Weekend Historical Happenings: 5/31/14 - 6/1/14

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Saturday, May 31 - Upper Township, Cape May County
25th Annual Strawberry Festival
Children Friendly

The 25th Annual Strawberry Festival will welcome the spring and summer season again this year on Saturday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at The Gandy Farmstead in Greenfield, Upper Township, NJ. Presented by The Historical Preservation Society of Upper Township (HPSUT), this event will help raise funds for the society to maintain the three historic locations around Upper Township that they restored.

The strawberries are still the highlight of this festival, along with enjoyable activities for children and adults alike. The event will feature tours of the colonial farmstead, games, live music, crafters and stands for locals to sell homemade items like honey and jam. The nostalgic backdrop for this event provides the perfect environment for an old fashioned day of fun.

The HPSUT always welcomes new members. Anyone who has an appreciation for the historical integrity of Upper Township is welcome to come by the festival and fill out an application for HPSUT membership. Parking and admission are free. There will be strawberry shortcake and a light lunch available to purchase.

The Gandy Farmstead is located at 26 Tyler Road (Route 616), Greenfield, in Upper Township, NJ. For more information visit www.uppertwphistory.org, e-mail UpperTwpHistory@yahoo.com, or call 609-390-5656 and leave a message.

Saturday, May 31 - Caldwell, Essex County
Art on the Avenue
Children Friendly

On Saturday, the Caldwell Merchants Association and the Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association present "Art on the Avenue," featuring 60 fine art, painting, sculpture, photography, art crafts artists displaying their art for view and purchase. Enjoy Historic Caldwell's shops and restaurants, taste the sidewalk grazing specials for art viewers that many restaurants are offering, and visit Caldwell's three nationally recognized historic sites, the Grover Cleveland Presidential Birthplace, frame shops, design shops, gift and antiques shops, and the Olmsted-designed Essex County Grover Cleveland Park. Admission is free for "Art on the Avenue" and parking is free in the many parking lots. The event runs from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. The winning art will be gathered on the Green for the judges to award the prizes from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. Several artists will also be working en plein aire. Student art is also on display. So, come see what our area's budding artists are creating as well.

The Art on the Avenue show is along Bloomfield Avenue in the center of Caldwell from Forest Avenue to Central Avenue in Caldwell, NJ. For more information, call 973-364-1124 or visit www.caldwellmerchants.com. Rain date is Sunday, June 1, 2014 from 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm.

Saturday, May 31 - Princeton, Mercer County
Princeton University Architecture Tour

Just in time for reunion, the Historical Society of Princeton announces a brand new walking tour exploring the phenomenal architecture on campus, dating from 1756 to the present. Buildings on this two mile walk include the Georgian style of Nassau Hall, collegiate gothic marvels, and extraordinary contemporary designs, including the Frank Gehry-designed Lewis Library, the Stadium, the Icahn Laboratory, and the brand-new Princeton Neuroscience Institute/Psychology facility.

The tour starts at 10:00 am the Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ and ends at 12:30 pm. Admission: $8 per person. Tickets can be purchased at the door, in advance by calling 609-921-6748 x102, or by e-mailing eve@princetonhistory.org. Space is limited. For more information, visit www.princetonhistory.org.

Saturday, May 31 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Children Friendly

Old fashioned weather forecasting will be put to the test when the farmers at Howell Farm do what they do when the sun shines - make hay!

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the weather will be sunny and warm when they hitch their horses to old fashioned mowers, rakes and loaders to bring in another crop of the all-important forage product. Although they chose the date back in January, they’re confident that the forecast will pan out.

From 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, visitors to the 130-acre farm can watch, photograph, and even help as farmers work in hayfields and put loose hay in the mow of a barn with a pulley-operated hayfork. Mow filling and raking operations will take place during the morning; mowing and hay loading are planned during the afternoon.

Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.org.

