NJ Weekend Historical Happenings: 7/11/15 - 7/12/15
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Saturday, July 11 - Mount Laurel, Burlington County
Tour Paulsdale
Paulsdale is open to the public for Second Saturday Tours at 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. Paulsdale is the birthplace of Quaker suffragist Alice Paul. Tours include a 15-minute presentation about Alice Paul's life and work and a guided tour of the first floor of the property where visitors learn about the Paul family's daily life in the house and its present day use as a girl's leadership center. Tours are $5.00 per person.
Paulsdale is located at 128 Hooton Road, Mount Laurel, NJ. For information about group tours or future tour dates, contact the Alice Paul Institute at 856-231-1885, e-mail info@alicepaul.org, or visit www.alicepaul.org.
Saturday, July 11 - West Orange, Essex County
In Other Words:Poetry to Commemorate The Wizard
Children Friendly
Children Friendly
Edison and poetry - perfect together. Join us for a special workshop at the Laboratory Complex. Gather inspiration from the park and write poetry inspired by Thomas Edison. Reservations required. Please call 973-736-0550 ext: 89.
The program is included with regular admission. Tickets must be purchased at the Thomas Edison National Historical Park Laboratory Complex Visitor Center at 211 Main Street, West Orange, NJ. Admission is $10.00 for adults, and includes the Glenmont Estate and the Laboratory Complex. Children under age 16 are free. For more information, call 973-736-0550 x33 or visit www.nps.gov/edis.
Saturday, July 11 - Chester, Morris County
Sail, Sail Your Boat
Children Friendly
Saturday, July 11 - Spring Lake, Monmouth County
Vintage Baseball Game
Children Friendly
The Spring Lake Historical Society is proud to host and invite you to join them for summer fun and surprises at Marucci Park, South Boulevard and Third Avenue in Spring Lake, NJ on Saturday, for a vintage baseball game. See baseball played using 1864 rules: no gloves, no masks, no time outs, no designated hitter, and no free agents. Festivities start at 12:30 pm followed by a double header at 1:00 pm. Hot dogs will be sold at 1864 prices. Root beer, cream soda, and sarsaparilla will be available. Vintage autos and fire engines will be on display. There will also be 50/50 raffle; $10.00 per chance. Winner will be drawn on the day of the game.
Saturday, July 11 - Morris Township, Morris County
Summer Kitchen
Children Friendly
Children Friendly
On Saturday at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm, learn about ‘summer kitchens’ at the kitchen. See what is being prepared using the garden’s vegetables from 1:00 - 3:00 pm.
Admission: $6/adult, $5/senior (65+), $4/child (ages 4 -16), $2/child (2 and 3). FREE for children under age 2 and Friends members, with a current membership card. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, NJ. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.
Admission: $6/adult, $5/senior (65+), $4/child (ages 4 -16), $2/child (2 and 3). FREE for children under age 2 and Friends members, with a current membership card. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm is located at 73 Kahdena Road, Morristown, NJ. For more information, visit www.morrisparks.net.
Saturday, July 11 and Friday, July 31 and August 7 - Trenton, Mercer County
Summer Taptoe Concerts Return to Trenton's Old Barracks Museum
Family Friendly
The Old Barracks Museum invites you to enjoy an evening of music and history with its fourth annual Taptoe Concert Series. On the evenings of July 11, July 31, and August 7, The Fifes and Drums of the Old Barracks will perform a selection of military tunes, followed by Scottish tunes and dancing as performed by Shot of Scotch Scottish Highland Dancers. The museum will be dramatically illuminated by torches and candles, providing the perfect back drop for the evening. "Taptoe" is the 18th-century term for the time when the musick and guard would march about a garrison town, signaling the taverns to close their taps and for the soldiers to return to their barracks.
