NJ Weekend Historical Happenings: 10/13/18 - 10/14/18

 New Jersey Weekend Historical Happenings
A Weekly Feature on www.thehistorygirl.com
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Friday - Saturday, October 12 - 13 - Farmingdale, Monmouth County
The Chilling Re-Telling of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"

Allaire Village is presenting a dramatic rendition of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"written by Washington Irving and performed by Neill Hartley. The performance takes place in the Allaire Village Chapel on Friday and Saturday, at 7:30 pm.

In an exciting performance, Neill Hartley, brings to life the tale of the Headless Horseman, within the candle-lit Allaire Village Chapel. You will be transported back to a time before television, radio, CDs, and electricity. The seating is limited to 100 for each performance, so advanced purchase is recommended. Only ticket-holders will be admitted to the performances. Ticket cost is $20 per person. To purchase tickets or for information, call 732-919-3500 and have your credit card ready. Tickets can also be purchased online at www.allairevillage.org.

The Historic Village at Allaire is located in Allaire State Park, 4265 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ. For more information, contact the Allaire Village office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, at 732-919-3500 or visit www.allairevillage.org.

Friday - Saturday, October 12 - 13 - Princeton, Mercer County
Slave Dwelling Project Community Day
Children Friendly Event and Site

In Conjunction with Historical Society of Princeton, Princeton Public Library, Arts Council of Princeton, and Witherspoon-Jackson Historical and Cultural Society, Morven Museum and Garden is honored to host a Slave Dwelling Project program on Friday and Saturday; bringing Mr. Joe McGill’s program to New Jersey for the first time. Mr. McGill’s Slave Dwelling Project brings historians, and the public together to educate, collaborate and organize resources to illuminate and often, save, important African American history related to slave ancestry.

Shirley Satterfield will kick off the weekend’s activities with a walking tour of Princeton’s Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood on Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm ($8.00 per person, limited to 20 people. All funds for this tour will go to Witherspoon-Jackson Historical and Cultural Society.) The tour is approximately two hours long and requires participants to be able to comfortably walk or stand for the duration of the tour. Register for the tour HERE!

At 6:00 pm, members of the public, of all ages, are invited to gather for supper and conversation with Mr. McGill. He will lead a participatory program reflecting on the need to preserve memories which live in the homes of enslaved ancestors and the ways in which Morven is affecting this through its reinstalled galleries.

For those who wish to continue the conversation, participants will adjourn to a circle around a fire pit in what was the working gardens of Morven. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets if you plan to stay.

A select number of guests will sleep over in the Mansion on Friday evening with Mr. McGill. Sleeping spaces are extremely limited with participants bringing their own sleeping bags and resting on the floor in the West Wing – near where we believe Morven’s slaves would have lived and worked. To be included in the lottery for Friday night's sleepover, email Morven's Curator of Education and Public Programs at dlampertrudman@morven.org and include a line or two describing why you are interested in the sleepover.

The public is invited to join us on Saturday morning at 10:00 am for a light breakfast. Reflections of the night will be shared by those who slept over and questions fielded by Mr. McGill.

Saturday hosts a number of meaningful and interactive events stemming from our examination of Morven’s slave narrative and expands into everyone’s historic narrative from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm including:

* A variety of musical performances by ethnomusicologist and fiddle/banjo scholar Jake Blount
* Presentation of the Stockton Papers and other rarely viewed Stockton materials by Izzy Kasdin, Executive Director of Historical Society of Princeton
* Princeton Public Library’s providing genealogy and ancestry research materials for use by the public
* A liberty-themed interactive chalkboard art wall
* Children’s hands-on take home paper quilt project led by Dressler Smith of Arts Council of Princeton

Pre-registration, is not required, however it is recommended. Walk ups will be admitted as space allows. To register, click here or contact the Curator of Education and Public Programming, Debra Lampert-Rudman, at 609-924-8144 x.106. Morven Museum and Gardens is located at 55 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ. For more information, call 609-924-8144 or visit www.morven.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Morristown, Morris County
Creating Color - Natural Dyeing Demonstration
Children Friendly Event & Site

How did the colonists create color from plants for their clothing and household fabrics? Stop by the Wick House at Jockey Hollow to see a demonstration of natural dyeing using plant materials. Throughout the day (11:00 am - 3:00 pm), we will be preparing the dyebaths using various natural materials and dyeing handspun wool yarn. Come and see what colors can be made!