Saturday, May 31 - Montclair, Essex County
South Montclair’s African American History

On Saturday, take a walking tour designed to capture African American history in Montclair, both pre- and post-Civil War. Led by Town Historian Mike Farrelly, this tour is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Montclair, the NAACP, and the Montclair Historical Society. $5 suggested donation. Meet at the corner of Orange Road and Llewellyn Road at 10:00 am. The tour will last until 12:00 noon. For more information, call 973-744-1796 or visit www.montclairhistorical.org.

Saturday, May 31 - Pennsauken, Atlantic County
American Revolution Veterans' Memorial Dedication

The Col. Richard Somers Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution invite you to the dedication ceremony of a new monument dedicated to the veterans of the American Revolution from Atlantic County. The dedication will be held Saturday at Chestnut Neck Memorial Park and begin promptly at 11:00 am. It is the only monument dedicated to the men of Atlantic County who fought and died in the Revolutionary War. Chestnut Neck Memorial Park is located along U.S. 9 and County Road 575, Port Republic, NJ. For more information, visit www.colrichardsomers.com.

Saturday, May 31 - Hackensack, Bergen County
Maywood Book Signing

On Saturday, Maywood Station Museum Director, Ed Kaminski, will be doing a book signing for his book Maywood - The Borough, The Railroad, and The Station from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm at Costco, 80 South River Street, Hackensack, NJ.

Saturday, May 31 - Morristown, Morris County
Morristown's Other Army

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, another army camped in Morristown. Join a Ranger at the Jockey Hollow Visitor Center for a 45 minute PowerPoint slideshow to discover the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps and how these 'Soil Soldiers' transformed Morristown N.H.P. and other public lands. Program at 10:00 am, 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm at the Visitor Center at Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, NJ. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Saturday, May 31 - Morristown, Morris County
Alien Invaders
Children Friendly

Where did they come from? Invaders have come from faraway lands and are taking over our forests. Join a Park Ranger at the Jockey Hollow Visitor Center to see the invaders in action and find out what you can do to prevent a complete takeover. Program at 11:00 am, 1:00 and 3:00 pm at the Visitor Center at Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, NJ. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Saturday - Sunday, May 31 - June 1 - Cape May, Cape May County
Free Country Fair at Historic Cold Spring Village
Children Friendly

Step back in time during Historic Cold Spring Village's Free Country Fair on Saturday and  Sunday. Guests are invited to tour a selection of the Village's 26 restored, historic buildings where historical interpreters demonstrate the trades, crafts and lifestyles of the "homespun era." Enjoy games, crafts, historic dress-up, face-painting, a special sale at the Country Store and a bake sale on Saturday. Antique dealers, folk artists and crafters will display and sell their wares along the Village's shaded lanes throughout the weekend.

Visitors to the Cold Spring Country Fair can also take guided walking tours of the Village from Jim Stephens, HCSV Deputy Director for Education and Interpretation. Stephens will lead the lively tours throughout the 30-acre site, providing details and insight into the Village buildings and Cape May County history. Tours will be offered at 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm on both Saturday and Sunday and will begin near the Route 9 gatehouse.

Historic Cold Spring Village is located at 720 Route 9, three miles north of Cape May City and four miles south of Rio Grande. Admission during the season is $10 for adults and $8 for children ages 3 to 12. Children under 3 are admitted free. Unlimited free admission is available with Village membership. As a member of the national Blue Star Museums program, Historic Cold Spring Village is proud to offer free admission to active duty military personnel and up to 5 family members. The Village Nature Trail at Bradner's Run is open to the public for free self-guided tours. For more information, call 609-898-2300, ext. 18 or visit www.hcsv.org.

Saturday - Sunday, May 31 - June 1 - Wayne, Passaic County
Spring Encampment

The Dey Mansion/Washington’s Headquarters Museum will be hosting its Spring Encampment from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, on Saturday and Sunday. There will be 18th century crafters and demonstrations, colonial hearth cooking, blacksmithing, music, 18th century dancing (learn a step or two), and the New Jersey Militia/Heard Brigade will perform outdoor Military drills and skirmishes, weather permitting .All activities are ongoing throughout the day. Admission is $1.00 per person.

