The Great Jefferson-Dickinson Debate at Peachfield - September 18, 2016

The Great Jefferson-Dickinson Debate at Peachfield
Sunday, September 18, 2016

On Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 2:00 pm, the National Society of the Colonial Dames in the State of New Jersey is sponsoring a reenactment of the debate between the two great statesmen, John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson. They will debate whether America should declare their independence from Great Britain. They will present their arguments regarding independence as they did before the Congress in July, 1776. This debate will occur under the tent on the front lawn of the Colonial Farmstead, Peachfield, in Westampton, New Jersey.

Tickets are $50. Wine and hors'doeuvres will be served. Prepaid reservations are required by August 25, 2016. For reservations please call 609-267-6996, or e-mail For more information, visit

This event takes place at Peachfield, the Headquarters of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of New Jersey, 180 Burrs Road, Westampton, NJ 08060.

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