NJ Weekend Historical Happenings: 3/27/21 - 3/28/21

New Jersey Weekend Historical Happenings

A Weekly Feature on www.thehistorygirl.com
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Saturday, March 27 - Wall Township, Monmouth County
"Remembering Poe"

This event is in honor of Poetry month. As an actress and playwright, I have performed as Edgar Poe and Poe’s one-time fiancée, Helen Whitman since 1999. First “Poe-sessed” in high school when, for an acting class, I memorized “The Raven,” I fell in love with Poe’s poetry. Eventually, I came to love almost everything that Poe has written, so my repertoire expands.

My first appearance as Edgar was at the Ritz Theater of Oaklyn, NJ. Bruce Curless, founder of the Ritz Theater, directed my performance as (Sarah) Helen Whitman in “Remembering Poe”. I had written “Remembering Poe” to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Poe’s death.

Mr. Curless offered me the opportunity to play Helen Whitman for act one and, after Intermission, to return as Poe for act two. As an actress, I’d always longed to perform as Poe, but, of course, felt intimidated by the idea of performing as a man. So Bruce’s offer was a dream come true - a dream that I hardly dared to dream! Thank you, Bruce! Women performing as male characters occurs more these days, but it was not so prevalent in 1999. Since then I have performed as Poe on stage, radio and television. It is a joy for me to stretch my acting and writing skills in this way. Each performance is an opportunity to attempt to almost channel the great writer.

Tickets are $28 per person. Advance registration required. This is a fundraiser for the Historic Village at Allaire.

Patrons will be required to adhere to social distancing and must wear masks while within the Historic Allaire Chapel at the performance.

Purchase tickets via EventBrite, print your tickets out and bring them with you on the night of the performance. Park in the Main Parking lot of Allaire State Park and follow the lanterns to the "Check-In" area by the Allaire Chapel.


The Historic Village at Allaire is located at 4263 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ. For more information, contact the Allaire Village office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, at 732-919-3500 or visit www.allairevillage.org.

Saturday, March 27 - Holmdel, Monmouth County
Starting a Summer Garden
Ages 4+

Warmer weather is just around the corner. On Saturday, learn what vegetables you can start now that will flourish in the summer sun. With the help of our gardeners, you will make a newspaper pot and start a collection of seeds that you will be able to transplant into your garden at home. The cost is $5 per person; cash or check only.  This event run from 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm.

Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit www.monmouthcountyparks.com.

Saturday, March 27 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Children Friendly Event

Will a lamb be born on 'lambing day'? It has happened before, but not according to anyone's timing but the ewes'. Lambing season lasts for several weeks, and whether you're here to welcome a new arrival or not, you will find much to see and learn about in the barn where sheep spend much of the winter.

On this day, you will see new lambs, meet expectant ewes, and learn all about the farm's flock of period Romney-Suffolk sheep. Other signs of spring are in the air: horses are beginning to shed their winter coats, bees are flying in search of early nectar, and if it's not too windy, farmers will likely be out spreading manure or plowing the fields. This program runs from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Please note that all 2021 Saturday programs will be modified to encourage social distancing and reflect current State guidelines for public events. Visitors are required to carry masks at all times, and wear them when social distancing isn't possible.

Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Lower Township, Cape May County
World War II Tower Lookout Museum and Memorial Open
Family Friendly Site

Fire Control Tower No. 23 on Sunset Boulevard is New Jersey's last freestanding World War II tower, part of the immense Harbor Defense of the Delaware system known as Fort Miles. After an award-winning restoration in 2009, visitors can climb to the 6th floor spotting gallery while learning about the homeland defense efforts during World War II. The ground floor of the tower, the All Veterans Memorial, and boardwalk interpretive panels are fully accessible. Open Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for children (ages 3-12) (one child free with paying adult). The World War II Lookout Tower is located on Sunset Boulevard in Lower Township, near Cape May Point. Sponsored by Cape May MAC. For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Cape May, Cape May County
Emlen Physick House Tour
Family Friendly Tour

Take a guided tour of Cape May's Emlen Physick Estate, the magnificent Stick Style mansion attributed to renowned Victorian architect Frank Furness. A tour of the 15 beautifully restored rooms gives you a glimpse into the lifestyle of this Victorian-era Cape May family. Physick Estate Tours take approximately 45 minutes and end with a visit to the 1876 Carriage House where you can see the current exhibit in the Carroll Gallery. Tours will be on Saturday at 12:30, 1:45, and 3:00 pm and on Sunday at 12:30 and 1:45 pm. Admission is $20 for adults, $15 for children (ages 3-12). Tickets can be purchased online or at the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ. Sponsored by Cape May MAC. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Lower Township, Cape May County
Climb the Cape May Lighthouse
Family Friendly Site

The Cape May Lighthouse is an 1859 structure with 199 steps to the watch gallery for a panoramic view of the Jersey Cape and Atlantic Ocean. For those who choose not to climb, the Oil House contains a fully-accessible Visitors' Orientation Center and a Museum Shop stocked with maritime accessories and lighthouse memorabilia. Open 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Cape May Point State Park is located in Lower Township, NJ. Admission to the Visitors' Orientation Center and the ground floor of the lighthouse is free. Tower admission is $12 for adults, $8 for children (ages 3-12). Children under 3 and active military are FREE. Sponsored by Cape May MAC. For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Atlantic City, Atlantic County
Absecon Lighthouse Open
Family Friendly

Absecon Lighthouse will be open Thursdays through Mondays, from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, with the last climb 1/2 hour before closing. 