Jockey Hollow at Morristown National Historical Park is located at 580 Tempe Wick Road, Morristown NJ (address is approximate). This is a FREE event. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Saturday, October 13 - Roebling, Burlington County
Oktoberfest Celebration at the Roebling Museum

The Roebling Museum will hold its fifth annual Oktoberfest celebration on Saturday from 2:00 - 7:00 pm on the Museum grounds in Roebling, New Jersey. The event will feature a beer garden serving local craft and German beer, as well as music from the South Jersey Pops Oktoberfest Band and their accordionist, Ken Struck. Food vendors, including Pierogi Factory, Wanna Pizza This?, Tower Dogs, and the Roebling Museum, will offer a variety of tasty treats.

Regular Admission is $8 in advance and $10 at the gate. Advanced Cup Reservations (ACR) are also available online (only) for an inclusive souvenir cup and admission fee of $14 per person. (ACR includes the first beer at no additional cost.) See website for details. Limit one ACR per registrant. Proper ID required online and at the gate! For those who wish to bring their little ones along, children ages 6-12 are $3 in advance, or $5 at the gate. Children under six are admitted free of charge. 

Entrance to the Museum is included in the admission price, and Museum docents will lead tours of the galleries. The Oktoberfest serves as a fundraiser to support the Roebling Museum, its exhibits and programming, including its summer STEAM camp for rising 5th through 8th graders, the popular and STEM Saturday program - Kids Create, new exhibits in our rotating galleries, and the monthly Saturday Lecture Series.

The Roebling Museum is located at 100 Second Avenue in Roebling, NJ. Parking is available in the Museum lot off Hornberger Avenue. The NJ Transit River Line stops opposite the Museum. Visitors are encouraged not to park on 2nd Avenue, on the residential side of the building. For more information, call 609-499-7200 or visit www.roeblingmuseum.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Mount Laurel, Burlington County
Tour Paulsdale

Paulsdale is open to the public for Second Saturday Tours at 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. Paulsdale is the birthplace of Quaker suffragist Alice Paul. Tours include a 15-minute presentation about Alice Paul's life and work and a guided tour of the first floor of the property where visitors learn about the Paul family's daily life in the house and its present day use as a girl's leadership center. Tours are $5.00 per person.

Paulsdale is located at 128 Hooton Road, Mount Laurel, NJ. For information about group tours or future tour dates, contact the Alice Paul Institute at 856-231-1885, e-mail info@alicepaul.org, or visit www.alicepaul.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Farmingdale, Monmouth County
Late Fall Flea Market
Children Friendly Event and Site

Join us for another fun flea market! This is one of our LARGEST for the year, in the PRIME FALL SEASON! Last year we had over 180 vendors! Hunt for hidden treasures amid books, art work, knick knacks, and so much more! The event runs from 8:00 am - 3:0 pm. $1 admission for adults, children under 12 get in free. The Historic Village, General Store, and Bakery will be open as well. The rain date for this event is Sunday, October 14, 2018.

The Historic Village at Allaire is located at 4263 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ. For more information, contact the Allaire Village office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, at 732-919-3500 or visit www.allairevillage.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Morris Township, Morris County
The Time to Mourn
Children Friendly Site

On Sunday at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm at 1:00 and 2:00 pm, tour the Foster family home, The Willows, to explore the unique death and mourning traditions of the Victorian period. Customs, now considered strange, influenced loved ones for months and years after the deceased had passed.

Admission: $6 per adult, $5 per senior (65+), $4 per child age 4 - 16, $2 per child age 2 & 3. FREE per child under age 2. Friends members are half price with a current membership card. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, NJ. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.

Saturday, October 13 - Chatham Township, Morris County
Lenape Day
Children Friendly Event

Join us for this annual event on Saturday from 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm celebrating the Lenape with dancing, drums, and historical talks by the Ramapough Lenape People. Enjoy games, crafts, touring a replica wigwam, and more. Great fun for the entire family! This event will be held at the Great Swamp Outdoor Education Center, 247 Southern Blvd., Chatham Township, NJ. Cost: $5 per person age 3 and older. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.

Saturday, October 13 - Chester, Morris County
Celebrate Apples
Children Friendly

On Saturday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at the Cooper Grist Mill, assist with cider pressing as it was done in 1880s Milltown/Chester. Use a hand-cranked apple peeler, decorate an apple, and see a display of apple head dolls. Cost: FREE but donations appreciated. The Cooper Gristmill is located at 66 Route 513, Chester, NJ. For more information, call 908-879-5463 or visit www.morrisparks.net.

