Weekend Historical Happenings: 4/26/14 - 4/27/14

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Saturday, April 26 - Haddonfield, Camden County
Training Day at the Indian King Tavern

On Saturday, join the 1st New Jersey Volunteers, a Revolutionary War reenactment unit, as they go through training at the Indian King Tavern. Join them as they practice basic maneuvers, drills and the proper technique for marching used by the British during the War for Independence. The event runs from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm and is free to the public. Visitors may also tour the historic tavern, located at  233 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ. For more information, call 856-429-6792 or visit www.indiankingfriends.org.

Saturday, April 26 - Caldwell, Essex County
Your Old House: Historic Preservation in Caldwell

The Borough of Caldwell Historic Preservation Commission invites the public to Caldwell Public Library to attend open house activities about “Your Old House: Historic Preservation in Caldwell NJ” on Saturday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.

The program will focus on the Borough’s rich architectural heritage, which runs the gamut from eighteenth century residences to a modernist former drive-in bank on Bloomfield Avenue. Historic maps and photographs of Caldwell will be exhibited. Residents will be able to look up historic information about their homes. Speakers will include Commission Chairman Richard Basta, RA and Commissioner David Cowell, PhD, Historian and GCBMA President.

Admission is free and light refreshments will be provided. The Caldwell Public Library, is located at 268 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, NJ. For more information and to register, e-mail librarian@caldwellpl.org or call 973-226-2837. 

Saturday, April 26 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County
Potato Planting
Children Friendly

Each year Howell Living Farm invites the public to join forces with its staff and volunteers to plant a special crop of potatoes to be donated to the Greater Mercer Food Cooperative and other local hunger projects.

Visitors to the Farm can join the field crew, planting seed potatoes in furrows opened with horse drawn equipment between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit www.howellfarm.org.

Saturday April 26 - Greenwich, Cumberland County
Log Buildings and Construction Techniques

The Cumberland County Historical Society will welcome author and preservationist Frank Eld on Saturday at 3:00 pm, who will discuss Finnish log structures and construction techniques in front of the Swedish Granary on the grounds of the Gibbon House.

This is a free lecture and all are welcome to attend. Original South Jersey Scandinavian and those of German descent are highly encouraged as members of the historical societies and the Greenwich library will also be there. Rain date is April 27. The old Swedish Granary is located behind the Old Gibbon House at 960 Ye Greate Street, Greenwich, NJ. For more information, visit www.cchistsoc.org.

Saturday April 26 - Haledon, Passaic County
Workers' Memorial Day Observance

The American Labor Museum/Botto House National Landmark will observe Workers' Memorial Day, a day set aside by the nation's unions to draw attention to the occupational health and safety of workers in the U.S., on Saturday at 1:00 pm at the museum's headquarters, the historic Botto House National Landmark.

In addition to the traditional candle-light vigil, Irwin Nack, Associate Professor of History at William Paterson University (retired) and past president of the American Federation of Teachers Local Union 1796, AFL-CIO, will offer a presentation and lead a discussion on the topic "The Labor Policies of the Obama Administration & the Roosevelt New Deal."

Playwright and actor, Karen Carson follows with a presentation of "Eating the Bear: Snapshots of the New Normal," a reading of monologues about coping with job loss with a post-play audience discussion.

The first Workers' Memorial Day was observed in 1989. April 28th was chosen because it is the anniversary of the formation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the day of a similar remembrance in Canada.  Every year, people in hundreds of communities and at worksites commemorate Workers' Memorial Day as an International Day of Mourning.

The Botto House National Landmark, home of the American Labor Museum, is located at 83 Norwood Street, Haledon, NJ. It was the meeting place for over 20,000 silk mill workers during the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. The Museum's hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Tours are offered Wednesday through Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm and by appointment. For more information, call 973-595-7953, visit www.labormuseum.net,  or e-mail labormuseum@aol.com.         

Saturday April 26 - Little Egg Harbor, Ocean County
Rutgers Marine Field Station

On Saturday, the Tuckerton Historical Society presents "Rutgers Marine Field Station" presented by Ken Able of the Institute of Marine and  Coastal Sciences. Learn about local marine ecology. This presentation will be held from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at the Giffordtown Schoolhouse Museum, 35 Leitz Blvd., Little Egg Harbor, NJ. For more information, call 609-294-1547.