Parking, exhibits, and Keeper’s Cottage museum are free. Admission to climb the 228 steps to the top is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors and college students, $6 for children 4-12, and $5 for Atlantic City residents; active military and children under 4 are free. Dogs on leashes are welcome on the two-acre lawn and in the museum space. Masks and social distancing are required, plexi-glass shields are installed in the gift shop and Watch Room at the top for your safety, and plastic gloves will be issued to climbers. 

First lit in 1857, Absecon Lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse in New Jersey and the third tallest in the country. It is the oldest man-made structure in Atlantic City, boasts a first-order Fresnel lens still in place at the top, and offers fabulous views of Atlantic City and Brigantine.

The Absecon Lighthouse is located at 31 South Rhode Island Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ. For more information, call 609-449-1360 or visit www.abseconlighthouse.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Camden, Camden County
Battleship New Jersey Fire Power Tour
Family Friendly

This self guided tour of the overall view of the Battleship New Jersey takes guests five levels up and two decks below. The Main Deck features an Exhibit Museum that encompasses the 48 years in and out of service. Guides are available for questions in the Captain's Quarters and CEC.

Active Military, World War II Veterans, and former Crew Members of BB-62 are asked to stop at the Box Office in the Battleship NJ Visitor's Center. Proudly inform our Ticketing Staff of your service to our Great Nation and receive a complimentary ticket to board the "Big J".

* All guests will be screened in the Visitors Center before entering the Battleship’s Pier, must wear a face covering and practice social distancing.
* Please check your email after purchase for your ticket to either print or save to your mobile device and take with you for check-in in the Visitors Center.

Firepower tour tickets are available to use at any date and time we are open for tours. Admission: Adult are $24.95 and children ages 5-11, veterans, and seniors (62+) are $19.95. Tickets can be purchased online. Battleship New Jersey is located at 62 Battleship Place, Camden, NJ. For more information, call 856-966-1652 or visit www.battleshipnewjersey.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Cape May, Cape May County
Physick Estate Scavenger Hunt
Family Friendly

Have an adventure the whole family will enjoy at the 1879 Emlen Physick Estate! Use our map to explore the grounds and find the answers to questions about the Physick family and life in Victorian times on this educational scavenger hunt. Turn in your answer sheet at the Carriage House Museum Shop and receive a prize! Participate anytime between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Price is $5. Purchase tickets online or at the Carriage House Museum Shop. The Emlem Physick Estate is located at 1048 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Sunday, March 27 - 28 - Cape May, Cape May County
Cape May Historic District Trolley Tour

Enjoy a 45 minute guided tour with entertaining and enlightening stories about the nation's oldest seaside resort and how it survived. Accessible trolley available with advance notification. Tours begin and end at the Washington Street Mall Information Booth.

Adults $20 and children (ages 3-12) $15. Tours on Saturday at 11:45 am, 1:00 pm, and 2:15 pm and Sunday at 11:45 am and 1:00 pm. Sponsored by the Cape May MAC. For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Monday, March 27 - 29 - Tuckerton, Ocean County
Outdoor Strolling Admission: Tuckerton Seaport
Family Friendly Event

After much careful consideration and implementing enhanced safety measures, Tuckerton Seaport is open for strolling for long weekends. The Tuckerton Seaport will be open on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Reserved timed tickets will be required for everyone. This helps us limit capacity and maintain social distancing. Masks will be required at all times. Tuckerton Seaport reserves the right to make changes to the schedule or cancel at any time due to circumstances beyond our control at the discretion of the museum. Safety always comes first around here. In the event that we need to cancel any dates, guests who have pre-purchased tickets will receive a full refund.

How do you make reservations? Reservations can be made in two ways: Online or at the Welcome Booth!

Tickets are just $5/person. Seaport Members can use the discount code Member20 for their complimentary tickets. Members will be required to bring their Membership Card with them when visiting or the discount will not be valid. Membership benefits for Seaport Family Members include two adults as well as any accompanying children under 18. Additional guests should reserve their tickets at the regular price online. Everyone needs a ticket for entry with the exception of children under age 5 who are complimentary.

The Tukerton Seaport is located at 120 W. Main Street, Tuckerton, NJ. For more information, call 609-296-8868 or visit https://tuckertonseaport.org.

Sunday, March 28
Coffee and Collections: Colonial Costumes
Virtual Program

Featuring members of NSCDA-NJ's Collections Committee and guest speakers. The program begins at 2:00 pm and lasts until 3:00 pm. The topic on Sunday is "Colonial Costumes."

Award-winning and nationally known costume designer Pat Sanftner will join forces with Peachfield to present an enthralling program on colonial dressing and colonial life. Join us for a fun hour of dress-up and pretend as we celebrate our shared national heritage and traditions!

Cost per participant is $10.00. Friends of Peachfield admission is free. To register, send an email to colonialdamesnj@comcast.net. Once paid, the Zoom link will be mailed to you.

Sunday, March 28
“Government in Petticoats” - Gender Poetics in New Jersey’s Newspaper Literature, 1789-1807
Virtual Program

Old Dutch Parsonage’s Col. Frederick Frelinghuysen and Rev. Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh were among the delegates to the Provincial Congress which adopted New Jersey’s first Constitution on July 2, 1776.

While legal deliberations over women’s suffrage took place in the Provincial Congress and Legislature, debate among the general public played out in newspapers, the popular media of the era. Dr. Scott Zukowski explores and explicates the poetry and anecdotes these newspapers carried to understand the aspirations and anxieties attached to female citizenship in the early American republic from 1789 to 1807 when women first voted in New Jersey.

Admission is free. This program is being held Sunday at 2:00 pm. Email wallacedutch@dep.nj.gov to register and receive an invitation to the live broadcast. This online program is sponsored by the Wallace House and Old Dutch Parsonage Association with a grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities.

Dr. Zukowski’s full essay on this topic is available in New Jersey Studies.

Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey


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