the Flemington Neshanock verses the Enterprise Club of New Bridge.

Experience the crack of bat, the cheers and jeers of the cranks, and baseball the way great-grandpa saw it, when these two teams play with 19th century rules, equipment, and uniforms in an open field in games that count! A great way for the family to enjoy America’s game in a beautiful historic setting!

Watch for Casey at the Bat at this first big event in The Meadow, make sure to bring a hat, blanket or chair, and sunscreen. Historic New Bridge Landing is located at 1201 Main Street, River Edge, NJ. Admission: $12 adults, $7 students, 6-21 yrs, BCHS members free. No refunds unless we cancel the event.

Hot dog vendor scheduled for the area in front of the Campbell-Christie House and the gift shop will be open with new items. Walking tour by BCHS interpreter available during the break between games on the history of Historic New Bridge Landing, a battleground in the American Revolution.

New Bridge baseball scorecard available with each ticket, limited quantities. Make a ticket reservation. Cash or credit. For more information, visit www.bergencountyhistory.org.

Saturday, July 10 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Evening Blacksmithing
Children Friendly Event

What does it take to put new shoes on a 1900-pound workhorse? Find out when farrier Charles Napravnik pays a visit to the barn. After firing up the forge and crafting a new pair of shoes for a team of Belgian horses, the smithy will trim their feet and nail on the new shoes. Throughout the day, visitors can help blacksmith Daniel Lapidow by turning the crank of the forge blower as he makes harness hooks, gate hinges, and other hardware needed on the farm. Initialed horseshoes and other hand-made items will be available for purchase. 

This event runs from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.

Please note that all 2021 Saturday programs will be modified to encourage social distancing and reflect current State guidelines for public events. Visitors are required to carry masks at all times, and wear them when social distancing isn't possible.

Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.org.

SaturdayJuly 10
The Mystery of Alice Paul's Missing Dissertation
Virtual Program

In 1912, Alice Paul received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania with a dissertation titled, “The Legal Position of Women in Pennsylvania.” Although Penn’s rules at the time required PhD candidates to print their dissertations and deposit two final copies in the university library, no known printed or final copy survives. Fortunately, the library’s Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts does preserve a rough, mostly handwritten draft of her dissertation, donated by a former dean and constitutional history expert in 1922.

Join the Alice Paul Institute and UPenn Professor Dr. Heather Sharkey for a discussion of Alice Paul’s career at Penn in an era when women faced numerous obstacles pursuing higher education. Dr. Sharkey will consider the mystery surrounding Alice’s dissertation, as well as discussing the nature and content of the surviving draft, which offers a rigorous, powerful, and nuanced analysis of women’s legal position in Pennsylvania, and of the social and economic changes that enabled constructive reforms to occur.

This program will take place on Saturday at 2:00 pm. Register here.

SaturdayJuly 10 - Raritan, Somerset County
Signing of the Knox Porter Resolution

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Cape May, Cape May County
Welcome to Cape May Trolley Tour

This 45 minute tour is designed for the first-time visitor to Cape May who wants a quick introduction to the many cultural, historical, and natural attractions on the island. From Cape May Harbor to Sunset Beach, tourgoers will learn all they need to know to make the most of their Cape May visit. Tours begin and end at the Washington Street Mall Information Booth.

Adults $20 and children (ages 3-12) $15. Tour on Saturday at 12:30 and 3:00 pm and Sunday at 11:45 am, 1:45 pm, and 6:30 pm. Cape May MAC membership is open to all. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Cape May, Cape May County
Emlen Physick House Tour
Family Friendly Tour

Take a guided tour of Cape May's Emlen Physick Estate, the magnificent Stick Style mansion attributed to renowned Victorian architect Frank Furness. A tour of the 15 beautifully restored rooms gives you a glimpse into the lifestyle of this Victorian-era Cape May family. Physick Estate Tours take approximately 45 minutes and end with a visit to the 1876 Carriage House where you can see the current exhibit in the Carroll Gallery. Tours will be on Saturday and Sunday at 12:30, 1:45, and 3:00 pm. Admission is $20 for adults, $15 for children (ages 3-12). Tickets can be purchased online or at the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ. Sponsored by Cape May MAC. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Cape May, Cape May County
Physick Estate Scavenger Hunt
Family Friendly