The Dey Mansion is a 1740’s Georgian home that served as General George Washington’s military headquarters for a three-month period in 1780 during the Revolutionary War. Today the historic house is owned and operated by the Passaic County Department of Parks and Recreation and is furnished with eighteenth century antiques. It is located at 199 Totowa Road in Wayne, NJ. For more information, call 973-696-1776 or visit www.passaiccountynj.org.

Saturday - Sunday, May 31 - June 1 - Farmingdale, Monmouth County
Civil War Event
Children Friendly

The Historic Village at Allaire time travels for its Fourth Annual Civil War Event! New Jersey Union regiments camp out in the show fields on Saturday and Sunday!

Discover the Civil War at Allaire! Meet the soldiers, shop at period stores, and experience encampment life! This event will be a Civil War living history presentation of a Training Camp for new recruits in New Jersey service. Throughout the day witness speeches, artillery demonstrations, battalion drills, musket cleaning, dress parades, and a farewell at the train station as troops leave for the front! The event will be open to the public from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am - 3:00 pm on Sunday. This event is presented by the New Jersey Civil War Heritage Association (NJCWHA) and The Historic Village at Allaire. There will be a $5 parking fee for this event.

The Historic Village at Allaire is located at 4263 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale, NJ. For more information, contact the Allaire Village office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, at 732-919-3500 or visit www.allairevillage.org.

Sunday, June 1 - Eatontown, Monmouth County
Living History Woodworking Demonstration

Eatontown has a rich and interesting farm history. Wooden tools were often used to perform  much of the work done on a farm. Some of these farm implements are displayed at our museum. Please visit the Eatontown Historical Museum on Sunday to see how some of these wooden objects were made. The demonstration will begin at 2:00 pm.

Come and meet Don Brocklebank, who has been bringing history alive since 1990. In addition to offering school programs, he participates in programs for the National Parks Service and the Monmouth County Parks System.

Dressed in period clothing, Mr. Brocklebank will demonstrate 19th-century woodworking using a shaving bench and period tools. A variety of wooden objects he has crafted will be on display. Find out how different types of wood are used to make different things and why. This program will be held at the Eatontown Historical Museum, 75 Broad Street, Eatontown, NJ.

Sunday, June 1 - Montclair, Essex County
Historic House Tours
Family Friendly

Visit the 1796 Israel Crane House and Nathaniel Crane Houses and discover life 200 years ago in early Montclair (108 Orange Road), then make your way over to the 1896 Charles Shultz House (Evergreens, 30 North Mountain Avenue) and see this time capsule for the turn of the century. Currently on display at the Charles Shultz House is the exhibition "A Persistent Passion: The Art of Lora Eberly Ballou: 1870-1976, Places in a One Hundred Six Year Life."

Both sites are open from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Admission: $8 per adult and $5 per child for both properties with same day admission. Or come as a family (1 or 2 adults with up to 3 children) for $25. Free admission for members! For more information, call 973-744-1796, e-mail mail@montclairhistorical.org, or visit www.montclairhistorical.org.

Sunday, June 1 - Madison, Morris County
New Jersey's Early Iron and Salt Industries

On Sunday at 2:00 pm, Eleanor H. McConnell will present a program on New Jersey's Early Iron and Salt Industries. She will examine both the early iron industries and salt production in New Jersey, and how they were affected by the American Revolution. Admission $7 for Non-Members, $5 for seniors and students & $3 for Members. Advance registration recommended - please call 973-377-2982 x14. The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts is located at 9 Main Street in Madison, NJ just two blocks from the Madison train station. For more information, please call 973-377-2982 x10 or visit www.metc.org.

Sunday, June 1- Jefferson Township, Morris County
Open House
Children Friendly

The Jefferson Township Museum, also known as the George Chamberlin House, will have an  open house on Sunday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. This month's exhibit will continue the theme "Little House in the Valley" with an emphasis on the parallels between the two families of Laura Ingalls Wilder and the  Chamberlains. Costumed docents will give tours of the museum. Admission is free.

