NJ Weekend Historical Happenings: 2/21/15 - 2/22/15

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Saturday, February 21 - Erma (Lower Township), Cape May County
Forgotten Warriors Vietnam Museum
Children Friendly

Join the Friends of the World War II Lookout Tower on Saturday at 12:00 noon for a guided tour of the Forgotten Warriors Vietnam Museum on Forrestal Road at the Cape May Airport, Erma (Lower Township), NJ.

Museum staff will give a tour of the museum, weather permitting. Rain/snow date is Saturday, February 28. Parking is available at the airport and admission is free. Adults are asked to bring a young person with them so the group can advance one of its primary goals, which is developing in the younger generation an understanding and appreciation of not only Cape May's important role in World War II, but of the traits of patriotism, loyalty, and self-sacrifice so characteristic of the people of these war years.

The World War II Lookout Tower (Fire Control Tower No. 23), located on Sunset Boulevard, was used for spotting enemy ships during World War II and aiming guns for nearby coastal artillery fortifications. MAC restored the tower in 2008-09 and opened it to the public in April, 2009. Family members can honor loved ones through memorial plaques mounted permanently at the site. An All Veterans Memorial was dedicated at the Tower on May 19, 2012 and is open throughout the year for quiet contemplation.

Sponsored by the Friends of the World War II Tower, an affinity group of the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). MAC is a multifaceted not-for-profit organization committed to promoting the preservation, interpretation, and cultural enrichment of the Cape May region for its residents and visitors. For information about MAC's year-round schedule of tours, festivals, and special events call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278, or visit www.capemaymac.org.

Saturday, February 21 - Paterson, Passaic County
Images of America: Prospect Park

On Saturday, at 2:00 pm in Lambert Castle, the Passaic County Historical Society will welcome the authors of Images of America: Prospect Park. Join us and listen to some of the interesting and unexpected stories they unearthed in their research. This publication includes several images from the Historical Society's own collections.

After the presentation, the authors will sign books, and books will also be available at the museum on the day of the presentation. This presentation is open to the public, and general admission to the museum applies. In the case of inclement weather a snow day has been scheduled (February 28). Check our website for the most up-to-date information.

Lambert Castle, home of the Passaic County Historical Society, is located at 3 Valley Road, Paterson NJ. For more information, call 973-247-0085 or visit www.lambertcastle.org.

Saturday, February 21 - Jersey City, Hudson County
Tribute to African American Civil War Troops
Children Friendly

Join the Jersey City & Harsimus Cemetery in Celebrating Black History Month at a special tribute to the Civil War U.S. Colored Troops at the Historic Jersey City and Harsimus Cemetery on Saturday at 1:00 pm. Honored guests include "U.S.C.T. New York Regiment United States Colored Troops Reenactors - 20th, 26th, 31st" and "Che Nautical Edutainment". See actual Civil War artifacts and a film and discussion. Donation suggested. The Jersey City & Harsimus Cemetery is located at 435 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ. For more information, call 201-707-0738 or 973-204-9888 or visit www.jerseycitycemetery.org.

Saturday, February 21 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Maple Sugaring
Children Friendly

Sugaring time arrives in late winter at Howell Farm and operations are in full swing. Visitors are invited to join the work and fun with sap collection, firewood cutting, syrup making, butter making, flour milling and pancake eating.

The trees are tapped beginning in early February. School groups, visitors and farm staff collect and boil down sap for several weeks. The sugar maple tree stores starch in their trunks and roots before the winter; the starch is then converted to sugar that rises in the sap in the spring. Freezing nights and thawing days make for heavy sap flow. The trees are tapped by boring holes into their trunks and collecting the exuded sap beginning in early February. The sap is then processed by heating to evaporate much of the water, leaving the concentrated syrup.

Sap gathering will take place at 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm. Tree tapping demonstrations will be held at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 3:00 pm. The sugarhouse will be open from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Pancakes will be available from 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm.

Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.org.

Saturday, February 21 and Sundays through March 1 Montclair, Essex County
"In the Spirit of Freedom" - Quilt Exhibit

The Montclair Historical Society is so excited for the upcoming launch of "In the Spirit of Freedom," an exhibition of contemporary quilts by the Nubian Heritage Quilters Guild at the Montclair Historical Society on Saturday. The Guild is celebrating 20 years of wonderful quilt-making and community engagement and showcases its latest work every two years at the historical society. This show comes wonderfully following the launch of the YWCA exhibition and in the wake of the spectacular quilt exhibition at the Montclair Art Museum.

Quilters, art lovers, anyone interested in local crafts and folk art, as well as those of us who continue to love and support African American art and culture will be sure to love this exhibition. The Nubian Quilters Guild is a local treasure and the historical society always looks forward to this biennial showcase. The exhibition will be on display from Saturday, February 21 - March 1, 2015 and available for viewing on Sundays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at the Crane House, 106 Orange Road, Montclair, NJ. For more information, call 973-744-1796, e-mail mail@montclairhistorical.org, or visit www.montclairhistorical.org.