Saturday, October 13 -  Morris Township, Morris County
Farm Know-How on the Go: Carriage House
Children Friendly Event and Site

On Saturday from 2:00 - 2:45 pm at Fosterfields Living History Farm, walk to the Carriage House and discover how the building was once used by the coachman. Learn about tack and harnessing from the farmer. Included with regular admission.

Admission: $6 for adults; $5 for seniors (65+); $4 for children ages 4 – 16; and $2for children ages 2 and 3. FREE for children under age 2 and Friends members with a current membership card. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, NJ. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.

Saturday, October 13 - Paterson, Passaic County
Harvest Festival at Lambert Castle
Children Friendly Event - Recommended Ages 3 - 12

Join Lambert Castle on Saturday between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm on the North Lawn of Lambert Castle, as the Passaic County Historical Society ushers in the Autumn season with history, food and fun fall activities. Children can participate in fall crafts and games, learn about local historic sites, drill with some Revolutionary War soldiers and much more. The day concludes at 5:30 pm as we read a version of Washington Irving’s classic story and sing some Halloween songs. You might even have a chance to meet the Headless Horseman in person! Bring your own blankets or lawn chairs. Recommended for children age 3-12 years. Free admission, donations requested. No rain date.

Passaic County Historical Society, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, was founded to cultivate interest among individuals and the community-at-large in the rich history of Passaic County. To this end our museum in Lambert Castle showcases examples of the County’s cultural and artistic diversity, as well as examples of the County’s natural, civil, military, and ecclesiastical history. The Society also maintains a library and archive, which houses manuscripts, books and photographs of historical and genealogical interest.

Lambert Castle, home of the Passaic County Historical Society, is located at 3 Valley Road, Paterson NJ. For more information regarding museum hours and admission, visit the Passaic County Historical Society’s website at www.lambertcastle.org or call 973-247-0085.

Saturday, October 13 - Pequannock, Morris County
Martin Berry House Dedication

All are invited to the dedication of the Martin Berry House on Saturday hosted by the Pequannock Township Historical Society. Built in 1720 by Dutch settlers, and listed on the National and State Register of Historic Places, the Martin Berry House is among the oldest houses in NJ, and one of the very few that have survived substantially unaltered since its construction.

A Town Crier will begin the ceremony at 12:00 noon, followed by remarks by local, county, and state elected officials and others including members of the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust, members of other historical societies, and honored guests including Eleanor Bogert. An informal gathering will immediately follow on the grounds. There is no admission fee, but donations will be gratefully accepted.

Exhibits will include a blacksmith, Bill Barrett, who will demonstrate smithing techniques on site and a demonstration of metal-detecting techniques by the ECRDA, a local treasure-hunting club. Music will be provided by the ShamRock School of Music.

The event will run from 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm. Parking will be available on Cedar Road, May Ave, Oping Road, and nearby streets on the west side of the house. Space will be reserved for handicapped and VIP parking only. For more information, email secretary@PequannockHistory.org, leave a message at 862-666-9784, or visit www.pequannockhistory.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Fall Hayrides
Children Friendly Site

On Saturday, tours of Howell Living History Farm's fall tillage operations will be offered to the public.

Wagons will leave from the farmyard continuously from 10:30 am until 3:30 pm, touring fields where farmers will be plowing or harrowing with horses and circa 1900 equipment. Tours last 20 minutes and are given free, on a first come, first serve basis. A wheelchair-accessible wagon is available.

During the tours, visitors will get a chance to meet the farmers and horses who work the 130 acre “living history” farm. Guides will explain how fields are readied for planting winter crops such as wheat and rye.

Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Farmingdale, Monmouth County
Weekend Themed Tours at Allaire

Two tours to choose from! At 12:15 pm, our "Iron Works Tour" invites you to explore the village history by learning about the iron making process and touring the historic sites that played a part in the Howell Iron Works production. Includes visits to the Visitor Center/Museum, Foreman's Cottage, Blast Furnace, Blacksmith Shop, Carpenter's Shop, Carriage House, Enameling Building, and General Store.

At 2:15 pm, "The Lifestyle Tour" visit the homes and trade shops of the people who lived and worked at the Howell Iron Works. Discover everyday life of an 1830's industrial worker and their families. Includes visits to the Museum, Chapel, Foreman's Cottage, Manager's House, Bakery, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Enameling Building, and General Store.

Tickets for each tour are $5 and can be purchased online.

The Historic Village at Allaire is located at 4263 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ. For more information, contact the Allaire Village office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, at 732-919-3500 or visit www.allairevillage.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Holmdel, Monmouth County
Cookstove Demonstration, Accordion Melodies of the 1890s, & 19th Century Woodworking Demonstration 
Children Friendly Site & Events

On Saturday, visit Historic Longstreet Farm in Holmdel to see what is cooking on the woodstove in the out kitchen. Discover how food, receipts, cooking techniques, and the kitchen itself has changed since the 1890s. This free event runs from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.

