Batsto Village Country Living Fair - October 19, 2014

Batsto Village Country Living Fair
October 19, 2014

The Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc. will hold its annual Country Living Fair at Historic Batsto Village in Wharton State Forest on Sunday, October 19, 2014. The hours are from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. There will be no admission and no parking fee.

The Committee has invited over 100 exhibitors to participate in this quality daylong event. Visitors will have an opportunity to see and purchase a variety of Country, Colonial and Victorian crafts. They will also be able to meet talented crafters demonstrating their artistry in a wide assortment of materials. Pre-World War II cars will be on display. Old-time steam engines, antiques, and pony rides will help make this an event of special interest to people of all ages. The Renegade Cloggers will again perform during the day. Visitors will be able to purchase raffle tickets for a handmade quilt. It is hoped that Smokey Bear will make an appearance to celebrate his 70th birthday. Local service organizations will sell a variety of foods and drinks.

Various 4-H groups will be available to display their animals and discuss their experiences as a member of a 4-H club. Animal rescue groups will bring various breeds of dogs hoping to be adopted. In addition to pony rides, children will be able to enjoy the petting farm animals of Barnyard Friends from Dorothy, New Jersey.

Batsto is located in the Pinelands of Burlington County, south Jersey approximately 7 miles east of Hammonton on Route 542 and about 15 miles west of Exit 50 on the Garden State Parkway. For more information, call the Batsto Visitor Center at 609-561-0024. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Janet at 609-561-0209 or Carol at 609-561-5019.

About Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc.
The Batsto Citizens Committee was founded in 1956 to aid the State of New Jersey in the development of Batsto Village as an historic site. Its purpose was to advise, assist and promote the restoration and interpretation of the historic and natural aspects of Batsto Village. In 1997, the committee reorganized and became incorporated as the Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc. (BCCI), and continues to follow the above objectives. For more information about BCCI visit

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