Saturday - Sunday, February 21 - 22 - Morristown, Morris County
The Continental Army Returns to Jockey Hollow
Children Friendly

What was it like during the ‘Hard Winter’? How did the encampment work? Join Reenactors at the Wick House on Saturday and Sunday as they turn the home into a military headquarters. Bring the family to discover what officers, soldiers, and civilians roles were during the Jockey Hollow Encampment.

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday (same both days):
10:00 - 11:00 am - Civilian Life: What did regular citizens think about the Continental Army in their backyard? What were some of the sacrifices they gave for the Patriot cause? Did everyone in and around Morristown believe in the patriot cause? Find out for yourself when you explore the Wick House in Jockey Hollow.

11:00 am - 12:00 noon - Officers Life and Duties: What did George Washington expect from his officers in the Jockey Hollow Encampment? What did they expect from the common soldiers under their command? What was like for them in camp? Ask a Continental Officer this and more at the Wick House in Jockey Hollow.

12:00 noon - 1:00 pm - Soldiers Life and Duties: What was daily life like for soldiers throughout Jockey Hollow during the 'Hard WInter'? What did they do on a daily basis? What did they think of the Patriot cause? Join a Continental Soldier at the Wick House and discover what life was like at the Wick House in Jockey Hollow.

1:00 - 2:00 pm - Feeding the Army: What did soldiers eat during the American Revolution? Did they really eat tree bark and shoes in Jockey Hollow? Join Reenactors around the camp fire outside the Wick House and discover some of the foods that soldiers ate during the American Revolution.

Saturday ONLY:

2:00 - 4:00 pm - On Patrol with the Continental Army: What was the importance of patrols and outpost duty to the rest of the Army encamped on Jockey Hollow. Join Reenactors as they go on a 'patrol' through Jockey Hollow and discover what it was like to to leave the comfort of the Huts and safety of camp. This hike will be no more than 2 miles roundtrip. Meet at the Wick House in Jockey Hollow.

All events take place in the Wick House at Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, NJ. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Sunday, February 22 - Franklin Township, Somerset County
George Washington's Birthday

George Washington's birthday is coming, and he doesn't look a day over 51!  At least his life-size mannequin at Rockingham doesn't. Come see for yourself during Rockingham Historic Site's annual George Washington birthday celebration on Saturday. You can learn about our first president's life, tour his last wartime headquarters, and enjoy refreshments.

The tours, which will emphasize details of Washington's life instead of the regular history tour of  the house, will be offered between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm (last tour at 3:30 pm) with refreshments served after each tour. Tour size is limited and reservations are required. A donation of $5 is suggested. Please call 609-683-7132 for reservations.

Washington, commander in chief for the Continental Army during the American Revolution, stayed at Rockingham from late August to early November in 1783.  It became his final wartime headquarters when the Treaty of Paris was formally signed while he resided there.

Rockingham is located on Rte. 603 (Laurel Ave./Kingston-Rocky Hill Rd.), one mile north of Route 27 in Kingston and one mile south of Route 518 in Rocky Hill.  For more information, call 609-683-7132 or visit www.rockingham.net.

Sunday, February 22 - Morristown, Morris County
George and Martha Washington Return to Morristown
Children Friendly

America's founding couple, George and Martha Washington, will return to Morristown, NJ, 235 years after they spent the hard winter of 1779-1780 at the Theodosia Ford mansion.

Re-enactors portraying George and Martha Washington will reminisce about that challenging time in American history during a presentation Sunday from 3:00 - 4:00 pm at the Morristown National Historic Park Museum Auditorium, 30 Washington Place, Morristown, NJ. The free program, hosted by the Morristown National Historic Park (NHP) in cooperation with the Jacobus Vanderveer House & Museum in Bedminster, is funded by a grant from The Ann L. and George H. Clapp Charitable and Educational Trust.

George and Martha Washington will give attendees a first-hand account of the anxieties associated with the discomforts of that winter, as well as their much larger, shared task of keeping the spirits of the American ideal from falling victim to a winter which nearly stopped the Army in its tracks.

The program is free of charge, but registration is suggested. Register online at: www.jvanderveerhouse.orgFor more information about Morristown National Historical Park, call 973-539-2016 ext. 210 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Sunday, February 22 - River Edge, Bergen County
Washington's Birthday at Historic New Bridge Landing
Children Friendly

A Country Ball upon the Anniversary of Washington's Birthday will be held at Historic New Bridge Landing on Sunday from 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Eighteenth century dancing will take place in the Steuben House at 1:30, 2:45, and 4:00 pm under the direction of Denise Piccino with Ridley & Anne Enslow providing musical accompaniment on fiddle and hammered dulcimer. Throughout the afternoon, Rodger Yaden will portray General George Washington. Hot cider and crullers will be served in the restored 18th-century tavern in the Campbell-Christie House, where the gift shop is also located. Visitors may also see open-hearth cooking demonstrated in the out-kitchen. A tiger-stripe maple bedstead, reputedly used in a local home where George Washington stayed during the 1780 Steenrapie Encampment, is currently on display. The Demarest house will feature a spinning demonstration and tours.

The 3rd NJ and Outwater’s Militia will be on-hand to provide military demonstrations.