From 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm, visit the farm and see how they used 19th century woodworking tools.

From 1:00 - 3:00 pm, stop in the farmhouse to hear melodies from the 1890s played on the accordion.      

All events are free. Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit www.monmouthcountyparks.com.

Saturday, October 13 - Cape May, Cape May County
Ghosts of Cape May Trolley Tour
Family Friendly

Take this spine-tingling, 30-minute evening trolley ride through the streets of Cape May with a guide who relates the paranormal findings of medium Craig McManus on Saturday at 7:15 pm. Admission is $12 for adults, $8 for children (ages 3-12). Tours leave from the Washington Street Mall Information Booth at Ocean Street. Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Cape May, Cape May County
Phantoms of the Physick Estate - Victorian Spiritualism House Tour

Victorians were fascinated by spiritualism and the occult. Take a Historic District Trolley Tour of Cape May and then visit the "haunted" Physick Estate and learn from your guide about this Victorian obsession. You will even hear some of the electronic voice phenomena (EVPs) that 21st century technology has captured within these walls and understand why it is reputed to host more than just the living. Appropriate for all ages. Tours on Saturday at 11:45 am, 1:00 and 2:15 pm. Admission: $22 adults, $15 children (ages 3-12). The Phantoms of the Physick Estate Victorian Spiritualism House Tour is available separately at 12:30, 1:45, and 3:00 pm. Admission for just the house tour is $12 adults, $8 children (ages 3-12). Presented by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Cape May, Cape May County
Phantoms of the Physick Estate - What Happens After Dark

Are you brave enough to tour Dr. Physick's house after dark? Strange things have been seen, heard, and done here in the evening hours. Let your guide open a portal to the past and see what discoveries await. Tour on Saturday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Admission: $15 adults, $12 for children (ages 3-12). Presented by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Cape May, Cape May County
Underground Railroad Trolley Tour

On Saturday at 10:15 am, climb aboard our newest trolley tour to hear true tales of Cape May’s connection to the Underground Railroad. Hear how enslaved people in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia braved strong currents and stormy seas to free themselves, guided by the beacon of the Cape May Lighthouse. Hear why the legendary Harriet Tubman walked these streets before her freedom runs to the Eastern Shore. See the summer refuge of the formerly enslaved Stephen Smith, one of America’s wealthiest businessmen whose railroad cars ferried hundreds to freedom. Includes a tour of the Owen Coachman house, a meticulously restored antebellum home of a free Black family whose relative was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Board the trolley at the Washington Street Mall information booth at Ocean Street for this 2-hour tour. Admission is $20. Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday, October 13 - Lower Township, Cape May County
World War II Tower Lookout Museum and Memorial Open
Family Friendly

Fire Control Tower No. 23 on Sunset Boulevard is New Jersey's last freestanding World War II tower, part of the immense Harbor Defense of the Delaware system known as Fort Miles. After an award-winning restoration in 2009, visitors can climb to the 6th floor spotting gallery while learning about the homeland defense efforts during World War II. The ground floor of the tower, the All Veterans Memorial, and boardwalk interpretive panels are fully accessible. Open Saturday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Admission is $6 for adults, $3 for children (ages 3-12) (One child free with paying adult). The World War II Lookout Tower is located on Sunset Boulevard in Lower Township, near Cape May Point. Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). For more information, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday - Sunday, October 13 - 14 - Somerset County
Somerset County Weekend Journey Through the Past
Children Friendly Sites

Somerset County's thirteenth annual Weekend Journey through the Past, a collaborative heritage tourism program, will showcase 30 significant historic sites countywide that will be open to the public free of charge on Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm. There will be a wide range of tours and activities to provide an enjoyable free weekend outing for the entire family.

This year’s event features two newly participating historic sites: Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Raritan and Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum also known as Mt. Zion AME Church in Skillman.

This annual event, initiated and widely promoted by the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission in cooperation with the county Board of Freeholders, brings the past to life through the dedicated efforts of the many participating historical societies and organizations, municipal historic commissions and their enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers.

Through the enthusiastic involvement, collaborative partnerships and support of Somerset County's many historic societies and commissions, the event features many special activities, including a contest for prizes; interpreted tours led by costumed docents; special collections and exhibitions; period military drills and encampment with living  history reenactors; open-hearth cooking; colonial tavern life; traditional blacksmithing; 19th-century firefighting wagons and apparatus and much more.