Local potter John Hedges will give a demonstration of "throwing" his pottery during the open house. John says that his pots are predominantly inspired by English pots of the medieval period and as such they are robust and fully intended for hard work. He makes his pots on the wheel and then adds handles, spouts, and small pressed pellets of clay called sprigs, in the same way potters have done for thousands of years. John's pots will be for sale in Miss Elizabeth's Shoppe, which is open during the museum's open house.

The Jefferson Township Museum is located at 315 Dover-Milton Road, Jefferson Township, NJ. Visit Miss Elizabeth's Shoppe located in the original kitchen of the museum, where small antiques, collectibles, handmade, handcrafted and seasonal items will be offered for sale. For further information, call 973-208-8601 or visit www.jthistoricalsociety.org.

Sunday, June 1 - Trenton, Mercer County
75th Anniversary Ice Cream Social
Children Friendly

On Sunday, take a step back in time to enjoy an Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social at the 1719 William Trent House Museum with music, folks in old-fashioned garb, period games for children and adults, and a vintage car display as the Trent House Association celebrates its 75th anniversary as a museum.

Several ice cream flavors will be available. Board members will scoop the ice cream while families can add toppings from the toppings bar. This event is free and open to the public. Free ice cream, guided tours, and outdoor activities for the whole family.

Built in 1719, the magnificent Trent House is the oldest building in New Jersey's state capital. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it is restored and carefully furnished as it would have been in the early 18th century. The Trenton House is located at 15 Market Street in Trenton, NJ adjacent to the Hughes Justice Complex. Ample free parking. For more information, call 609-989-0087, e-mail trenthouseassociation@verizon.net, or visit www.williamtrenthouse.org.

Sunday, June 1 - Morristown, Morris County
Thomas Nast: Is the Controversy Justified?

The exhibit "Controversies" presents challenging subject matter that inspires people to consider, or reconsider, the ways in which they think about important and frequently debated issues: medical experimentation, immigration, and the right to die. This spring Macculloch Hall Historical Museum (MHHM) is presenting a speaker series in conjunction with the exhibit, taking place on the first Sunday of each month through June. The exhibit explores local history events which had national significance: the Antoine LeBlanc murder trial and public execution; the immigration issues of the late nineteenth century as depicted by political cartoonist Thomas Nast, a Morristown resident, and the 1976 Karen Ann Quinlan "right to die" case.

On Sunday at 4:30 pm, Don Jay Smith will present “Thomas Nast: Is the Controversy Justified?” at Macculloch Hall in Morristown. When Thomas Nast died in 1902, the New York Times eulogized him as the “Father of the American Political Cartoon” a title earned no doubt because of his scathing political caricatures of Boss Tweed and New York City’s Democratic political machine at Tammany Hall. As a Morristown resident for many years, Nast qualified for the New Jersey Hall of Fame and was nominated for induction three times. When he appeared on the ballot for the Class of 2012, the New Jersey Chapter of the Ancient Order of Hibernians protested vigorously because of the way he depicted Irish immigrants. This talk will explore that protest, Nast’s depiction of Irish and other immigrant groups and the historical context for his political cartoons.

Don Jay Smith has more than 35 years of nonprofit experience, most recently as Executive Director for the New Jersey Hall of Fame. In addition to his six years with the NJHOF, he has consulted for numerous non-profit arts & cultural clients. He is a co-producer of the Morristown Jazz & Blues Festival, and serves on the New Jersey 350 Anniversary Committee under the auspices of the New Jersey Historical Commission. 

Following the presentation visitors can view the exhibit, including the Nast engraving “The Ignorant Vote Honors Are Easy” which was printed in Harper’s Weekly in 1876, and consider the issues raised. 

Tickets for Sunday's program go on sale beginning at 1:00 pm and remain on sale until the presentation begins at 4:30pm. No advance sales. The upstairs gallery exhibits “Thomas Nast Brings Down Boss Tweed,” and “Made in New Jersey: A Celebration of Decorative and Fine Arts” will remain open until 4:30 pm, with the “Controversies” exhibit closing at 3:30 pm in preparation for the program.