Historic New Bridge Landing is located at 1201-1209 Main Street, River Edge, NJ. Admission by donation: $7 for adults, $5 for children, and free for Bergen County Historical Society members. For more information, visit www.bergencountyhistory.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Kenilworth, Union County
Black History Month Celebration
Children Friendly

A selection of inspiring African-American readings, music, and art will highlight the Kenilworth Historical Society's Black History Month Celebration on Sunday. The general public is invited to attend the event, which will take place at the newly restored Oswald J. Nitschke House "living history" museum and cultural arts center, 49 South 21 Street, Kenilworth, N.J. The celebration, which is appropriate for all age groups, will begin at 1:30 pm. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free, but advance registration is requested. Please call 908-709-0434 to register.

The event will feature an African-American "Read-In" conducted by local David Brearley Middle and High School students, who will present a selection of inspirational poetry by various Black authors. Members of the community, including a number of local churches, will also participate in the Read-In.

Additionally highlighting the celebration will be a performance of African-American spirituals sung by professional vocalists and Kenilworth residents Kerry and Betsy Stubbs, together with their children Melody and Orion, who also are experienced performers. In addition to bringing their musical talent to an extensive range of venues and audiences throughout the year, Kerry and Betsy Stubbs are employed as teachers - Kerry, as a music instructor for the Elizabeth Public School System and Betsy, as a voice instructor for Kean University and Caldwell University. The Stubbs Family Singers have been performing together for several years and specialize in "a cappella" singing. Their repertoire of spirituals celebrates the African-American contribution to American music.

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to view an exhibition of inspiring original prints that were created by South African artists who participated in an art exchange program with students from David Brearley Middle and High School under the direction of local art instructor Janice Marsili. The artwork reflects the underlying value of art in bringing about social change and in promoting cross-cultural communications.

For more information, call 908-709-0434 or visit www.kenilworthhistoricalsociety.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania
Celebrate George Washington’s 283rd Birthday
Children Friendly

Come celebrate George Washington’s 283rd birthday on Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at Washington Crossing Historic Park in Pennsylvania. Admission is $1.

During the day, buildings in the historic village will be open with demonstrations taking place in the blacksmith shop, a 17th-century birthday cake demonstration in the Hibbs House, Colonial dress-up in the Frye House, and more. Every child will receive materials to make a special birthday postcard for General Washington, who will arrive at the park at 1:00 pm. Soon after his arrival, visitors will sing Happy Birthday to him and enjoy cake that he will cut with his sword.

Washington Crossing Park is located at the intersection of Routes 32 and 532 in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania. This event is sponsored by the Friends of Washington Crossing Park in partnership with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. For more information, call 215-493-4076 or visit www.washingtoncrossingpark.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Union Township, Union County
Open House at the Caldwell Parsonage

On Sunday from 2:00 - 5:00 pm, the Caldwell Parsonage in Union Township, NJ will be open for guided tours. The museum, once the residence of Rev. James and Mrs. Hannah Caldwell, is listed on both the National and State Registers of Historic Places. Lore Ullrich and Anita Centeno will serve as docents. Admission is free. The Caldwell Parsonage is located at 909 Caldwell Avenue, Union Township, NJ. For more information, call Barbara at 908-687-0048 or visit www.uniontwphistoricalsociety.webs.com.

Sunday, February 22 - Montclair, Essex County
House Tours
Family Friendly

Step back through over 200 years of American history at Montclair's historic properties at 108 Orange Road. Visit the newly reinterpreted Crane House to reflect the YWCA period from 1920 - 1965, check out the farm, and meet the chickens. The site is open from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.

Free-will donation. Free admission for members! The Shultz House (Evergreens) will be closed for the season, reopening Spring 2015. For more information, call 973-744-1796, e-mail mail@montclairhistorical.org, or visit www.montclairhistorical.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Westfield, Union County
Political Interest or Genetic Pre-determinism - Rooting out the Past 

On Sunday at 4:00 pm, the Westfield Historical Society will show an hour-long presentation on two current political leaders who are helping shape our society. Experience with them through their genealogical journey to better understand their activist roots, the realization why they are drawn into this country's political quagmire, and how their current roles in politics may be rooted in not only their desire for political justice for all people, but also may hinge on their genealogical past.

This Black History program is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served after the presentation which will be shown at the Reeve History & Cultural Resource Center, 314 Mountain Avenue Westfield, NJ. Space is limited so please call 908-654-1794 to reserve your place today. For more information, visit http://westfieldhistoricalsociety.artisteer.net.

Sunday, February 22 - Maplewood, Essex County
Close Encounters with Birds of Prey
Children Friendly

Would you like to see a real, live golden eagle, a peregrine falcon or, perhaps, a saw-whet owl? If so, join Durand-Hedden House & Garden on Sunday at 1:30 pm as Bill Streeter, director of the Delaware Valley Raptor Center of Milford, Pennsylvania, presents Close Encounters with Birds of Prey. You’ll view six live raptors and spend a magical hour gaining a greater knowledge and appreciation of the remarkable raptors of the northeast, a number of which visit the yards and open spaces right here in Maplewood.