There also will be antiques sales; arts and crafts; live period music performances and participatory colonial dance instruction; a scheduled theatrical performance; guidance on genealogical resources; daily chores of 18th century life; military history; demonstrations; local history videos; antique cameras, music boxes and unique musical instrument collections; participatory activities; interesting architecture; access to some sites not generally open to the public.

For comprehensive details and participating historic sites featured this year (including two new, first-time participating sites), call 908-231-7110 or visit www.SCHistoryWeekend.com.

Saturday - Sunday, October 13 - 14 - South Bound Brook, Somerset County
American Quilting & Sewing Arts

Saturday - Sunday, October 13 - 14 - East Brunswick, Middlesex County
Candlelight Tours of Chestnut Hill Cemetery
Family Friendly Event

The East Brunswick Museum will hold its annual candlelight tours of the historic Chestnut Hill Cemetery on Saturday and Sunday During each tour, visitors will follow lighted paths through the cemetery as costumed re-enactors portray former residents of East Brunswick and the surrounding area.

The program brings these characters to life with displays and demonstrations over an approximate 45 minute tour. Over 500 luminaria (candles in bags) will line the walking path for the tour, winding through the historic section of the cemetery. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own flashlights for safety.

There will be light refreshments served at the end of each tour. The candlelight tours are open to the general public, but are not appropriate for anyone with walking problems or children in strollers. Free parking is available on-site. 

The tours will take place at Chestnut Hill Cemetery on Old Bridge Turnpike in East Brunswick, NJ between 5:30 and 8:00 pm. Admission fees for this special event are $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children under 12 years of age. This is a family-friendly event and children are encouraged. For more information, call 732-257-1508.

Saturday - Sunday, October 13 - 14 - Parsippany-Troy Hills, Morris County
The Stickley Weekend
Children Friendly Site

The Stickley Weekend at the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms will be held on Saturday and Sunday. As attendees from all over the country come together for this weekend that is part reunion, part conference, and part homecoming, the focus of the weekend is entirely on Stickley. The weekend is a celebration of Stickley's Arts and Crafts vision and Craftsman Farms, his home that he built to embody that vision.

During this weekend, attendees can engage in a variety of special events, including our 8th Annual Scholars Symposium and the Craftsman Gala, both on Saturday.

For one day only, on Sunday, admission to the museum is totally free! From 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm, the museum will suspend its usual tours for the day, instead inviting visitors to stroll Gustav Stickley’s historic 1911 log home at their own pace. No reservations are necessary for the open house.

For more information, call 973-540-0311 or visit www.stickleymuseum.org.

Sunday, October 14 - Cape May, Cape May County
Emlen Physick Estate Tour
Family Friendly Tour

Take a guided tour of Cape May's Emlen Physick Estate, the magnificent Stick Style mansion attributed to renowned Victorian architect Frank Furness. A tour of the 15 beautifully restored rooms gives you a glimpse into the lifestyle of this Victorian-era Cape May family. Physick Estate Tours take approximately 45 minutes and end with a visit to the 1876 Carriage House where you can see the current exhibit in the Carroll Gallery. On Sunday, the tours start at 11:15 am, 12:30 pm, 1:45, and 3:00 pm. Admission is $12 for adults, $8 for children (ages 3-12). Tickets can be purchased at the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ. Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). For more information and to reserve tickets, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278 or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Sunday, October 14 - Newton, Sussex County
"The Ladies of Trenton"

Sunday, October 14 - Paterson, Passaic County
Art in the Park Showcase
Family Friendly

The Passaic Cultural and Heritage Council along with the Passaic County Community College (PCCC) will be presenting an Art in the Park Showcase at Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park on Sunday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The rain date for this event will be Sunday, October 21 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.

Join in for an afternoon of salsa, world music, sculptures, murals, and more. The Showcase will be featuring the following artists in the Overlook Park amphitheater:

* People of Earth - Salsa/World Music
Nicholas Rodriguez - Spoken Word/Movement
Reg. E. Gains - Spoken Word
Vincent Toro - Spoken Word
Inner City Ensemble with dancers from Rosa L. Parks School of Fine & Performing Arts & Passaic County Technical Institute
Paterson Music Project with students from the Community Sharter School
Barbara Wallace - Sculpture
Halls that Inpsire - Mural

The Art in the Park Showcase is made possible through a 2018 National Endowment for the Arts grant and funding from PCCC.