Saturday April 26 - Bergen County
4th Annual History Day
Family Friendly

Join the Northwest Bergen History Coalition in celebrating New Jersey's 350th anniversary on Saturday. From 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, nine historical homes and museums will be open to the  public to tour and enjoy. Using the themes of diversity, innovation, and liberty each site will feature an exhibit spotlighting their place in New Jersey's history. The museums and historic homes on the tour include:

* The Fell House, 475 Franklin Turnpike, Allendale, NJ
* The Museum at the Station, 176 Rock Road, Glen Rock, NJ
* The Hermitage, 335 North Franklin Turnpike, Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ
* The Mahwah Museum, 201 Franklin Turnpike, Mahwah, NJ
* The Van Allen House, 3 Franklin Avenue, Oakland, NJ
* The Old Stone House, 538 Island Road, Ramsey, NJ
* The Schoolhouse Museum, 650 East Glen Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ
* The Hopper-Goetschius Museum, 363 E. Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, NJ
* The Zabriskie House, 421 Franklin Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ

Tickets will be on sale at each of the sites on the day of the tour for $15 per person, children 12 and under free.  All proceeds from the ticket sales will be equally divided among the nine historical sites.  The Coalition will be selling grilled hotdogs and soda at the Hopper-Goetschius House Museum in Upper Saddle River.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn more about Northwest Bergen County history. For more information about the day, call the Schoolhouse Museum at 201-447-3242 or e-mail info@ridgewoodhistoricalsociety.org.

Saturday April 26 - Toms River, Ocean County
Victorian Extravaganza Celebrates Spring!

Stop by the Ocean County Historical Society on Saturday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm for their Victorian Extravaganza! Celebrate the beauties of spring as you tour their elegant Victorian home, made even more colorful with floral arrangements created by Purple Iris Flower Shop, The Village Florist, Flowers by Addalia, Skip's Toms River Florist & Gifts, Added Touch Florist, Designs by Kim Measure, Alan's & Mininsohn's Fabulous Florals, and Accents by Narcissus in each room. 

Adding to the celebration theme throughout the museum will be paintings by Ocean County artists. Enjoy a watercolor painting demonstration by popular Island Heights artist Ludlow Thorston (10:00 am - 12:00 noon), a flower-arranging demonstration by Tom Addalia of Flowers by Addalia (1:00 - 2:00 pm), and finally a basket-making demonstration by artist Harry Bower (2:30 - 3:30 pm). Shop for gifts and plants for your garden as you peruse the displays of local crafters, beekeepers, and plant growers. Enjoy a day of fun for one low admission price of $5.00! No reservations are necessary. The Ocean County Historical Society is located at 26 Hadley Avenue, Toms River, NJ. For more information, call 732-341-1880 or visit www.oceancountyhistory.org.

Saturday, April 26 - October 31, 2014 - Bridgewater, Somerset County
Trenton's Old Barracks Museum Shows Iron Art

The Old Barracks Museum will feature the sculpture of AbOminOg Intl. Arts Collective in an exhibit entitled "Founding the Future: A Continuum of Iron Casting in Trenton with AbOminOg Intl. Arts Collective." The exhibit will run from April 26 to October 31, 2014. A reception for the artists will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Old Barracks Museum.

The Old Barracks Museum is pleased to feature the metal sculpture of members of one of Trenton's illustrious artist collectives in an exhibit entitled, "Founding the Future: A Continuum of Iron Casting in Trenton with AbOminOg Intl. Arts Collective." Exhibiting artists include Kate Graves, Aylin Green, Bruce Lindsay, Rory Mahon, Steve Morse, Joanna Platt, Matt Reiley, David  Robinson and Scot Thompson.

This outdoor exhibit is part of the statewide celebrations of the 350th anniversary of the founding of New Jersey by representing the connection between the history that the Old Barracks Museum interprets and AbOminOg Intl.'s focus on the revolutionary industrial material of iron. As the first art installation at the Old Barracks, it will allow the visiting public a new perspective on the relationship between the past and the present in the formation of the future. Commemorative iron medallions will be poured by the group at the Old Barracks Museum on June 21st.  Leading up to this spectacular event, a free public reception and opportunity to meet the artists and view the outdoor sculpture is scheduled for Saturday.

