Greystone's Legacy: Topic of Upcoming Talks at Morris County Historical Society - 2/18/18 and 3/11/18

Greystone's Legacy: Topic of Upcoming Talks at Morris County Historical Society
Sunday, February 18, 2018 and Sunday, March 11, 2018

The evolution of the Preserve Greystone movement and its impact on preserving other Kirkbride buildings nationwide will be the focus of a talk by authors Rusty Tagliareni and Christina Mathews at Acorn Hall on Sunday, February 18, at 2:00 pm. The program is sponsored by Morris County Historical Society (MCHS).

This is the first of two multimedia presentations by the best-selling authors of the award-winning Images of America book Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, Greystone’s connection to remaining Kirkbride buildings, and the similarities between Greystone and the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic  Asylum (TALA) in West Virginia, a preserved Kirkbride building. A MCHS trip to TALA, which is open to the public, is scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, April 12-14.

In addition to discussing how the loss of Greystone has led to stronger preservation efforts of surviving Kirkbride buildings nationwide, Tagliareni and Mathews will show a 15-minute screening of their never-before-seen, in-production documentary film Greystone’s Last Stand. They also will review their plans with the Morris County Park Commission to build a memorial on the grounds of the old Greystone hospital. Proceeds from this event will be donated to the established fund for the memorial.

The second event featuring Tagliareni and Mathews will be held on Sunday, March 11, also at 2:00 pm, when the authors will focus specifically on the history of our nation’s Kirkbride asylums and the many connections between Greystone and Trans-Atlantic Lunatic Asylum.  The program also will include a vignette screening of Greystone’s Last Stand, highlighting the link between the two asylums and how one could have saved the other from demolition, if only given the chance.
Book signings will follow both presentations.

Tickets to each event are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $7 for students, and free for MCHS members, attendees participating in the TALA bus trip, and children under 12.

The Morris County Historical Society is located at Acorn Hall and is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, and on Sundays from 1:00- 4:00 pm. For a tour of Acorn Hall and to see the exhibit is $6 for adults, $5 for seniors, $3 for students, and Free for children under age 12 and MCHS members. To see the exhibit, only, is one half of the price of admission.

The Morris County Historical Society, founded in 1946, is a member-supported, 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Acorn Hall, an Italianate Villa, is located at 68 Morris Avenue, Morristown, NJ. TO RSVP or for more information, call 973-267-3465 or visit

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