The gates open at 7:00 pm. Advanced tickets are available for purchase by calling 609-396-1776 or visiting the Old Barracks Museum Monday through Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Ticket prices are as follows: $25 reserved balcony seating with included refreshments ($20 for Old Barracks Museum members); $10 lawn seating. Proceeds from the event benefit the Old Barracks Museum and the Fifes & Drums of the Old Barracks, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The Old Barracks Museum is located at 101 Barrack Street, Trenton, NJ. Ample free parking is available in the lot adjacent to the museum. For more information, call 609- 396-1776 or visit www.barracks.org.
The gates open at 7:00 pm. Advanced tickets are available for purchase by calling 609-396-1776 or visiting the Old Barracks Museum Monday through Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Ticket prices are as follows: $25 reserved balcony seating with included refreshments ($20 for Old Barracks Museum members); $10 lawn seating. Proceeds from the event benefit the Old Barracks Museum and the Fifes & Drums of the Old Barracks, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
The Old Barracks Museum is located at 101 Barrack Street, Trenton, NJ. Ample free parking is available in the lot adjacent to the museum. For more information, call 609- 396-1776 or visit www.barracks.org.
Saturday, July 11 - Little Egg Harbor, Ocean County
Union Army Balloon Corps
On Saturday, the Tuckerton Historical Society presents "Union Army Balloon Corps," presented by Russell Dutcher. Learn how Professor Thaddeus Lowe and the Union Army Balloon Corps played an important role during the American Civil War, from June 1861-1863. The Balloon Corps was the precursor of the US Air Force and spawned the first aircraft carrier, according to the speaker. This presentation will be held from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at the Giffordtown Schoolhouse Museum, 35 Leitz Blvd., Little Egg Harbor, NJ. For more information, call 609-294-1547 or visit www.tuckertonhistoricalsociety.org.
Saturday, July 11 - Morristown, Morris County
Twisted 18th Century Style
Children Friendly
Children and adults were a part of the cloth-making process. Spinning bees, or gatherings, helped them to help the war as well as stay connected with each other. Come learn how a drop spindle works, how to operate a spinning wheel, and connect with the threads of the past. Learn about the process at the Jockey Hollow Visitor Center from 10:00 - 11:30 am and 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Cost: Free. Jockey Hollow is located within Morristown National Historical Park, 580 Jockey Hollow Road (approximate), Morristown, NJ. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.
Saturday, July 11 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Evening Hayrides
Children Friendly
The evening hayride lasts 20 minutes, carrying visitors over the lanes of the 130 acre working farm. During the program, visitors can also take self-guided tours, picnic in the picnic area, and join a marshmallow roast.
Rides will leave the barnyard area every 25 minutes beginning at 5:10 pm, with the last ride departing at 8:00 pm. Rides will be given on a first come, first serve basis to the first 200 visitors. Rides are intended for individual and family participation; groups cannot be accommodated.
A wheelchair accessible wagon is also available. Individuals who would like to ride on this wagon should call 609-737-3299 in advance, and ask for Kathy. On the dates when evening hayrides are offered, the Farm will be closed during the day.
Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.com.
Saturday, July 11 - Paterson, Passaic County
The Return of Paterson's 'Smokey'
The Passaic County Historical Society, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, was founded to cultivate interest among individuals and the community-at-large in the rich history of Passaic County. To this end our museum in Lambert Castle showcases examples of the County's cultural and artistic diversity, as well as examples of the County's natural, civil, military, and ecclesiastical history. The Society also maintains a library and archive, which houses manuscripts, books and photographs of historical and genealogical interest. Lambert Castle is located at 3 Valley Road, Paterson NJ. For more information, call 973-247-0085 or visit www.lambertcastle.org.
Saturday, July 11 - Hewitt, Passaic County
Long Pond Ironworks Historic District Walking Tours
Children Friendly
Children Friendly
Join the Friends of Long Pond Ironworks on Saturday as they walk through the Historic District. Learn how Long Pond contributed to the American Revolution, Civil War, and the industrial development of New Jersey. Tours last about two hours and follow a circular route through the historic village. Tours are conducted rain or shine, and attendees should wear clothing and footwear appropriate for a walk through the woods. Tours take place at 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm.