The Old Barracks Museum is adjacent to Petty's Run, site of the only excavated Colonial steel furnace in America. Trenton's history of industry, manufacturing and self-reliance is reflected in the AbOminOg Intl. model of collaboration through sweat equity, upcycling crushed iron scrap into sculpture. The essence of the artist collective's cause- to teach and facilitate artists of diverse backgrounds, age groups and skill levels in the creation of cast-metal sculptural artworks within an inspiring, supportive and sustainable setting while positively affecting the community and the art world at large- has remained the same since their inaugural iron pour in a Trenton backyard on December 31, 1999. The Old Barracks Museum is located at 101 Barracks Street, Trenton, NJ. For more information, call 609-396-1776 or visit www.barracks.org.

Saturday April 26 - Brielle, Monmouth County
15th Annual Antiques Road Show

On Saturday, the Union Landing Historical Society will hold their 15th Annual Antiques Road Show at The Curtis House from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Bring your antiques, collectibles, what-nots, and treasured miscellany. Cost $5.00 per item benefitting the Union Landing Historical Society of Brielle. See what your treasures may be worth! Knowledgable appraisers will be present. The event will be held at the Curtis House, 644 Union Lane, Brielle, NJ. For more information call 732-403-6774.

Saturday April 26 - Sewell, Gloucester County
6th Annual Classic Car Show
Family Friendly

Washington Township’s Historical Preservation Advisory Board presents its 6th annual Classic Car Show on Saturday at the Olde Stone House Historic VillageRunning from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, the Classic Car Show will include a basket auction, a DJ, a 50/50 raffle, food vendors, and tours of the Old Stone House Village. Spectators will be given free admission, but those entering their vintage cars in the show will have to pay a $15 fee to enter on the day of the show. Registration begins at 9:00 am.

Cars will be divvied up into two classes - models 25 years and older and models from 1990 and onward. The winner of the vintage car class will be awarded a trophy. The newer car class is without a trophy, and the vehicles are eligible for display with a $5 donation. All those who enter their car will be placed in a drawing for a door prize. Rain date is Sunday, April 27. The car show will be held at the Olde Stone House Historic Village, 208 Egg Harbor Road, Sewell, NJ. For more information or to register, e-mail townshiphistory1836@gmail.com.

Saturday, April 26 - Bridgewater, Somerset County
The Fog of War

In the days immediately following the Japanese bombing of Pear Harbor, fear gripped the country and no one knew what strategic target might be next on Japan's list. Lt. Colonel Robert Vaucher, who was recently inducted into the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame, will recount his experiences in the early phase of World War II as a young pilot in the Army Air Corps.

Lt. Col. Vaucher was first assigned to Central America in 1942, where he logged over 1,000 hours in the air protecting the Panama Canal. For his steadfast efforts he was selected to be part of the B-29 bomber test team, which was charged with testing and modifying the B-29 before it was ready for combat use. Lt. Col. Vaucher was the first pilot ever to fly the B-29 at an elevation of 38,000 feet.

In recognition of his contributions to the B-29 program, he was selected as Mission Commander to lead 525 B-29s in a final show-of-force flight over General MacArthur's Japanese surrender signing ceremony on the USS Battleship Missouri.

On Saturday, special guest speaker Lt. Colonel Robert Vaucher will recount his experiences at this free event to be held at historic Van Horne House, 941 East Main Street, Bridgewater, NJ. The program will run from 2:00 - 3:30 pm. Free parking is available behind Target and at the ballpark. Space is limited and reservations are required. For more information and to register, call 732-356-8856 or sign up online at www.heritagetrail.org.

Saturday April 26 - Port Norris, Cumberland County
Plastics at Sea

New Jersey's Tall Ship, the A J Meerwald will present a special lecture sail, "Plastics at Sea," out of Penn's Landing on Saturday. The lecture will be presented on two sails - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm and 5:00 - 7:30 pm. The lecture, "Plastics at Sea" will feature Emilee (Ems) Monson who was a crew member of the 2012 Plastics at SEA North Pacific Expedition, a scientific research voyage conducted by Sea Education Association (SEA) dedicated to the study of the effects of plastic marine debris in the ocean ecosystem. 