Tickets for the program are Adults $8; Seniors & Students $6; Children 6 – 12 $4. Members and children under 5 admitted free. Speaker tickets include admission to a docent-led period room tour for visitors who sign up during the afternoon. The last tour ticket is sold at 3:00 pm. Macculloch Hall Historical Museum is located at 45 Macculloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ. For more information, call 973-538-2404 ext. 10 or visit www.maccullochhall.org.

Sunday, June 1 - Matawan, Monmouth County
Open House

The Matawan Historical Society will holding an open house on Sunday from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at the Burrowes Mansion located at 94 Main Street, Matawan, NJ. Learn how this circa 1723 home and its owners played a role in the Revolutionary War. Suggested admission: $5 per person. For more information call 732-492-6069 or visit www.burrowesmansion.org.

Sunday, June 1 - South River, Middlesex County
Open House

Stop by the South River Historical & Preservation Society on Sunday from 1:30 - 3:30 pm and view exhibits on all aspects of Borough history including: schools; churches and houses of worship; local businesses and organizations; daily life; events and celebrations; and more. While you are there, see the cemetery located behind the building, ask questions, drop off donations, or exchange hometown stories with the docents. The museum is located at 64-66 Main Street, South River. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~njsrhps/museum.html

Sunday, June 1 - Haledon, Passaic County
American Labor Museum Unveils Phase Nineteen of Silk Walk

On Sunday at 1:00 pm, the American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark will unveil the nineteenth phase of its Silk Walk Project. A successful fundraiser that began in 1994, the Silk Walk is a project designed to sell engraved bricks for placement at the Landmark's front walkway and under its grape arbor. Funds from the project are to be used for the Museum's upkeep, operating expenses, and educational programs. This ongoing project is available for all to participate. Silk Walk bricks are priced from $50 to $200.

Also on Sunday at 1:00 pm, the museum's annual membership meeting will take place. The general public is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

The Botto House National Landmark, home of the American Labor Museum, is located at 83 Norwood Street in Haledon, NJ. It was the meeting place for over 20,000 silk mill workers during the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. The museum offers a free lending library, restored period rooms, changing exhibits, museum store, Old World gardens, educational programs and special events. The Museum is open to visitors Wednesday through Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm or by appointment. For more information, call 973-595-7953, e-mail labormuseum@aol.com, or visit www.labormuseum.net.

Through June 30, 2014 - Piscataway, Middlesex County
Got Work? Exhibit

View the exhibit "Got Work? New Deal/WPA in New Jersey" at the 1741 Cornelius Low House Museum in Piscataway. The museum is open Tuesday - Friday, 8:30 - 4:00 pm and Sunday afternoons from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The exhibit will run through June 30, 2014.

The Cornelius Low House, built in 1741, was the home to its namesake and is only one of two remaining buildings from historic Raritan Landing. This high-style Georgian mansion is listed on the National Register and operated by the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission. Admission to the museum is FREE. The museum is located at 1225 River Road, Piscataway, NJ. For more information, call 732-745-4177 or visit http://www.co.middlesex.nj.us/culturalheritage.

Through June 2014 - Morristown, Morris County
"Controversies: The More Things Change..." Exhibit

Currently on display at Macculloch Hall Historical Museum is an exhibition about topics that helped shape our world. "Controversies: The More Things Change..." opens new territory for the Museum, presenting challenging subject matter that may not be suitable for casual dinner conversation. This new exhibit explores topics that helped shape our world through local history events which had national significance: medical experimentation, immigration, and the right to die.

"Controversies: The More Things Change..." inspires people to consider, even reconsider, the ways in which they think about these important, frequently debated issues. The exhibit explores local history events which had national significance: the 1833 Antoine LeBlanc murder trial and public execution; the immigration issues of the late nineteenth century as depicted by political cartoonist Thomas Nast, a Morristown resident, and the 1976 Karen Ann Quinlan "right to die" case.

