Durand-Hedden Presents Thunderbird American Indian Dancers - October 25, 2015

Durand-Hedden Presents Thunderbird American Indian Dancers
October 25, 2015

Join Durand-Hedden on Sunday, October 25 for an afternoon of dance, history, and American Indian culture. The Thunderbird American Indian Dancers will perform traditional American Indian dance and music from tribal groups found throughout the United States including the Robin Dance, Fish Dance, and Smoke Dance of the Iroquois; the Contest Dance of the Winnebago; the Fancy Shawl Dance; the Old Style Traditional Warrior Dance of the Kiowa and the Hoop Dance.

Wonderfully presented with descriptive narration, Thunderbird Dancers’ programs are among the most compelling anywhere. There will also be time for questions and for photographs.

Doors open at 1:00 pm; performance begins at 2:00 pm. The location will be on the grounds of Grasmere Park behind the Durand-Hedden House. The event is free. Donations are welcome.

You can also stroll through the Maplewood Garden Club Herb Garden, full to the brim with fascinating, useful, and decorative herbs. And check out the Country Store’s historic-themed treasures: early American games, books, and toys; facsimile documents; quill pens and ink; historic cook books; cookie molds; tin lanterns, reproductive decorative items and ceramics; and more, such as the hard-to-find original Doors of Maplewood poster, Smile: A Pictorial History of Olympic Park, 1887-1965, and the new acid-free reproduction of the charming 1931 Map of Maplewood.

About Durand-Hedden House and Garden
Durand-Hedden House is dedicated to telling the history of the development of Maplewood, New Jersey and the surrounding area in new and engaging ways. It is located in Grasmere Park at 523 Ridgewood Road in Maplewood, New Jersey. For more information, call 973-763-7712, visit www.durandhedden.org, and visit them on Facebook.

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