This was the first scientific research study of the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' to measure the concentration of plastic in the gyre. Ems will talk about some of the research they conducted, their findings, and highlights of the adventures of sailing a tall ship in the Pacific Ocean. The Bayshore Center at Bivalve is located at 2800 High Street, Port Norris, NJ. Click here to purchase tickets for either of the two sails.

Tickets: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm sail are $40 adults (ages 13-59) / $35 seniors (60+) / $20 children (3-12) / $0 infants (under 3). Tickets for the 5:00 - 7:30 pm sail are $45 adults (ages 13-59) / $40 seniors (60+) / $22 children (3-12) / $0 infants (under 3). For more information, call 856-785-1325 or visit www.bayshorecenter.org.

Saturday April 26 - Morristown, Morris County
Meet a Soldier
Children Friendly

What was life like of a Continental Soldier? What equipment did they carry? Join a Continental Soldier at the Soldiers Huts and find out about his equipment and lifestyle. Meet the soldier between 1:30 and 4:00 pm at the soldier huts at Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, NJ. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Saturday, April 26 - Belvidere, Warren County
Vanatta/Vannatta Family History

On Saturday, stop by the Warren County Historical and Genealogy Society in Belvidere to learn about the families that lived and worked at the nearby VanNest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead in Harmony Township. Learn how the Hoff family lived and how the Vannatta family had come to own the property. Also learn how William M. Vannatta who owned the farmstead was related to the rest of the Vanatta/Vannatta clan. Free refreshments and special guests will be in attendance. The Warren County Historical and Genealogy Society is located at 313 Mansfield Street, Belvidere, NJ. For more information, call 908-475-4246.

Saturday April 26 - Morristown, Morris County
Must Weft to Weave
Children Friendly

One must weft a loom to pull a shuttle through a shed. Confused? Join a Park Ranger at the Wick House and learn the basics of weaving. This is a Hands-on demonstration. Program runs continuously from 1:30 - 4:00 pm at the Wick House in Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Saturday - Sunday, April 26 - 27 - Holmdel, Monmouth County
Wool Days/Sheep Shearing
Children Friendly

On Saturday and Sunday, Longstreet Farm's sheep will be sheared. Gene Sheninger will return with his collies to show their herding skills. The Monmouth County Historical Association’s Holmes-Hendrickson house staff will demonstrate the way wool was used in Colonial America with spinning and weaving activities. Longstreet Farm will provide wagon rides between the two living history sites. 

Visitors to Holmes-Hendrickson House will be able to try their hand at carding and spinning  wool and then tour the 1754 farm house. Join us for this rare opportunity to observe wool processing from start to finish. 

If inclement weather, check with Longstreet Farm about whether the wagon will run. The spinning and weaving portion of the program at the Holmes-Hendrickson House, located at 62 Longstreet Road, will occur regardless of weather. This free event runs from 12:00 noon - 3:00 pm. Historic Longstreet Farm is located at 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel, NJ. For more information, call 732-946-3758 or visit  www.monmouthcountyparks.com.

Saturday - Sunday, April 26 - 27 - Manalapan, Monmouth County
Living History Weekend at Monmouth Battlefield
Children Friendly

On Saturday and Sunday, experience Living History Weekend at Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Manalapan, NJ. This event will take place in and around the Visitor Center. Members of the 3rd NJ Volunteer Infantry will discuss New Jersey's roll in the Civil War. On Sunday, there will be a Revolutionary War encampment where you can talk to continental soldiers and learn about the important battle that took place on the fields in the summer of 1778. The weekend will include a variety of demonstrations along with children's wooden musket drills and a presentation by Molly Pitcher at 1:30 pm on Sunday. Admission is FREE. Hours on Saturday are 10:00 am - 6:00 pm and Sunday from 10:00 am - 4 pm. The main entrance to Monmouth Battlefield State Park is located at 16 New Jersey Business 33, Manalapan Township, NJ. For more information, visit www.friendsofmonmouth.org.