The museum is making a major departure in exhibit presentations with "Controversies."  Where most exhibits typically provide detailed information about the objects on view, "Controversies" offers limited information about the objects, essentially forcing personal thought, and inspiring discussion, about the areas represented.  Each object and concept in the exhibit represents a part of New Jersey's history - specifically Morris County's history. The ideas expressed through the historical objects in the exhibit, however, are not confined to New Jersey boundaries- the significant concerns raised by the important and controversial issues showcased in this exhibit continue to be debated throughout the United States and the world.

"We wanted to give our visitors a chance to participate in an exhibit in a new way - to have a reaction without being guided by the institution's interpretation of what the objects represent, which labels typically provide," said Executive Director Carrie Fellows. Instead, curator's books of supplementary information will be available within the exhibit, should the visitor want to learn more, drawn from primary sources like news articles, contemporary commentary, and images. Visitors are encouraged to leave comments about the themes presented.

The exhibition was inspired when Fellows and Ryan C. Hyman, the Museum's curator, heard Burt Logan, Executive Director of the Ohio Historical Society speak at a conference about the organization's groundbreaking "Controversy: Pieces You Don't Normally See" exhibit, and its sequel, "Controversy 2: Pieces We Don't Normally Talk About". During his talk, Mr. Logan strongly encouraged other museums to adapt the concept and develop similar exhibits. Inspired by the presentation, Hyman and Fellows began discussing how they might create an exhibit using themes from the Morris area's rich history.

"Controversies: The More Things Change..." will be on view during Museum touring hours through June 2014. Please note the subject matter may not be suitable for all audiences. Visitor discretion advised. Recommended for visitors 12 years of age and older.

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum preserves the history of the Macculloch-Miller families, the Morris area community, and the legacy of its founder W. Parsons Todd through its historic site, collections, exhibits, and educational and cultural programs. The Museum is open for house and exhibit tours on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The last tour leaves at 3:00 pm. Adults $8; Seniors & Students $6; Children 6 - 12 $4. Members and children under 5 are free.  For more information, call 973-538-2404 ext. 10 or visit www.maccullochhall.org. Macculloch Hall Historical Museum is located at 45 Macculloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ.

Through July 20, 2014 - Montclair, Essex County
A Persistent Passion: The Art of Lora Eberly Ballou

The Montclair Historical Society presents the exhibition "A Persistent Passion: The Art of Lora Eberly Ballou: 1870-1976, Places in a One Hundred Six Year Life" at the Charles Shultz House (Evergreens), 30 North Mountain Avenue, Montclair, NJ from April 27 through July 20 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm on first and third Sundays of the month. Lora Eberly Ballou was a unique woman who lived during the last quarter of the 1800s in Ohio, then moved to the suburbs of New York City, residing in an elegant home in Montclair, NJ with her husband John Ballou and two daughters, Margaret and Harriet. Ballou's work focuses on an interest and passion for gardening and travel, and depicts many of the places she lived, including a winter scene of Tony's Brook.

Ballou's artwork will be on display at the Montclair Historical Society's Charles Shultz House, an 1896 home that remains virtually untouched. It showcases a time capsule of the Shultz family and lifestyle during the same period when the Ballou family lived in Montclair. This home provides a unique setting for the exhibition, placing Lora Ballou's artwork against the backdrop of a Montclair family active in the community, unveiling similarities in their lifestyles and interests during this period in history. This exhibition is sponsored by Robert M. and Patricia C. Phillips. Robert M. Phillips is the grandson of Lora Ballou. A free public reception will be held on April 27 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm with light refreshments. For additional information or to schedule a private tour, contact the Montclair Historical Society at 973-744-1796, visit www.montclairhistorial.org, or e-mail mail@montclairhistorical.org.

Saturdays and Sundays through July 27, 2014 - Ridgewood, Bergen County
A Community's Journey: Our Place in New Jersey History

The Schoolhouse Museum's new exhibit, on display now through July 27, 2014 celebrates New Jersey's 350th anniversary. "A Community's Journey: Our Place in New Jersey's History" showcases the area's evolution over the last three centuries using the themes of liberty, innovation, and diversity.