Have an adventure the whole family will enjoy at the 1879 Emlen Physick Estate! Use our map to explore the grounds and find the answers to questions about the Physick family and life in Victorian times on this educational scavenger hunt. Turn in your answer sheet at the Carriage House Museum Shop and receive a prize! Participate anytime between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Price is $5. Purchase tickets online or at the Carriage House Museum Shop. The Emlem Physick Estate is located at 1048 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Lower Township, Cape May County
World War II Tower Lookout Museum and Memorial Open
Family Friendly Site

Fire Control Tower No. 23 on Sunset Boulevard is New Jersey's last freestanding World War II tower, part of the immense Harbor Defense of the Delaware system known as Fort Miles. After an award-winning restoration in 2009, visitors can climb to the 6th floor spotting gallery while learning about the homeland defense efforts during World War II. The ground floor of the tower, the All Veterans Memorial, and boardwalk interpretive panels are fully accessible. Open Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for children (ages 3-12) (one child free with paying adult). The World War II Lookout Tower is located on Sunset Boulevard in Lower Township, near Cape May Point. Sponsored by Cape May MAC. For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Lower Township, Cape May County
Climb the Cape May Lighthouse
Family Friendly Site

The Cape May Lighthouse is an 1859 structure with 199 steps to the watch gallery for a panoramic view of the Jersey Cape and Atlantic Ocean. For those who choose not to climb, the Oil House contains a fully-accessible Visitors' Orientation Center and a Museum Shop stocked with maritime accessories and lighthouse memorabilia. Open 10:00 am - 5:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Cape May Point State Park is located in Lower Township, NJ. Admission to the Visitors' Orientation Center and the ground floor of the lighthouse is free. Tower admission is $12 for adults, $8 for children (ages 3-12). Children under 3 and active military are FREE. Sponsored by Cape May MAC. For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Sunday10 - 11 - Atlantic City, Atlantic County
Absecon Lighthouse Open
Family Friendly

Absecon Lighthouse will be open Thursdays through Mondays, from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, with the last climb 1/2 hour before closing. 

Parking, exhibits, and Keeper’s Cottage museum are free. Admission to climb the 228 steps to the top is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors and college students, $6 for children 4-12, and $5 for Atlantic City residents; active military and children under 4 are free. Dogs on leashes are welcome on the two-acre lawn and in the museum space. Masks and social distancing are required, plexi-glass shields are installed in the gift shop and Watch Room at the top for your safety, and plastic gloves will be issued to climbers. 

First lit in 1857, Absecon Lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse in New Jersey and the third tallest in the country. It is the oldest man-made structure in Atlantic City, boasts a first-order Fresnel lens still in place at the top, and offers fabulous views of Atlantic City and Brigantine.

The Absecon Lighthouse is located at 31 South Rhode Island Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ. For more information, call 609-449-1360 or visit www.abseconlighthouse.org.

Saturday - Sunday10 - 11 - Camden, Camden County
Battleship New Jersey Fire Power Tour
Family Friendly

This self guided tour of the overall view of the Battleship New Jersey takes guests five levels up and two decks below. The Main Deck features an Exhibit Museum that encompasses the 48 years in and out of service. Guides are available for questions in the Captain's Quarters and CEC.

Active Military, World War II Veterans, and former Crew Members of BB-62 are asked to stop at the Box Office in the Battleship NJ Visitor's Center. Proudly inform our Ticketing Staff of your service to our Great Nation and receive a complimentary ticket to board the "Big J".

* All guests will be screened in the Visitors Center before entering the Battleship’s Pier, must wear a face covering and practice social distancing.
* Please check your email after purchase for your ticket to either print or save to your mobile device and take with you for check-in in the Visitors Center.