Saturday - Sunday, April 26 - 27 - Harmony Township, Warren County
Historic House and Barn Tours
Children Friendly

The Harmony Township Historical Society and the Historic Preservation Commission of Harmony Township invite the public to attend their annual Spring Open House at the historic VanNest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead on Saturday and Sunday, from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Admission is free. The farmstead is located at 3026 Belvidere Road, Route 519, just north of the Municipal Building in Harmony Township.

Come see the progress being made at the farmstead, including the two recently-relocated and restored wagon houses. The event will include tours of the circa 1750s main house, the restored wagon house, and the one of a kind Dutch style barn, and war reenactors, live demonstrations, and hearth cooking in the summer kitchen.

For more information, contact Ruth at historicalcomm@aol.com or visit www.hoffvannattafarm.org.

Saturday - Sunday, April 26 - 27 - Lambertville, Hunterdon County
Shad Fest

On Saturday and Sunday, celebrate the annual return of the shad to Lambertville. In its 33rd year, the Shad Festival has evolved from a local art show into a nationally recognized award-winning event. Shad Fest features the area's finest artists and crafters, great food, live music from local bands, and family entertainment, but the two-day extravaganza also serves as a venue for local non-profit organizations to raise necessary operating funds. The festival will run from 12:30 - 5:30 pm each day, rain or shine. There will be over eighty arts and crafters, a food court, face painting, cotton candy, sand art, and other children’s activities.

The Delaware River Basin Commission will be teaching about how to test water quality at Lewis Island. In addition, attend an educational shad seining demonstration at Lewis Island. There will be a poster display and auction, with monies going toward scholarships for students pursuing a collegiate career in the arts. For more information, visit www.lambertville.org/14shadfest.jsp.

Sunday, April 27 - Madison, Morris County
Cook Like a Soldier

Sign up for the FREE event, "Cook Like a Soldier" held at the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts on Sunday beginning at 2:00 pm. Food historian, Carolina Capehart will teach the audience what the typical Revolutionary War soldier's diet consisted of and how it changed over time. Afterwards there will be an exhibit reception. Space is limited, so please register by calling 973-377-2982 x14. The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts is located at 9 Main Street in Madison, NJ just two blocks from the Madison train station. For more information, please call 973-377-2982 x10 or visit www.metc.org.

Sunday, April 27 - Morristown, Morris County
Soldier's Knapsack
Children Friendly

Have you always wondered what types of things soldiers carried throughout the war? Join a Park Ranger at the Wick House to discover what would have been inside a soldier's knapsack. Program runs continuously from 2:00 - 4:00 pm in the Wick House at Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, NJ. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Sunday, April 27 - Morristown, Morris County
Colonial Games
Children Friendly

Have some old-fashioned fun as you take on the same games that the soldiers and the Wick family played. Try your hand at nine-pins, quoits, trap-ball, nine-man morris, fox and geese, and other eighteenth Century games. Program runs continuously from 1:30 - 4:00 pm at the Wick House in Jockey Hollow, within Morristown National Historical Park. Cost: Free. For more information, call 973-543-4030 or visit www.nps.gov/morr.

Sunday, April 27 - Lebanon Township, Hunterdon County
Cemetery Cleanup
Family Friendly

On Sunday beginning at 9:00 am, The Friends of Old Swack Church and cemetery grounds in Lebanon Township are sponsoring a cleanup of the grounds. Originally built in 1844, the church closed in 1894 and the grounds have been neglected, abandoned, and overgrown for years. Beginning in early 2013, the Friends of Old Swackhammer Church have been cleaning the grounds. This end-of-summer cleanup will involve weed whacking, raking, cutting down the tree saplings, and putting down weed killer. The Old Swackhammer Church and Cemetery is located at 108 Anthony Road, Lebanon, NJ. Please bring weed whackers, rakes, shovels, gloves, clippers, and any other tools that you think may be helpful in clearing the grounds. Tell your friends and family about this opportunity to preserve a New Jersey historic site!