The Liberty collection highlights uniforms and other war-time memorabilia while the Innovation collection chronicles the history of performing arts in the village including items from the Ridgewood Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company, such as a silk wedding kimono worn by Yum Yum in the "Mikado." Also on display are items owned by Ridgewood magician Harry Rouclere. Especially noteworthy is the Diversity collection which tells the story of the African American, Jewish, Irish, and  Korean communities through personal artifacts.

The museum is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 1:00 - 3:00 and Sundays 2:00 - 4:00. The Schoolhouse Museum is located at 650 East Glen  Avenue in Ridgewood, NJ. For more information, call  201-447-3242  or visit www.ridgewoodhistoricalsociety.org.

Sundays through August 30, 2014 - Cranbury, Middlesex County
"At Long Last...Summer" Exhibit

The Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society is bringing a bit of the seashore to its museum in Cranbury. After a harsh winter, the society is happy to present a new exhibit  at the Cranbury Museum, entitled, "At Long Last...Summer."  Featuring treasures of the sea and seashore, the exhibit includes oil paintings, watercolors, a rare sea glass collection, antique whale bone, shells, Sailor valentines, ephemera, and vintage toys and souvenirs. The exhibit will continue through August 30, 2014. Celebrate summer and join us on Sunday afternoons from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, to view the exhibit! The Cranbury Museum is located at 4 Park Place East, Cranbury. For more information, visit www.cranburyhistory.org.

Through August 23, 2014 - Haledon, Passaic County
"The Mill Girls" Exhibit

The American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark in Haledon, NJ proudly opens the exhibit "The Mill Girls," a unique three-dimensional display that showcases images of three mill girls on large-scale replicas of the wooden bobbins used in early textile mills, by visual artist Donna Berger. The exhibit will be on view through August 23, 2014. 

The Botto House National Landmark, home of the American Labor Museum, is located at 83 Norwood Street, Haledon, NJ. It was the meeting place for over 20,000 silk mill workers during the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. The Museum's hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Tours are offered Wednesday through Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm and by appointment. For more information, call 973-595-7953, visit www.labormuseum.net, or e-mail labormuseum@aol.com.

Through August, 2014 - Lyndhurst, Bergen County
Let's Play! An Exhibit of Beloved Toys
Children Friendly

From a china-head doll to a Lionel train, several toys are on display at the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum as the Lyndhurst Historical Society recalls fun times with favorite toys. The new exhibit, "Let's Play! An Exhibit of Beloved Toys," is open now through August 2014.

The exhibit is free and open to the public, though a small donation to the Society would be appreciated. The Little Red Schoolhouse Museum is open on the second and fourth Sundays of  every month from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Lyndhurst Historical Society was established in 1984 in an effort to preserve the 1893 schoolhouse, located at 400 Riverside Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ. For more information, call 201-804-2513 (leave a message) or visit www.lyndhursthistoricalsociety.org.

Through Sunday, September 14, 2014 - Princeton, Mercer County
Micah Williams: Portrait Artist Exhibition

Traveling portrait artist and New Jersey resident Micah Williams (1782 - 1837) was a prolific artist who has 272 known existing works. His works are represented in many major museums and are highly sought after by folk art collectors. Yet, there has never been an exhibition dedicated solely to the work of Micah Williams. "Micah Williams: Portrait Artist," on loan to Morven from the Monmouth County Historical Association, tells a story about the new America of the 19th century. With over 40 portraits on view, visitors can come face-to-face with the state's nineteenth century farmers, orchard growers, militia officers, politicians, silversmiths, potters, carpenters, and their families.

The exhibition will also debut Morven's newest acquisition: a pastel portrait of Commodore Robert Field Stockton (1795-1866) completed by Micah Williams around 1821. Stockton was a third-generation resident of Morven, head the Pacific Fleet and a U.S. Senator. With this exhibition, the portrait makes its return to the walls at Morven. "Micah Williams: Portrait Artist" exhibition will be on display at Morven through September 14, 2014.