Long Pond Ironworks is located at 1334 Greenwood Lake Turnpike, Hewitt, NJ. For more information, call 973-657-1688 or visit www.longpondironworks.org.
Long Pond Ironworks is located at 1334 Greenwood Lake Turnpike, Hewitt, NJ. For more information, call 973-657-1688 or visit www.longpondironworks.org.
Saturday, July 11 - Mount Holly, Burlington County
Meet Benjamin Franklin
Children Friendly
Meet Benjamin Franklin, a man with some interesting Burlington County connections. Watch him relive the adventures of his younger days and learn about his amazing and varied experiences as a runaway, a printer, an experimenter in science (especially electricity), and as a statesman. Reenact his famous kite-flying experiment (weather permitting) and get a close look at actual local artifacts connected with Ben. Dr. Franklin is portrayed by Burlington County Historical Society Education Director Jeff Macechak. Suitable for ages 4 to 12. Adults are also welcome.
Program is free and open to the public. It will take place at the Burlington County Lyceum, 307 High Street, Mount Holly, NJ. Pre-registration is requested. For more information and to register, call 609-267-7111, or e-mail bclhns@bcls.lib.nj.us.
Saturday, July 11 - Tabernacle, Burlington County
87th Annual Captain Emilio Carranza Memorial Service
Guest should arrive around 12:30 with a folding chair so that you can find a shady place to view the event and a close parking spot. There is no rain date and the event will be held even during inclement or severe weather conditions. For more information, visit http://post11.org/carranza/carranza2015.html.
Saturday, July 11 - Washington Township, Burlington County
Noted southern New Jersey author Barbara Solem will share the story of Atsion; sister village of Batsto, on Saturday at the Batsto Visitors Center. As part of the Wharton State Forest Beyond The Barrens series, Ms. Solem will share her extensive knowledge of the Atsion site; once a thriving ironworks operated by Samuel Richards and later owned by Joseph Wharton.
The presentation begins at 1:00 pm in the Wharton State Forest Visitor Center auditorium. There is a $2.00 / person admission fee. As part of the presentation, those attending will view the short film produced by Solem and Pine Barrens photographer Albert Horner; "Atsion: A Journey Back in Time."
Batsto mansion tours are conducted beginning at 10:00 am and conclude at 3:00 pm. Summer parking of $5.00 per car is in effect village until Labor Day at Batsto Village. The Nature Center will be open with science and nature exhibits and special activities for children.
Batsto Village is located in Wharton State Forest in Burlington County, South Jersey approximately seven miles east of Hammonton on Route 542 and 15 miles west of Exit 50 of the Garden State Parkway. For more information, call 609-561-0024 or visit www.batstovillage.org.
Atsion...Sister Village
The presentation begins at 1:00 pm in the Wharton State Forest Visitor Center auditorium. There is a $2.00 / person admission fee. As part of the presentation, those attending will view the short film produced by Solem and Pine Barrens photographer Albert Horner; "Atsion: A Journey Back in Time."
Batsto mansion tours are conducted beginning at 10:00 am and conclude at 3:00 pm. Summer parking of $5.00 per car is in effect village until Labor Day at Batsto Village. The Nature Center will be open with science and nature exhibits and special activities for children.
Batsto Village is located in Wharton State Forest in Burlington County, South Jersey approximately seven miles east of Hammonton on Route 542 and 15 miles west of Exit 50 of the Garden State Parkway. For more information, call 609-561-0024 or visit www.batstovillage.org.
Saturday - Sunday, July 11 - 12 - Cape May, Cape May County
Hands-On History Weekend
Children Friendly
Two days of family-friendly, interactive and educational fun are planned for Historic Cold Spring Village's 'Hands-on History' Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, from 10:00 am - 4:30 pm. Children will be given a 'Pastport' at the start of their Village trip, which can be stamped at the buildings they visit after completing a take-home craft or activity, like writing with a quill pen, carding wool, or making a pinch pot. Pastports can be redeemed at the Country Store for a free treat! The Family Activity Area will feature children's dress-up clothes, historic games, and take-home crafts. Other family-friendly activities include face painting and live entertainment from traditional musician Mary Roth.