Sunday, April 27 - Titusville, Mercer County
Spring Clean-up at Washington Crossing Park
Children Friendly

Volunteers are needed for the Spring Clean-up at Washington Crossing Park in New Jersey! Participants should wear work clothing, comfortable shoes and bring hand tools and gloves for clearing brush and for picking up trash. No power tools are permitted. Volunteers will clean trails and park grounds at the arboretum, along the Delaware River, at Sullivan’s Grove, and the grounds aside the Visitor’s Center. Volunteers may work in two hour shifts or the entire day, from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Check-in is from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Stone Barn in the Park (follow signs for the Johnson Ferry House). Volunteers will sign-in and meet members of the Association and the Sierra Club and get their assignments. This program is sponsored by the Washington Crossing Park Association, Inc. of New Jersey and the New Jersey Sierra Club.

Program will be held rain or shine. In the event of heavy rain or snow, participants may call Joe for cancellation information at 973-271-8333. Washington Crossing State Park is located at 355 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville, NJ. For more information, visit www.washingtoncrossingparkassociation.com.

Sunday, April 27 - Westfield, Union County
Sheep to Shawl Festival
Children Friendly

Follow the sounds of sheep bleating on April 27 - it's time for the museum's annual Sheep to Shawl Festival! The festival is from 1:00 - 4:00 pm and takes place rain or shine.

The entire process of sheep shearing will be demonstrated by master sheep shearer Jeremy Mills of Hamilton Square, using hand shears as was done in the 18th and 19th centuries. The production of cloth and garments from woolen fibers continues with demonstrations of spinning, weaving, knitting and needlework. The museum’s volunteers will also showcase 18th century farm tasks such as butter churning, “wash day,” and making the drink known as switchel. Children’s activities include a may pole, colonial games, a sheep craft and a quilting craft, and a display of 18th century fashion dolls.

A bake sale and an herb sale will be conducted throughout the afternoon. Free refreshments will be available in the Frazee Building. The museum’s gift shop will be open, offering a variety of colonial toys, crafts, books and educational materials. Admission: Adults/Children age 13 and older: $3.00; Children age 3 to 12: $2.00; Under age 3: free. The Miller-Cory House Museum is located at 614 Mountain Avenue in Westfield. For more information, call 908-232-1776 or visit www.millercoryhouse.org.

Sunday, April 27 - Union Township, Union County
Union Township Historical Society Meeting & Slideshow

A ship on dry land? Well, sort of. The Flagship was a landmark supper club on Route 22 (aka Route 29) in Union, NJ, among other businesses (including The Wiz) housed in the unique structure over the years. Today, it's the site of P. C. Richard & Son.

You're cordially invited for a ride down memory lane and back to the future for a history of Route 22, the businesses and structures that line it now, and those that are gone - but not forgotten, via a slide presentation by Tom Beisler and Tom Haggerty, trustees of the Union Township Historical Society, at the Caldwell Parsonage, 909 Caldwell Avenue, Union, NJ on Sunday at 2:30 pm.

The program will be part of the Union Township Historical Society's meeting, which will begin at 2:00 pm. Non-members are cordially invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free; donations are greatly appreciated. For more information, visit www.unionhistory.org and www.uniontwphistoricalsociety.webs.com or call Barbara La Mort at 908-687-0048.

Sunday, April 27 through July 20, 2014 - Montclair, Essex County
A Persistent Passion: The Art of Lora Eberly Ballou

The Montclair Historical Society presents the exhibition "A Persistent Passion: The Art of Lora Eberly Ballou: 1870-1976, Places in a One Hundred Six Year Life" at the Charles Shultz House (Evergreens), 30 North Mountain Avenue, Montclair, NJ from April 27 through July 20 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm on first and third Sundays of the month. Lora Eberly Ballou was a unique woman who lived during the last quarter of the 1800s in Ohio, then moved to the suburbs of New York City, residing in an elegant home in Montclair, NJ with her husband John Ballou and two daughters, Margaret and Harriet. Ballou's work focuses on an interest and passion for gardening and travel, and depicts many of the places she lived, including a winter scene of Tony's Brook.

