"Northern Women in the Aftermath of the Civil War" April 2017 Book Giveaway

Thanks to author Joanne Rajoppi and American History Press, The History Girl is offering two copies of her book Northern Women in the Aftermath of the Civil War: The Wives and Daughters of the Brunswick Boys. In order to be in the running, submit your name and e-mail address below!

This contest has ended. Thanks for all who participated! Purchase a copy here.

*By entering your e-mail address, you may receive periodic e-mails from The History Girl. Rest assured, your information is never sold or used by a third party or anyone else.

About the Book
Three million husbands, fathers, sons, uncles and brothers marched to war between 1861 and 1865. Of that number, nearly 750,000 never returned home. For Mary Ann Hamilton of New Jersey the conflict separated her from her husband and three sons. Her beloved youngest ultimately perished in battle and her war-wounded husband lingered in pain at home before finally dying. Rendered economically helpless, a woman like Mary Ann with young children—including a daughter considered “insane” at the time—eked out a living as best she could.

Northern Women tells the story of the perseverance and stamina of women facing an altered world, many of whom were confronted by widowhood, burdened with returning soldiers addicted to alcoholism or drugs, or strained by the care of men suffering from post-traumatic stress. The story of the Hamilton family relates the legacy as well as the dreams and hopes that these women left their children in the context of a rapidly evolving America—the new Federal pension system, the westward migration, industrialization and the start of the modern business culture—all of which opened new careers for women leading to their eventual emancipation at the start of the twentieth century.

*One entry per person.
*Valid for all residents of the 50 United States of America, 13 years of age or older.
*Entries without a valid e-mail address are not eligible.
*Contest begins April 9, 2017 at 6:00 pm EST and ends April 15, 2017 at 8:00 pm EST.
*The winner will be chosen at random.
*The winner will be notified via e-mail on April 15, 2017 after 8:00 pm. The winner must respond with a mailing address within thirty-six (36) hours or another winner will be chosen.

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