Rally To Preserve the Heart of Flemington’s Historic Main Street - August 6, 2016

Rally To Preserve the Heart of Flemington’s Historic Main Street
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Are buildings taller than Hunterdon Medical Center appropriate for Main Street, Flemington? That’s twice the height of Main Street’s Newmarket buildings, where Market Roost and 55 Main Street restaurants are located.

Friends of Historic Flemington say, “No!”

To protest the proposed demolition of Flemington’s Union Hotel and three adjacent buildings in the heart of the town’s historic district, the Friends group will hold a rally on Saturday, August 6, 10:30 am, at the old courthouse on Main Street.

A guided walking tour will convey the history and architectural significance of the buildings that are slated for demolition. Speakers will explain the economic and cultural benefits that adaptive reuse of old buildings brings to the community.

The proposed redevelopment includes a 100-room hotel, 250 housing units, a 900-car parking garage, plus various restaurants and retail stores - in six-story buildings.

Friends of Historic Flemington supports adaptive reuse of the town’s unique and historic buildings. It believes the scale of the proposed project will overwhelm the town, in the massiveness of the buildings and in the cost to taxpayers to provide the infrastructure needed to handle the surge of new residents and traffic.

Join the Friends’ rally on August 6. Say “yes" to adaptive reuse. Say “no" to demolition.

For more information about the rally and Friends of Historic Flemington, visit www.FriendsOfHistoricFlemington.com or contact Chris Pickell at cpickell@pickellarchitecture.com.

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