Streeter, who has a BA in biology and an MS in zoology, will entertain, as well as educate, with the knowledge he has gained through over 30 years of studying and rehabilitating raptors, and through practicing the ancient art of falconry.

The lecture portion of the program will take place in the Jefferson School auditorium (518 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, NJ) directly across the street from the Durand-Hedden House (523 Ridgewood Road). The side door on the Virginia Road side of the School will open at 1:00 and the talk will begin at 1:30 p.m. 

Afterwards, light refreshments will be served at the Durand-Hedden House. The Country Store will be open until 5:00 pm continuing to offer hard-to-find books, toys, and posters that people have come to love, as well as some exciting new items. On Sunday, February 22, the Store will feature photos of birds of prey by Maplewood artist Joy Yagid. An award-winning photographer, Yagid has been capturing images of the resident raptors at The Raptor Trust in Millington, New Jersey, for the last seven years. She hopes viewers will come away with a greater respect for raptors and the natural world we all inhabit.

The event is free. Donations are appreciated. For more information, call 973-763-7712 or visit www.durandhedden.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Lawrence, Mercer County
Lawrence Historical Society Annual Meeting

On Sunday, the Lawrence Historical Society will hold its annual meeting in the Lawrence High School Community Commons at 3:00 pm. Township Historian Dennis Waters will present a program on "The Timeline of Lawrence History: 300 Years in 60 Images." In October 2014, the Lawrence Historical Society installed a timeline showing 300 years of Lawrence history in the Township Municipal Building. The timeline comprises 60 images highlighting important events in Lawrence history from 1687-1990.

Waters will lead his audience for an imaginary walk along the timeline, stopping briefly to discuss each image, filling in many fascinating details and providing important context and background. His talk will conclude the annual meeting of the Lawrence Historical Society, which will also feature a cake marking the 318th birthday of Lawrence, founded as Maidenhead in 1697. For more information, visit www.thelhs.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Westfield, Union County
Washington's Birthday
Children Friendly

It’s time to celebrate the birthday of our first president! The Miller-Cory House Museum’s program on Sunday from 2:00 - 4:00 pm will feature facts (what exactly were his teeth made of?), fiction (did he really cut down that cherry tree?), portraits of his life, and other information. A simple children’s craft and limited tours of the museum are also included. 

Admission is $3.00 for adults and children 13 and older, $2.00 for children ages 3 to 12 and free under age 3. The program is from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. For more information, call 908-232-1776, e-mail millercorymuseum@gmail.com, or visit www.millercoryhouse.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Princeton, Mercer County
Historic Princeton Walking Tour
Children Friendly

Enjoy a 1.9 mile, two-hour walk around downtown Princeton and the University campus as you learn about historic sites in the area, including Bainbridge House, Nassau Hall, the University Chapel, and Palmer Square. The early history of Princeton, the founding of the University, and the American Revolution are just some of the stories from Princeton’s history that you will learn on your tour.

Admission: $7 per adult; $4 children ages 6 to 12; free for children age 5 and under. Tickets are sold at Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ justifying at 12:00 noon. Tour begins at 2:00 pm and ends at 4:00 pm. Space is limited. For more information, call 609-921-6748 or visit www.princetonhistory.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Cranford, Union County
Meet the Local Author: James Gigantino

On Sunday at the Crane-Phillips House Museum, former local resident, James Gigantino will discuss his book, The Ragged Road to Abolition: Slavery and Freedom in New Jersey, 1775-1865 from 2:00 - 4:00pm. The program begins at 2:15 pm.

A Cranford High School graduate, James J. Gigantino II is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Arkansas. He is a historian who specializes in the history of slavery. His book, The Ragged Road to Abolition: Slavery and Freedom in New Jersey, 1775-1865 focuses on how, contrary to popular perception, slavery persisted in the North well into the 19th century. This was especially the case in New Jersey, the last northern state to pass an abolition statute, in 1804. Because of the nature of the law, which freed children born to enslaved mothers only after they had served their mother's master for more than two decades, slavery continued in New Jersey through the Civil War. This realization shatters the perceived easy dichotomies between free states and slave states at the onset of the Civil War as well as challenges our understanding of the impact of the American Revolution on the North.

Gigantino is also the editor of the forthcoming The American Revolution in New Jersey: The Battlefront meets the Home Front (Rutgers University Press, April 2015) and is currently researching a new book, William Livingston's American Revolution, which uses the life and experiences of William Livingston, New Jersey's first governor, to explore how ordinary Americans experienced the Revolution.

Admission is free. To reserve your seat, call the historical society's office at 908-276-0082 or email cranfordhistoricalsociety@verizon.net. Established in 1927, the Cranford Historical Society, a nonprofit organization, has been dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of Cranford's history. For more information, visit www.cranfordhistoricalsociety.com.

Sunday, February 22 - Morristown, Morris County
The Work of Thomas Nast

This spring Macculloch Hall Historical Museum (MHHM) presents a series of programs related to the current exhibits on display at the museum. Speakers will give presentations on the last Sunday of the month, February through June, at 4:30 pm in the main gallery. 