Sunday, October 14 -  Morris Township, Morris County
Hitch a Ride
Children Friendly Event and Site

Enjoy a leisurely open-air wagon ride at Fosterfields Living History Farm on Saturday around the historic farm and visit the animals, too! Wagon ride from 12:15 - 2:00 pm and included in regular admission.

Admission: $6 for adults; $5 for seniors (65+); $4 for children ages 4 – 16; and $2 for children ages 2 and 3. FREE for children under age 2 and Friends members with a current membership card. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, NJ. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.

Sunday, October 14 Walpack, Sussex County
Van Campen Day
Family Friendly

On Sunday from 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm, the Walpack Historical Society and the National Park Service will will present Van Campen Day. This annual event will take place at the Van Campen Inn on the unpaved section of Old Mine Road in Walpack Township, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Sussex County, NJ.

The day will feature the Colonial Musketeers Fife & Drum, The Frontier Guard, Spinning demonstration by Lydia Chappini. Hikes to the slave cemetery provided by Frank Hennion and Gerald DeGroat. Bob Brandt will be demonstrating chair caning. Walt Colombo will be there with an apple press and corn grinding. The Sons of the American Revolution will have a display.

Tours of the Inn, which boasts some of the finest woodwork and hardware of its period in Sussex County (circa 1750) will be conducted by costumed guides.

Guests at the Van Campen Inn included General Horatio Gates, his aide-de-camp, Benedict Arnold, and Brigadier General John Stark in 1776, Count Casimir Pulaski and cavalry in 1778-1779, General Edward Hand and staff, Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt and the second New York regiment in 1779.

Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and the public is welcomed. For more information, call 973.948-4903 or visit www.walpackhistory.org.

Sunday, October 14 - Morris Township, Morris County
The Time to Mourn
Children Friendly Site

On Sunday at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm at 1:00 and 2:00 pm, tour the Foster family home, The Willows, to explore the unique death and mourning traditions of the Victorian period. Customs, now considered strange, influenced loved ones for months and years after the deceased had passed.

Admission: $6 per adult, $5 per senior (65+), $4 per child age 4 - 16, $2 per child age 2 & 3. FREE per child under age 2. Friends members are half price with a current membership card. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, NJ. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.

Sunday, October 14 - Holmdel, Monmouth County
Blacksmith Demonstration
Children Friendly

On Sunday, visit Historic Longstreet Farm in Holmdel to take a step back in time to watch blacksmiths perform their craft. They will be shaping iron into everyday products. Blacksmiths were as common as an auto mechanic in towns and on farms of the 1890s. This free event runs from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit www.monmouthcountyparks.com.

Sunday, October 14 - Westampton, Burlington County
Murder Mystery Dinner: The Jersey Devil

Good food and lots of laughs are in store as the The Riddlesbrood Touring Theatre chase after the Jersey Devil. Help the cast unearth clues to catch the elusive devil as he haunts Colonial New Jersey. Enjoy the delicious fare provided by The Robin's Nest of Mount Holly. This outdoor event is performed under a tent in the beautiful gardens at Peachfield. 

Tickets are $60.00 per person. Seating is limited; prepaid reservations are required to guarantee seating. Peachfield is located at 180 Burrs Road Westampton, NJ. For more information and to reserve a seat, call 609-267-6996 or e-mail colonialdamesnj@comcast.net.

Sunday, October 14 - Sandy Hook, Monmouth County
Fort Hancock Day
Family Friendly

Join us as we commemorate the renaming of "Fortifications at Sandy Hook" to "Fort Hancock" in October 1895.  As part of this commemoration, volunteers from the Army Ground Forces Association uniformed as World War II era Coast artillery soldiers will bring Battery Gunnison/New Peck and its 6-inch guns to life as they were in October 1943. See the fully restored 1920s to 1940s vintage interior electric system and learn about Fort Hancock Army medical support. Learn how the Army planned to counter chemical weapons with the fully restored Chemical Decomtamination and Overpressure system. Learn  about 1940s metal working machines and see machinists making parts to repair or replicate historic items. Participate in loading the guns, tracking ships, learn "artillery math" and experience a soldier's life at Fort Hancock in October 1943. This free event takes place Sunday from 12:00 noon - 4:30 pm at Battery Gunnison/New Peck within Fort Hancock on Sandy Hook, part of Gateway National Recreation Area. For more information, visit www.nps.gov/gate.

