Glenmont Garden Party - 9/28/19

Glenmont Garden Party
Saturday, September 28, 2019

If you love the natural colors of summer and have a curiosity about our New Jersey legend Thomas Alva Edison, our Glenmont Garden Party is sure to be an amazing early evening of fun!

The Friends of Thomas Edison National Historical Park is holding a Garden Party on the lawn of Glenmont, Edison's home in Llewellyn Park, 12 Honeysuckle Avenue, West Orange, NJ on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 4:00 - 6:30 pm. You will be able to tour the newly refurbished gardens, enjoy local food and music, and a signature cocktail. The garden party will be held rain or shine under a tent.

Tickets are $45 for Friends of Edison members and $50 for non-memberson

The Friends of Edison is a charitable organization founded in 1984 as a 501(C)3 to promote the historical, scientific, educational, and interpretive activities of the Thomas Edison National Historical Park.

More information about Edison's legacy, history, other Friends of Thomas Edison National Historical Park projects, and how to become a member are found on

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