The series begins on Sunday when MHHM F.M Kirby Curator of Collections Ryan Hyman presents "The Work of Thomas Nast." During this presentation on the nineteenth century political cartoonist Thomas Nast (1840-1902), Ryan will highlight Nast's most popular political cartoons and a few interesting but lesser known images. Topics will include Nast's work on some of America's most popular icons: Santa Claus, Uncle Sam, the Democratic Donkey and the Republican Elephant. Ryan will also discuss some of the previously unpublished works, including paintings, rarely seen pencil sketches, pen and ink drawings, many of which are currently on display in the current main gallery exhibition, "Thomas Nast: Unknown Works and American Icons." Ryan will also share some of Nast's political cartoon work about the Civil War, which is currently on display in the "The Civil War Through the Eyes of Thomas Nast" exhibit. Nast's battlefront and home front images drawn during the Civil War were powerful tools for bringing the war into people's homes.

Tickets for the program go on sale beginning at 1:00 pm on the day of the program (no advance sales) and remain on sale until the presentation begins at 4:30 pm. Speaker tickets include admission to the museum exhibits during the afternoon and a guided tour of period rooms. The last tour ticket is sold at 3:00 pm. The museum's collection of "Currier & Ives" prints are on display throughout the museum and the second floor "The Civil War Through the Eyes of Thomas Nast" and "Canals of New Jersey" (opens March 15th) exhibits will remain on view until 4:30 pm. The "Thomas Nast: Unknown Works and American Icons" exhibit will close at 3:30 pm in preparation for the program. Tickets are Adults $8; Seniors & Students $6; Children 6 - 12 $4. Members and children under 5 are admitted free. Macculloch Hall is located at 45 MacCulloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ. For more information, call 973-538-2404 or visit www.maccullochhall.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Trenton, Mercer County
The Story of Governor Lewis Morris

The Trent House Association and The Trenton Historical Society present "The Story of Governor Lewis Morris (1671 - 1746), prominent Trent House resident," with archival historian, Rick Geffken at 2 p.m. at the William Trent House, Visitor Center, 15 Market Street, Trenton, NJ. Admission is $15 and $10 for members of the Trent House Association or the Trenton Historical Society Tickets sold at the door.

In addition to the wealthy merchant who built it, the elegant residence known today as the William Trent House has housed a number of prominent New Jersey citizens including the first Colonial Governor, Lewis Morris.

Governor Lewis Morris, one of several prominent New Jersey Morrises, distinguished himself in many ways, not the least of which was as NJ's first Colonial Governor from 1738, when the administration of New Jersey was separated from that of New York, until his death in 1746. Unlike the "universally beloved" Trent, Morris engendered such bitterness and acrimony during his tenure as governor and was so roundly disliked by factions within the New Jersey legislature that they refused to pay him. Prior to moving to Trenton, Morris lived at Morrisania in the Bronx and is buried near his Bronx home. He rented the Trent House (then called Bloomsbury Court) from Pennsylvania governor George Thomas. As a provision of renting the house, Morris had Thomas build a kitchen addition in 1742. The addition is currently being excavated.

Rick Geffken, an archival historian retired from careers in the computer industry and teaching, has conducted extensive research on Governor Lewis Morris and his New Jersey landholdings. He is a member of the Farmingdale and Shrewsbury Historical Societies, as well as the Monmouth County Historical Association. Geffken publishes The Monmouth Connection, the newsletter of the Monmouth County Genealogy Society. Geffken has spoken at many local and statewide historical and preservation conferences. He is currently researching and writing a book on Shrewsbury.

For more information, call 609-989-3027 or visit www.williamtrenthouse.org.

Sunday, February 22 - Titusville, Mercer County
After the Crossing: New Jersey in the American Revolution

On Sunday from 2:00 - 6:00 pm, the Washington Crossing Park Association, Inc. will hold a symposium entitled "After the Crossing: New Jersey in the American Revolution” to celebrate George Washington’s birthday. The program will be held at the Union Fire House on River Road in Titusville, NJ.

The three-part lecture series and commentary will focus on New Jersey’s role during the American Revolution beginning with Washington’s famous crossing and exploring the Battle of Monmouth and War in the Watchungs. Featured speakers include historians Larry Kidder, Tim Nist and Mark DiIonno with Dr. Richard Veit, Department Chair of History at Monmouth University serving as moderator. Also in attendance will be George Washington himself, portrayed by well-known re-enactor Sam Davis. General Washington will add personal perspective to the speakers’ lectures and he will include his thoughts on the importance of the New Jersey in the American Revolution.

The afternoon talks will be followed by commentary and questions from the audience. The event will include book sales from the historians present and information tables. Refreshments will be served. Pre-register for the event by contacting Bill Marsch at wrmarsch@earthlink.net, or attendees may register the day of the program. $10 donation is requested; members of the WCPA are free but must register.

Saturdays through February 28, 2015 - Freehold, Monmouth County
Farm: Agriculture in Monmouth County 1600 - 2013 - EXTENDED

Monmouth County Historical Association's newest exhibition, "Farm: Agriculture in Monmouth County 1600-2013," is open to the public at the museum in Freehold and will be on display through December 31, 2014 February 28, 2015. The history of agriculture and farming in Monmouth County has long roots deep in the past, as does New Jersey itself, from earliest days of pre-European settlement, when Lenape Indians harvested corn, squash, and beans to the modern reintroduction  of organic agricultural practices.