Morven Museum & Garden is a museum and public garden located at 55 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ. A National Historic Landmark, Morven was the home to Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, as well as the former Governor's mansion of New Jersey. Public Hours: Wednesday - Friday 11:00 am - 3:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm. For more information, call 609-924-8144 or visit www.morven.org.

Through October 31, 2014 - Trenton, Mercer County
Trenton's Old Barracks Museum Shows Iron Art

The Old Barracks Museum will feature the sculpture of AbOminOg Intl. Arts Collective in an exhibit entitled "Founding the Future: A Continuum of Iron Casting in Trenton with AbOminOg Intl. Arts Collective." The exhibit will run from April 26 to October 31, 2014. A reception for the artists will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Old Barracks Museum.

The Old Barracks Museum is pleased to feature the metal sculpture of members of one of Trenton's illustrious artist collectives in an exhibit entitled, "Founding the Future: A Continuum of Iron Casting in Trenton with AbOminOg Intl. Arts Collective." Exhibiting artists include Kate Graves, Aylin Green, Bruce Lindsay, Rory Mahon, Steve Morse, Joanna Platt, Matt Reiley, David  Robinson and Scot Thompson.

This outdoor exhibit is part of the statewide celebrations of the 350th anniversary of the founding of New Jersey by representing the connection between the history that the Old Barracks Museum interprets and AbOminOg Intl.'s focus on the revolutionary industrial material of iron. As the first art installation at the Old Barracks, it will allow the visiting public a new perspective on the relationship between the past and the present in the formation of the future. Commemorative iron medallions will be poured by the group at the Old Barracks Museum on June 21st.  Leading up to this spectacular event, a free public reception and opportunity to meet the artists and view the outdoor sculpture is scheduled for Saturday.

The Old Barracks Museum is adjacent to Petty's Run, site of the only excavated Colonial steel furnace in America. Trenton's history of industry, manufacturing and self-reliance is reflected in the AbOminOg Intl. model of collaboration through sweat equity, upcycling crushed iron scrap into sculpture. The essence of the artist collective's cause- to teach and facilitate artists of diverse backgrounds, age groups and skill levels in the creation of cast-metal sculptural artworks within an inspiring, supportive and sustainable setting while positively affecting the community and the art world at large- has remained the same since their inaugural iron pour in a Trenton backyard on December 31, 1999. The Old Barracks Museum is located at 101 Barracks Street, Trenton, NJ. For more information, call 609-396-1776 or visit www.barracks.org.

Through December 29, 2014 - Woodbury, Gloucester County
Be Prepared:  Scouts of Yesteryear
Children Friendly
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have been a tradition in America for over a century. The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum is presenting a remarkable exhibit with scouting artifacts from over the decades. Numerous uniforms, merit badges, equipment, manuals, and accessories from the 1930’s on are on display.  

The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm and the last Sunday of the month from 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Adult admission $5; children 6-18 years $1; children under 6 free. The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum is located at 58 North Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ. For more information, call 856-848-8531 or visit www.rootsweb.com/~njgchs.

Through February 13, 2015 - Madison, Morris County
The American Revolution in New Jersey
Children Friendly

New Jersey spent much of the American Revolution as a theater of war. A new exhibit at the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts, "The American Revolution in New Jersey: Where the Battlefront Meets the Homefront," explores the rarely told story of New Jersey's farmers, women, and tradesmen and their actions during the war. Topics discussed include the local civil wars that erupted between revolutionaries and loyalists, the multiple roles that women took on as their men went off to war, and how civilian life was affected by the regular presence of troops. The exhibit will be open until February 13, 2015. 

Regular Museum admission is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for seniors, students & children (ages 6 and older), and free for members and children under 6. Family maximum admission $13.00. The Museum is open Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and Sunday from 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm. The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts is located at 9 Main Street in Madison, NJ just two blocks from the Madison train station. For more information, please call 973-377-2982 x10 or visit www.metc.org.

Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey


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