Firepower tour tickets are available to use at any date and time we are open for tours. Admission: Adult are $24.95 and children ages 5-11, veterans, and seniors (62+) are $19.95. Tickets can be purchased online. Battleship New Jersey is located at 62 Battleship Place, Camden, NJ. For more information, call 856-966-1652 or visit www.battleshipnewjersey.org.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Cape May, Cape May County
Cape May Historic District Trolley Tour

Enjoy a 45 minute guided tour with entertaining and enlightening stories about the nation's oldest seaside resort and how it survived. Accessible trolley available with advance notification. Tours begin and end at the Washington Street Mall Information Booth.

Adults $20 and children (ages 3-12) $15. Tours on Saturday at 11:45 am, 1:00 pm, and 2:15 pm and Sunday at 11:45 am, 12;30 pm, 1:00 pm, and 2:15 pm. Sponsored by the Cape May MAC. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Holmdel, Monmouth County
Wheat Harvest & Threshing Demonstration
Children Friendly Site & Event

On Saturday, visit Historic Longstreet Farm in Holmdel as farm staff will harvest and thresh this year’s wheat crop. Learn how this important crop was cultivated and processed in the days before modern combines. On Saturday, the wheat will be cut, gathered, and bundled into sheathes using a horsedrawn grain binder. On Sunday, the staff will use a 19th century, belt-driven Champion thresher to separate the wheat grain from the straw and the chaff. This free event runs from 12:00 - 2:00 pm each day.

Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit www.monmouthcountyparks.com.

Saturday - SundayJuly 10 - 11 - Lower Township, Cape May County
Hands-on History: Brewing in Early America

On Saturday and Sunday, Historic Cold Spring Village will host Hands-on History: Brewing in Early America to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Cold Spring Brewery.

Opened on July 12th 2016, the craft brewery is located in the c.1804 Stillwell and Elizabeth Corson Barn. Originally situated in Palermo, Upper Township, Cape May County and used to store grain, the three-bay heavy timber framed English style barn was dismantled, brought to the Village in 2015, reassembled, and restored.

Located at the Seashore Road entrance, the non-profit brewery was built to secure the future of the 19th century open-air living history museum by providing a year-round revenue stream. During the weekend, there will be many activities that celebrate beer: in the 1850’s it was the most-consumed alcoholic beverage in the United States!

Events include the Colonial Troubadours Jan and John Haigis performing at 12:00 noon beginning at the Dennisville Inn and continuing throughout the Village; Brewer Brandon McCloskey greeting visitors in Spicer Leaming’s backyard and discussing the chemistry of brewing during the 1800s; a 1:30 pm lecture on Drinking in America presented by the museum’s Chief Operating Officer John Ryan at the Dennisville Inn; Marketing and Advertising Director Sandy Nickel will discuss the role of the Dennisville Inn as part of Cape May County’s history. At the Spicer Leaming House, Museum Coordinator Pat Raspa will be talking about discussing the culinary art of cooking and baking beer bread over an open fire with first come-first serve recipes available to guests.

Education/Curator Bill Cloer will be in the Pottery Shed discussing the role of potters in the production of beer mugs, especially the unique puzzle mug as well as presiding over the game of skittles. Chief Administrator Clare Juechter has stocked the Country Store with Tavern Games and Puzzles for your enjoyment. In addition to events that focus on brewing, Village interpreters will be in the museum demonstrating and discussing blacksmithing, printing, basketry, and 19th century education.

The Village is an open-air living history museum located in the Cold Spring section of Lower Township at 735 Seashore Road. Its major entrance is located on Seashore Road; however, the 720 Route 9 entrance is open on Saturdays and Sundays. The 1800s museum is open Thursday through Sunday until Labor Day Weekend from 11am to 4pm. For more information, call 609-898-2300, ext. 10 or visit www.hcsv.org.