Monmouth County Historical Association's exhibition, "Farm: Agriculture in Monmouth County 1660 - 2013," explores and celebrates Monmouth County's vibrant agricultural past, present, and future. The exhibit examines the means by which Monmouth men and women worked with their surroundings to feed themselves, their families, the community, and the rest of America as well. Through artifacts, diaries, letters, maps, paintings, prints, and photographs, Farm will bring Monmouth's rich agricultural history alive. Visitors will appreciate the innovation and diversity of Monmouth farmers, horticulturalists, gardeners, and livestock breeders who overcame challenges and secured the county's reputation as a source of high-quality produce and livestock for more than two hundred years.

The Monmouth County Historical Association's museum is located at 70 Court Street, Freehold NJ. Regular admission to the museum is $5.00 and $2.50 for students and seniors. Admission is free for members. Museum hours are Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. For more information, call 732-462-1466 or visit www.monmouthhistory.org.

Through March 1, 2015 - Trenton, Mercer County
Ties That Bind: The Aprons of Trenton

The Trenton City Museum transports you to a time when apron strings tied the lives of the people of Trenton. "Ties that Bind: The Aprons of Trenton" runs from November 1, 2014 through March 1, 2014. The exhibit features aprons associated with church picnics, classroom art projects, the industrial workers who kept the city in business, and the homemakers who made holiday meals and memories for generations. The Trenton City Museum, Ellarslie, is located in Cadwalader Park, Trenton, NJ. For more information, call 609-989-3632 or visit www.ellarslie.org.


Through March 1, 2015 - Trenton, Mercer County
Trenton Central High School: A Remembrance

On October 14, 2014, the Trenton Public Schools Board of Education voted to demolish Trenton Central High School. The New Jersey Schools Development Authority will fund the construction of a new $130 million high school for Trenton.

The Trenton Museum Society celebrates the soon-to-be-demolished building in an exhibit at the Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie through Sunday, March 1, 2015. The former high school building, opened in 1932, was an iconic structure that inspired and nurtured thousands of Trenton students over the past 82 years.

Designed by architect Ernest K. Sibley, construction of the school began in 1929 with the first classes occupying the building in January 1932.  It was built as a larger version of Trenton High School West, formerly Junior No. 3, out of red brick and composition stone trim in the colonial revival style, inspired by the historic background of the city. 

Many of the features that contributed to the unique beauty of the school were made in Trenton. The porcelain shades in the light fixtures in the auditorium were made by Lenox in Trenton. The brown faience tile lining the hallways was made by the Mueller Mosaic Tile Company of Trenton. Even the sanitary ware, such as sinks and toilets, were made by the Trenton-based Maddock pottery company.

The exhibit shows iconic artifacts from the school - a Maddock toilet, pedestal sink and water fountain, an original student desk that seats two students, one of the caged clocks from the gymnasium, wooden chairs used by students and teachers, and hallway light fixtures. The school board is loaning two large portraits of the first two principals of the school - William A. Wetzel and Paul R. Spencer, and a large aerial picture of the school.

Early yearbooks from the 1930s and 1940s show the school façade and interior. Artifacts used in the school are on display, such as scientific instruments, silverware, china, kitchen utensils, and a display cabinet with partial skeleton used in science classes.

The two cornerstones of the building from 1929 and 1956 were opened at Trenton High School's Homecoming football game on October 25. No one knew what was inside. The contents of the cornerstones will be lent to the museum and displayed in the exhibit.

In the lobby were four spectacular murals created and installed in the high school in 1941 by an artist who worked for the WPA Federal Arts Project, Monty Lewis, entitled Youth Carrying the Heritage of Arts from the Past into the Future. The Trenton School Board has pledged to save these priceless pieces of art. Photographs of them are included in the exhibit.

The Trenton Museum Society invites graduates, teachers and administrators from the school, historic preservationists, and those interested in Trenton's history to attend the exhibit. The Trenton City Museum, Ellarslie, is located in Cadwalader Park, Trenton, NJ. For more information, call 609-989-3632 or visit www.ellarslie.org.

Through March 29, 2015 - Paterson, Passaic County
A Closer Look at our Community: The Fine Art of Mark Oberndorf

A new exhibit entitled A Closer Look at our Community: The Fine Art of Mark Oberndorf is open through March 29, 2015 in Lambert Castle (home of the Passaic County Historical Society) at 3 Valley Road, Paterson, NJ. This exhibit focuses on the sights of our local community, as shown in the paintings of Bergen County resident and artist Mark Oberndorf.

Oberndorf’s work focuses on the views of local buildings and features within our neighborhoods. Many pieces included in A Closer Look at our Community feature Passaic County, while others portray subjects from a wider geographic area. Some subjects include restaurant signs, barber shops, private homes, and fire stations. Through his work, Oberndorf demonstrates what is beautiful, interesting and quirky in our communities. Through this exhibition visitors will be able to see their environment in a different perspective. Visitors can access the exhibition during regular museum hours (Wednesday - Sunday). General museum admissions apply. Meet the artist at the exhibit reception held at Lambert Castle on Wednesday January 14, 2015 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. The reception is free for members; for all others regular admission applies. For more information, call 973-247-0085 or visit www.lambertcastle.org.

