Jewelry of Marriage Celebrates Fine, Fancy, and Fashionable: 125 Years Dressing the Bride at The Morris County Historical Society: October 23, 2016

Jewelry of Marriage Celebrates Fine, Fancy, and Fashionable: 125 Years Dressing the Bride at The Morris County Historical Society
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Join antique and vintage jewelry enthusiast Nancy Cooper, on Sunday, October 23 at 1:30 pm at Acorn Hall for Jewelry of Marriage, a special limited-engagement, guided presentation on the exquisite jewelry and historic wedding gowns of Fine, Fancy, and Fashionable: 125 Years Dressing the Bride. This presentation will include clothing recently added to the exhibit. Ms. Cooper, a longtime MCHS volunteer, shares her passion, knowledge, and collection of jewelry which includes cameos, brooches, necklaces, watches, and crosses; even one embellished with human hair. The presentation offers an in-depth look at the wedding gowns and bridal attire in the exhibit, and a glimpse of the people who wore them. It is also part of the Jeanne Watson Memorial Speakers Program, a continuing lecture series created by the Morris County Historical Society in honor of Jeanne Hamilton Watson, first Executive Director of the MCHS,1980-1996.

Seating is limited to attend this special presentation, which is being held on the final day of the exhibit. Pre-payment is required upon making a reservation. For reservations, please call the MCHS at 973-267-3465 or e-mail The cost to attend the event is $15 for adults, $12 for seniors, and $7 for students and MCHS members. The admission price may be applied toward a membership with the MCHS. Following the program, the Oak Leaf Gallery Gift Shop, with its selection of vintage and Victorian-inspired jewelry, will be available.

The Morris County Historical Society, founded in 1946, is a member-supported, 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Its headquarters, Acorn Hall, is an Italianate Villa mansion open to the public on Wednesdays and Thursdays (11:00 am - 4:00 pm) and Sundays (1:00 - 4:00 pm). Acorn Hall is located at 68 Morris Avenue, Morristown, NJ. For more information, call 973-267-3465 or visit

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