"Revolutionary New Jersey" October 2018 Book Giveaway

Thanks to author Robert A. Meyers and publisher American History Press, The History Girl is offering a copy of Revolutionary New Jersey: Forgotten Towns and Crossroads of the American Revolution. In order to be in the running, submit your name and e-mail address below!

This contest has ended. Thanks for all who participated! Purchase a copy here.

*By entering your e-mail address, you may receive periodic e-mails from The History Girl. Rest assured, your information is never sold or used by a third party or anyone else.

About the Book
Many of the critical events and dreadful realities of the intense warfare in New Jersey during the American Revolution have been forgotten, neglected, or lost to history. Sites in the Garden State where patriots fought and died remain unmarked, shrouded in mystery, clouded in mythology, or concealed by obscure accounts and dull statistics. Many places in the "Crossroads of  the Revolution" state have entirely disappeared, while others languish unnoticed or have been built over by town development and local highways. Many of the Garden State residents who commute every day over heavily trafficked streets are completely unaware of the fierce struggles that occurred along their route during America's most important war.

In Revolutionary New Jersey New Jersey-based  author Robert Mayers has rediscovered and revived the history of previously forsaken locations by exploring them in person. He then enhances his observations from on-site visits with fresh research from original documents, often discovered in obscure British, Hessian, and French records. The reader is subsequently transported to the battlefields and encampments in three theaters of the conflict in New Jersey - "The War in the Countryside," "The War at the Shore," and "New Jersey Campgrounds" - by describing Revolutionary events which occurred in more than 100 present-day towns. This narrative escorts readers back in time to feel, see, and hear the action that occurred over 200 years ago in familiar settings

Those who read Bob Mayers' newest book will acquire a new respect for the Revolutionary War events that took place locally (and in some instances in their own backyards). It is through this awareness that local sites might be maintained, and the glorious memory of those individuals who fought for our freedom preserved for the future.

*One entry per person.
*Valid for all residents of the 50 United States of America, 13 years of age or older.
*Entries without a valid e-mail address are not eligible.
*Contest begins October 14, 2018 at 6:00 pm EST and ends October 20, 2018 at 8:00 pm EST.
*The winner will be chosen at random.
*The winner will be notified via e-mail on October 20, 2018 after 8:00 pm. The winner must respond with a mailing address within thirty-six (36) hours or another winner will be chosen.

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