Through March 29, 2015 - Princeton, Mercer County
Hail Specimen of Female Art! New Jersey Schoolgirl Needlework, 1726-1860

This landmark exhibition will be the first to focus on the important contribution of New Jersey in the creation of schoolgirl needlework in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. With over 150 works on view, this exhibition will undertake the first survey of schoolgirl needlework completed in the state or by New Jersey girls prior to 1860. This exhibition and accompanying catalogue will create a lasting record of the best known examples. As part of the museum’s mission to showcase the cultural heritage of the Garden State, the curators will bring new light to the needlework done in New Jersey during this important period of American history.

Organized geographically, the exhibition will feature works from every region of the state. Although many elaborate and important examples of New Jersey needlework will be featured in the exhibition, the curators have also included more modest examples that highlight other aspects of the educational environment, social class and familial situation experienced by young girls in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In some cases, the exhibit will reunite, for the first time, needlework created by the same girl; sisters; cousins; schoolmates and other close relations.

The exhibition will feature loans from across the country including needlework completed in every New Jersey County (accounting for the numerous re-organizations of New Jersey counties in the nineteenth century). In presenting examples from every part of the state, the exhibition will distill the educational environment that existed in New Jersey from Cape May to Sussex. The exhibition will also compile an accurate picture of girls academies and the instructresses who taught at them.

The exhibition will occupy 1,709 square feet in five galleries within the second floor of the Morven mansion. This exhibition also coincides with the 350th anniversary of New Jersey and extensive state-wide celebration and programming.

The title of the exhibition is borrowed from a needlework stitched by Trenton-born Anne Rickey (1783-1846) “Hail Specimen of Female Art” was stitched onto her sampler in 1798. Anne Rickey was the daughter of Quaker merchant, John Rickey (1751-1829) and his wife Amey Olden (1757-1849).

Morven Museum and Garden is located at 55 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ. For more information, call 609-924-8144 or visit www.morven.org.

Through April 17, 2015 - Haledon, Passaic County
New Haven's Garment Workers: An Elm City Story Exhibit
Children Friendly Site

On Saturday, the American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark located in Haledon, NJ proudly opens the exhibit entitled, "New Haven's Garment Workers: An Elm City Story" on loan from the Greater New Haven Labor History Association.

Through historic photographs and artifacts, "New Haven's Garment Workers: An Elm City Story" presents a vivid portrait of the lives, victories, struggles and sacrifices of a courageous group of working people in the clothing industry in New Haven, Connecticut. In 1932 and 1933, to combat sweatshop conditions in the clothing industry, workers undertook a large-scale unionization of the industry that resulted in improvements in wages, working conditions, and hours. "Their history offers important lessons for all of us in these times," notes Joan Cavanaugh, Ph.D., the exhibit's creator. The exhibit will be on view through April 17, 2015.

The American Labor Museum is headquartered in the historic Botto House National Landmark, located at 83 Norwood Street, Haledon, NJ. It was the meeting place for over 20,000 silk mill workers during the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. The Museum offers a free lending library, restored period rooms, changing exhibits, Museum Store, Old World Gardens, educational programs and special events. The museum's hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Tours are offered Wednesday through Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm or by appointment. For more information, call 973-595-7953, visit www.labormuseum.net, or e-mail labormuseum@aol.com.

Through May 1, 2015 - Toms River, Ocean County
Fishing in the Good Old Days

The Ocean County Historical Society, invites you to view their new exhibit entitled, "Hook, Line and Sinker: History of Fishing in Ocean County up to 1950", which features the collections of members Richard Updike and Ferd Klebold. The exhibit takes visitors back to the days of pound fishing, frost fishing, clamming, eeling, and whaling with photos and artifacts used in the fishing industry along the Jersey Coast. A hand-forged clam rake, the white oak eel pot that used horseshoe crabs for bait, a whale vertebra found in the surf in Ocean County, early reels, and photos galore of fishermen and their catches are just some of the treasures you will find in this exhibit. Winter or summer, Ocean County fishermen braved the elements to harvest nature's bounty from the Atlantic Ocean, Barnegat Bay, and numerous rivers. Visit OCHS Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm and the first Saturday of each month from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The Ocean County Historical Society is located at 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ. For more information, visit www.oceancountyhistory.org or call 732-341-1880.

1st and 2nd Sundays through June 2015 - Ocean Township, Monmouth County
The History of Houses and the Things That Make Them Home

Since prehistoric times, where we live has been about much more than shelter (think of those cave paintings). A new exhibit explores just how our human instinct to nest has played out in the structures we inhabit and the stuff we put in them. "The History of Houses and the Things that Make Them Home" is on display in the Richmond Gallery of the Eden Woolley House / Township of Ocean Historical Museum.

The exhibit examines the influences on the design and content of the American home - from the traditions early settlers brought with them, to the availability of materials, to the transforming power of technology. It takes guests on a virtual house tour, revealing room by room how things have changed and how those changes have shaped our lives.