Historic Cold Spring Village is located at 720 Route 9, three miles north of Cape May City and four miles south of Rio Grande. Admission during the season is $12 for adults and $10 for children ages 3 to 12. Children under 3 are admitted free. Unlimited free admission is available with Village membership. The Village Nature Trail at Bradner's Run is open to the public for free self-guided tours. For more information, call 609-898-2300, ext. 10 or visit www.hcsv.org.
Historic Cold Spring Village is located at 720 Route 9, three miles north of Cape May City and four miles south of Rio Grande. Admission during the season is $12 for adults and $10 for children ages 3 to 12. Children under 3 are admitted free. Unlimited free admission is available with Village membership. The Village Nature Trail at Bradner's Run is open to the public for free self-guided tours. For more information, call 609-898-2300, ext. 10 or visit www.hcsv.org.
Saturday - Sunday, July 11 - 12 - Holmdel, Monmouth County
Threshing Demonstration
Children Friendly
On Saturday and Sunday, visit Historic Longstreet Farm in Holmdel to take a step back in time to watch their antique threshing machine in action. The Longstreet Farm staff will use a 19th century, belt-driven “Champion” thresher to separate the wheat grain from the straw and the chaff. Come learn how this important crop grows and see how it was processed in the days before modern combines. The event runs from 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm both days. This event is free and open to the public. Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit www.monmouthcountyparks.com.
Children Friendly
On Saturday and Sunday, visit Historic Longstreet Farm in Holmdel to take a step back in time to watch their antique threshing machine in action. The Longstreet Farm staff will use a 19th century, belt-driven “Champion” thresher to separate the wheat grain from the straw and the chaff. Come learn how this important crop grows and see how it was processed in the days before modern combines. The event runs from 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm both days. This event is free and open to the public. Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit www.monmouthcountyparks.com.
Saturdays and Sundays through October 25, 2015 - Ringwood, Passaic County
Child’s Life Tour at Ringwood
Children Friendly
The “A Child’s Life” tour was developed for children and is all about the Hewitt children. The program uses first-hand accounts to help younger visitors understand what it was like to spend summers at the Ringwood estate 150 years ago. If you thought living without modern entertainment like television, DVDs, and computers was boring, think again! Designed to be fun and amusing, these tours are great for families and visitors of all ages!
Like any family, the Hewitt children were full of energy. With 22,000 acres of property, they could often be found fishing, hunting, swimming, and horseback riding. The large, rambling mansion provided plenty of indoor fun with activities like hide-and-go-seek and sliding down the staircase banisters. In addition, Eddie and his brother Cooper were getting into all sorts of trouble at their summer home, going on adventures and playing many practical jokes on their guests. So, if you’d like to hear about the family’s pet bear, or how the Hewitt boys played a prank using a raccoon and a suitcase, this tour is for you!
“A Child’s Life” tour is approximately 45 minutes long and takes visitors through the historic house while these amusing stories are being told. All thirty of the rooms open to the public are shown, but the tour proceeds at a faster, more energetic pace. Scavenger hunts are provided to encourage visitors to look for some of the unusual features in the manor. At the end of the tour, children and adults are invited to play with reproduction 18th and 19th century toys on the front lawn of Ringwood Manor.
“A Child’s Life” tours will be offered to the public at 1:00 pm every Saturday and Sunday through October 25th. Tours are $3 for adults, $1 for children ages 6-12, and children 5 and under are free. Ringwood Manor is located at 1304 Sloatsburg Road, Ringwood, NJ, within Ringwood State Park. For more information, call 973-962-2240 or visit www.ringwoodmanor.org.
Sunday, July 12 - Ho-Ho-Kus, Bergen County
Sunday, July 12 - Ho-Ho-Kus, Bergen County