Sunday, October 14 - Sparta, Sussex County
Traditions of the Black Forest

Sunday, October 14 - Sparta, Sussex County
3rd Annual Invitation Antique & Classic Car Show

Through Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - Cape May, Cape May County
Capturing Cape May's Architecture: The Making of a National Historic Landmark

In the early 1970s, a team from the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) produced pen and ink drawings of Cape May, NJ's most significant historic structures that were instrumental in saving this seaside town - "the best-preserved late 19th century resort in America." The drawings enabled Cape May to become a National Historic Landmark and a national tourist destination. Now, for the first time, these intricate drawings and the stories of the architects whose hands created them are on exhibit at the Carroll Gallery. Curator Karen Fox, author of The Chalfonte, provides visitors with a unique look at how a small band of preservationists saved not only the buildings, but a culture of the past creating a future. The exhibit "Capturing Cape May's Architecture: The Making of a National Historic Landmark" is on display at the Carroll Gallery in the Carriage House of the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ. The exhibit is presented by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC) and is open daily through Wednesday, October 31, 2018; times vary. Admission is free. MAC is a multifaceted not-for-profit organization committed to promoting the preservation, interpretation, and cultural enrichment of the Cape May region for its residents and visitors. MAC membership is open to all. For information about MAC's year-round schedule of tours, festivals, and special events call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278, or visit MAC's www.capemaymac.org.

Through December 28, 2018 -  Morristown, Morris County
George Washington’s Headquarters: Photographs by Xiomáro

Morristown National Historical Park (NHP) invites the public to view the exhibition George Washington’s Headquarters: Photographs by Xiomáro. The 22 large images of the Ford Mansion – Washington’s base of operations during the Revolutionary War winter of 1779-1780 – are on view in the museum until December 28, 2018. The exhibition of Xio’s photographs of Washington’s Revolutionary War headquarters highlights the house’s dual role as a residence. 

Xiomáro (pronounced “SEE-oh-MAH-ro”) is an internationally-recognized artist and speaker whose photography has been covered by The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and CBS Eyewitness News. His work has been widely exhibited at venues such as Harvard University and New York City’s Fraunces Tavern Museum. Next year, Arcadia Publishing is releasing Xio’s photo book, Weir Farm National Historic Site, about Julian Alden Weir, the father of American Impressionist painting.

A free eBook of the photographs is available at www.xiomaro.comThe exhibit is at the Morristown National Historical Park’s Washington Headquarters Museum, 30 Washington Place, Morristown, NJ. Admission is free. For more information. visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Through 2018 - Woodbury, Gloucester County
Out of the Box: Rare & Unusual Objects

Intrigued about what might lie behind closed doors in a museum? Out of the Box: Rare & Unusual Objects, our new exhibit at the Gloucester County Historical Society Museum, will give visitors a peek into some of our most exceptional artifacts. Objects that have not been on view to the public for years will be out on display for all to see. We have chosen an array of unique items from every category imaginable in the museum’s collection. Most of these artifacts are between 100 – 200 years old, and haven’t seen the light of day in decades. Come to experience the rare, odd, quirky, beautiful, and even creepy treasures just waiting to be revealed. The exhibit opens on Sunday, April 29 when admission will be free that day! The exhibit will be closed on Mondays, and summer Sundays, but open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm from May 2 through the summer months. Monday hours will resume on September 5, 2018, along with last Sunday of the month hours. Please visit www.gchsnj.org for further details. The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum is located at 58 N. Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ. For more information, call 856-848-8531 or visit www.gchsnj.org.

Through December 30, 2018 - Piscataway, Middlesex County
Over There, Over Here: New Jersey During orld War I 

Through January 11, 2019 - Trenton, Mercer County
Changing Face/Changing Place: A Look at the Architectural History of the Trenton Area

The Trenton Museum Society and FVHD Architects - Planners are proud to announce an exhibit celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the full service architectural design firm founded in Trenton by PL Fowler in 1918. The exhibit, displaying historical and architectural photographs, drawings and artifacts from the FVHD - Architects Planners firm's history is on view in the second floor galleries at the Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie in Cadwalader Park from September 15, 2018 through January 11, 2019.

The firm is proud of its long history of design excellence in the Trenton area starting in 1918 and continuing today as FVHD Architects. The work of the firm and its predecessors has made a significant impact on the built environment in Mercer County.

The long project history includes many original school buildings for Trenton, Lawrence, and Ewing Township School Districts; the restoration of the 1719 William Trent house; the GM Fisher Body Plant; Mercer Hospital; Waterfront (now Arm & Hammer) Stadium; Ewing Township Municipal/Police Facility; several Trenton City branch library buildings; Trenton public housing and numerous others.

For more information, call 609-989-3632, e-mail tms@ellarslie.org, or visit www.ellarslie.org.

