Organization of the Week: Monmouth County Historical Commission

Every Monday, I highlight a non-profit related to history or the arts, a historical society, preservation group or friends group whose main objective is to promote the historical and artistic history of New Jersey.

This week, I am featuring the Monmouth County Historical Commission. Established in August 1988, the Monmouth County Historical Commission is dedicated to the preservation of the county's rich historic heritage. As advocates for the preservation of historic properties, sites and projects, the Commission encourages citizens to be involved as well.

Ongoing programs that support and recognize historic preservation efforts within Monmouth County include:
1) Historic site of the month videos
2) Weekend in Old Monmouth event
3) Matching grants for municipal and non-profit historic preservation projects
4) Awards to individuals and groups for preservation efforts
5) An essay contest for fifth-grade students  

For information on events hosted by the Commission and for the locations and operating hours of their museum sites, please call 732-431-7460 ext. 7413 or visit

If you are a member of a non-profit organization or know of one that you would like to see featured on this site, please let us know in the comments or send an e-mail to

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