Saturday - Monday, July 10 - 12 - Tuckerton, Ocean County
Outdoor Strolling Admission: Tuckerton Seaport
Family Friendly Event

After much careful consideration and implementing enhanced safety measures, Tuckerton Seaport is open for strolling for long weekends. The Tuckerton Seaport will be open on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Reserved timed tickets will be required for everyone. This helps us limit capacity and maintain social distancing. Masks will be required at all times. Tuckerton Seaport reserves the right to make changes to the schedule or cancel at any time due to circumstances beyond our control at the discretion of the museum. Safety always comes first around here. In the event that we need to cancel any dates, guests who have pre-purchased tickets will receive a full refund.

How do you make reservations? Reservations can be made in two ways: Online or at the Welcome Booth!

Tickets are just $5/person. Seaport Members can use the discount code Member20 for their complimentary tickets. Members will be required to bring their Membership Card with them when visiting or the discount will not be valid. Membership benefits for Seaport Family Members include two adults as well as any accompanying children under 18. Additional guests should reserve their tickets at the regular price online. Everyone needs a ticket for entry with the exception of children under age 5 who are complimentary.

The Tukerton Seaport is located at 120 W. Main Street, Tuckerton, NJ. For more information, call 609-296-8868 or visit https://tuckertonseaport.org.

Sunday, July 11 - Morristown, Morris County
Second Sundays 
at the Wyckoff-Garretson Museum

The Meadows Foundation offers FREE tours at the Wyckoff-Garretson Museum House. Meet us in the carriage barn on the second Sunday of each month, July through October, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Our docent will give you a VERY interesting tour of this VERY old home and answer any questions you may have. The Wyckoff-Garretson Museum House is located at 215 South Middlebush Road, Franklin Township, NJ.

Sunday, July 11 - Eatontown, Monmouth County
Sandy Hook's Lost Highland Beach Resort

Sunday, July 11
Bees and Butterflies on Barnegat Bay
Virtual Program

Celebrate summer at the Shore with Ocean County Historical Society! Our goal is to tell the stories of Ocean County and we are visiting some of the plant and animal residents that you will encounter along the Jersey coastline.

On Sunday at 2:00 pm, please join Denise Willis, a naturalist for 13 years at Cattus Island County Park in Toms River. She will present Bees and Butterflies on Barnegat Bay. A former nursery schoolteacher, Girl Scout leader, and camp counselor, Ms. Willis is charmed by all the flora and fauna that thrive in this environment. Learn about butterfly gardens and beekeeping right here in Ocean County!

To register for this program, email oceancountyhistory.zoom@gmail.com stating: your name and date of program, your zip code, and your email address so we may send the link for Zoom to access the program a few days before the event. For more information, visit www.oceancountyhistory.org.

Sunday, July 11 - Jefferson Township, Morris County
Open House

The Jefferson Township Museum, also known as the George Chamberlin House, will have an open house on Sunday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Learn about the Jefferson Township Historical Society. Our award-winning costumed docents are available to help on your tour. Admission is free. Masks are required for entry.

The featured exhibit will be “Victorian Dress from Head to Toe.” This exhibit is being presented by the Society’s costume department. Vintage pieces from the museum and private collections, along with reproductions of the late Victorian period (1870-1900) and up to 1920, will be displayed throughout the building.

Each room of the museum will feature a different part of dressing the Victorian family. Gowns, outer wear, accessories, undergarments, and lingerie will be displayed throughout the building. Many special pieces are being taken from archival storage for this exhibit. Informational signage will address many of the myths of Victorian clothing. Period dressed docents and guides will be available to help visitors through the exhibit. Miss Elizabeth’s Garden plantings are labeled for self-guided tours

Be sure to visit Miss Elizabeth’s Shoppe in the basement, which was the original kitchen of the house. The Shoppe is packed with new and vintage items for sale. Also be sure to visit the Museum’s lovely gardens.

The Jefferson Township Museum is located at 315 Dover-Milton Road, Jefferson Township, NJ. For further information, call 973-697-0258 or visit https://www.jeffersontownship.net/360/Historical-Society.

Until July 31, 2021
Jockey Hollow: A Closer Look


Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey


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