Through June 2019 - Ocean Township, Monmouth County
"Wet as the Atlantic Ocean: Prohibition in New Jersey”

The 18th Amendment—the measure that made the manufacture, sale, or transport of alcoholic beverages a federal offense for the 13 years, 10 months, 19 days, and 17 hours of Prohibition—was repealed in 1933. It is the only Constitution Amendment ever to be undone. And its doing and undoing were the results of a tug-of-war between the “Wets” and the “Drys” that played out across the country.

A new exhibit opening to the public Sunday, in the Richmond Gallery of the Eden Woolley House reveals where New Jersey stood in that tug-of-war. “Wet as the Atlantic Ocean: Prohibition in NJ” brings the debates, glamour, and violence of the Roaring Twenties home.

How did it happen?
The prohibition debate had been argued across the country for nearly a century before the 18th Amendment outlawed alcohol nationwide. Maine passed the first state prohibition law in 1846 and by the Civil War, several other states had followed suit.

So what happened in the first decades of the next century to elevate debate into a campaign for a Constitutional Amendment—that took the fight national?

• Drunkenness was a real problem. The proliferation of saloons fueled a drinking culture, and between 1900 and 1913, beer and alcohol consumption soared. Women and families suffered.
• Women had been campaigning for abstinence since the early 1800s, By the turn of the century they were finding their voice, stridently advocating for the vote-— and increasingly for prohibition. Organizations like the Women’s Christian Temperance Union were gaining ground.
• Many Americans felt threatened by the influx of immigrants whose cultural norms around alcohol threatened prevailing white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant values.
• On the global scene, the unthinkable carnage of the First World War and the alarming success of the Russian Revolution fueled a nostalgic longing for control and order.

Under these conditions, pro-prohibition sentiment grew. By 1919 more than half the country lived in dry states, counties, or towns. If the 18th Amendment were to be passed, it needed to happen before the 1920 census, the results of which would give greater power to the anti-prohibition cities.

The last state to Ratify
Ours was the last state to ratify the 18th amendment and it did so in 1922, two years after the measure was in effect. (Rhode Island and Connecticut never ratified.) We fought Prohibition in court. New Jersey joined Rhode Island in a losing challenge before the Supreme Court (1920). And we were back in 1931, when the Supreme Court overruled a New Jersey federal judge’s decision invalidating the 18th Amendment.

New Jersey’s Resistance
It’s no surprise, then, that Prohibition enforcement in New Jersey was lax. Local fishermen and boaters shuttled bootlegged liquor to shore from rum-running ships lined up just outside the legal limit. Speakeasies thrived with little risk of raid. The state underfunded enforcement. Corruption was rampant. Local police turned a blind eye. Even the teetotaling and incorruptible Ira Reeves, the man put in charge of federal enforcement in New Jersey, resigned after eight months and took up the anti-Prohibition cause!

This exhibit runs through June 2019. The Township of Ocean Historical Museum offers exhibits on the history of coastal Monmouth County and a full calendar of events. The Museum also houses a library and archive of local history. It is open, free of charge, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Thursday evenings, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm the first and second Sundays of each month. The Township of Ocean Historical Museum is located at 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ. For more information, visit www.oceanmuseum.org.

Through June 2019 - Morristown, Morris County
Iconic Culture: From Little Black Dress to Bell Bottoms

Morris County Historical Society’s upcoming exhibit, Iconic Culture: From Little Black Dress to Bell Bottoms, promises to be a one-stop spot for a stroll down memory lane.

From the timeless designs of Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel to the trend-setting bell bottoms of Sonny and Cher, MCHS explores more than 50 years of cultural history through a retrospective featuring nearly 100 pieces from its historic textile collection. Iconic Culture will examine how changes in clothing styles mirrored the social climate of their time and the seminal moments and people who defined their decade – with a focus on New Jersey history.

In addition to the fashions, Iconic Culture will highlight cultural milestones in local, state, and national history that coincided with the Roaring 20s, Great Depression, World War II, Civil Rights Movement, and Vietnam Era.

This multimedia exhibit features music, television shows, and radio broadcasts. Visitors will also have an opportunity to share personal recollections about significant events, such as the assassination of President Kennedy.

The exhibit is available through Sunday, June 16, 2019. Morris County Historical Society is located at Acorn Hall, 68 Morris Avenue, Morristown, NJ and is open Wednesdays and Thursdays, 11:000 am - 4:00 pm and Sundays, 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Admission, which includes the exhibits and landscaped grounds, is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, $3 for students, and is free for children under 12 and MCHS members. For more information, call 973-267-3465 or visit www.MorrisCountyHistory.org.

Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey


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