What is home? It's where the heart is and there's no place like it. Beyond shelter, our homes express our tastes, values, and social status. Our neighborhoods abound with homes that illustrate the point, and the new exhibit asks us to see our familiar surroundings in a new light. It reveals the lineage of familiar house styles--colonial, neoclassical, Victorian, and modern, for example. It explains that the colonists of the new world built houses in the style of the old. That the founding fathers, all men of the Enlightenment, adapted the designs of Greeks and Romans whose rationality they admired. That the clutter and ornamentation of the Victorians expressed their fascination with goods made possible by the Industrial Revolution and made available by the railroads. And that twentieth century architects rejected Victorian fussiness in favor of designs that challenged old assumptions and took advantage of new technologies and building techniques.

House design is just the beginning. The exhibit takes us inside, room by room. For all but the rich, our earliest homes were one-room dwellings. The very concept of a single-purpose room (living, dining, bathing, etc.) is relatively new. And even in early multiple-room houses, people moved from room to room more in pursuit of sunlight and warmth than specific activity. In effect, all rooms were "living rooms."

Revolutionary new technologies - indoor plumbing, central heating, and electric light, in particular - made room specialization practical. The bathroom, bedchamber, dining room, library, and parlor emerged as distinct spaces in ways that both reflect and influence life style.

Take the living room (aka parlor, drawing room, sitting room, and salon). It has come full circle. As parlor, it was a room often reserved to receive visitors. In time, it became the place where the family "withdrew" to gather around the piano - later the radio and then television. Today, the "great room" has assumed that role and in many homes, the living room is again a more formal space reserved for entertaining guests.

The exhibit makes that case that every house has a story, every room has a history. "The History of Houses and the Things that Make Them Home" will be up through June 2015. The Township of Ocean Historical Museum is open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (1:00 - 4:00 pm), Thursday evenings (7:00 - 9:00 pm) and the first and second Sundays of each month (1:00 - 4:00 pm). The Township of Ocean Historical Museum is located at 703 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ. For more information, please call 732-531-2136 or visit www.oceanmuseum.org.


Through July 2015 - Morristown, Morris County
The Civil War through the Eyes of Thomas Nast

Before radio, TV, or the Internet, there was political cartoonist Thomas Nast. Nast illustrated battles, Union and Confederate troop movements, and their activities throughout the Civil War. He also captured the poignancy of those back home, who worried about their family members in combat. Nast covered both the home and battle fronts; his work was the main source of information about the war for many people. His illustrations in publications like "Harper's Weekly" brought the information about what was happening into the homes of the American public, the way mass media does today. Like all media agents, he not only depicted what was happening by reporting on the events taking place, but also created propaganda by trying to stir emotions and support for the Union side. Mounted to commemorate the final year of the Civil War Sesquicentennial (2011-2015), this second floor exhibit will include a number of these stirring images. "The Civil War through the Eyes of Thomas Nast" opens September 7, 2014­ and will be on exhibit through 2015.

Thomas Nast (1840-1902) is one of the most recognized names in the world of political cartoons.  Often called the father of American political cartooning, Nast's images remain popular today.  His well-known depictions of the Democratic donkey and Republican elephant, conceived more than 100 years ago, continue to represent both parties.  Uncle Sam and Columbia, two of his favorite figures to draw, are still recognized as symbols for the United States of America.  His spirit lives on through his iconic representations of Santa Claus. The classic images which Nast popularized of the jolly old elf still appear on a variety of surfaces each year during the holiday season, and Nast's Civil War images of battlefront and home front were powerful tools for bringing the war into people's homes.

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum preserves the history of the Macculloch-Miller families, the Morris area community, and the legacy of its founder W. Parsons Todd through its historic site, collections, exhibits, and educational and cultural programs. The Museum is open for house and exhibit tours on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The last tour leaves at 3:00 pm. Adults $8; Seniors & Students $6; Children 6 - 12 $4. Members and children under 5 are free. Macculloch Hall Historical Museum, 45 Macculloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ. For more information, call 973-538-2404 ext. 10 or visit www.maccullochhall.org.


Through August 2015 - Lyndhurst, Bergen County
Lyndhurst Business: Building a Community

From a ship's horn manufactured by Leslie Company to photos of steel and heat-treating plant Benedict-Miller, Inc., the Lyndhurst Historical Society is showcasing just a sampling of the many businesses that contributed to the community and beyond in its latest exhibit, "Lyndhurst Business: Building a Community," which runs from now until August 2015.

"It's New Jersey's 350th birthday and, in addition to celebrating the state as a whole, we wanted to give a nod to our local community," said Doris Bergquist, who, along with members Dale Jankowski and Doris Ludwig, curated the exhibit. "There have been and continue to be many highly regarded businesses in Lyndhurst. The Leslie Company, for example, was once in Lyndhurst and built one of the horns used on the Queen Mary."

The exhibit is free and open to the public, though a small donation to the society would be appreciated. The Little Red Schoolhouse Museum, located at 400 RIverside Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ is open on the second and fourth Sundays of every month from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. For more information, call 201-804-2513 or visit www.lyndhursthistoricalsociety.org.

Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey


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