Ballou's artwork will be on display at the Montclair Historical Society's Charles Shultz House, an 1896 home that remains virtually untouched. It showcases a time capsule of the Shultz family and lifestyle during the same period when the Ballou family lived in Montclair. This home provides a unique setting for the exhibition, placing Lora Ballou's artwork against the backdrop of a Montclair family active in the community, unveiling similarities in their lifestyles and interests during this period in history. This exhibition is sponsored by Robert M. and Patricia C. Phillips. Robert M. Phillips is the grandson of Lora Ballou. A free public reception will be held on April 27 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm with light refreshments. For additional information or to schedule a private tour, contact the Montclair Historical Society at 973-744-1796, visit www.montclairhistorial.org, or e-mail mail@montclairhistorical.org.

Saturdays and Sundays through May 18 - Harrison Township, Gloucester County
Originals: 50 Years of Artistic Expressions

Creativity is the theme of the Harrison Township Historical Society’s newest exhibition at the Old Town Hall Museum entitled "Originals: 150 Years of Artistic Expression." The first floor gallery is filled with paintings, drawings, and folk art from the 19th and 20th centuries, all drawn from the Society’s rich holdings. The exhibition celebrates New Jersey’s 350th anniversary by focusing on the theme of innovation. Many of these works will be on view for the first time.

Folk art dominates the work from the 19th century. An album quilt from Richwood and a remarkable portfolio of sketches by Josiah B. Chester of Ewan, on exhibit for the first time, are highlights.

Twentieth century work includes paintings by Mullica Hill’s Paul Avis Colson, including a tri-partite screen that was recently restored and on exhibit for the first time. Also premiering is a landscape painted by Otto Rick, a German prisoner of war who worked on a farm in Richwood during World War II.

The exhibition is open Saturdays and Sundays, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, March 8 - May 18, 2014 (closed Easter Sunday and Mother's Day). Admission is free. Old Town Hall is located at the intersection of South Main Street and Woodstown Road in the heart of Mullica Hill’s Historic District. For more information, call 856-478-4949; or visit www.harrisonhistorical.com.

Through June 30, 2014 - Piscataway, Middlesex County
Got Work? Exhibit

View the exhibit "Got Work? New Deal/WPA in New Jersey" at the 1741 Cornelius Low House Museum in Piscataway. The museum is open Tuesday - Friday, 8:30 - 4:00 pm and Sunday afternoons from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The exhibit will run through June 30, 2014.

The Cornelius Low House, built in 1741, was the home to its namesake and is only one of two remaining buildings from historic Raritan Landing. This high-style Georgian mansion is listed on the National Register and operated by the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission. Admission to the museum is FREE. The museum is located at 1225 River Road, Piscataway, NJ. For more information, call 732-745-4177 or visit http://www.co.middlesex.nj.us/culturalheritage.

Through June 2014 - Morristown, Morris County
"Controversies: The More Things Change..." Exhibit

Currently on display at Macculloch Hall Historical Museum is an exhibition about topics that helped shape our world. "Controversies: The More Things Change..." opens new territory for the Museum, presenting challenging subject matter that may not be suitable for casual dinner conversation. This new exhibit explores topics that helped shape our world through local history events which had national significance: medical experimentation, immigration, and the right to die.

"Controversies: The More Things Change..." inspires people to consider, even reconsider, the ways in which they think about these important, frequently debated issues. The exhibit explores local history events which had national significance: the 1833 Antoine LeBlanc murder trial and public execution; the immigration issues of the late nineteenth century as depicted by political cartoonist Thomas Nast, a Morristown resident, and the 1976 Karen Ann Quinlan "right to die" case.

The museum is making a major departure in exhibit presentations with "Controversies."  Where most exhibits typically provide detailed information about the objects on view, "Controversies" offers limited information about the objects, essentially forcing personal thought, and inspiring discussion, about the areas represented.  Each object and concept in the exhibit represents a part of New Jersey's history - specifically Morris County's history. The ideas expressed through the historical objects in the exhibit, however, are not confined to New Jersey boundaries- the significant concerns raised by the important and controversial issues showcased in this exhibit continue to be debated throughout the United States and the world.

"We wanted to give our visitors a chance to participate in an exhibit in a new way - to have a reaction without being guided by the institution's interpretation of what the objects represent, which labels typically provide," said Executive Director Carrie Fellows. Instead, curator's books of supplementary information will be available within the exhibit, should the visitor want to learn more, drawn from primary sources like news articles, contemporary commentary, and images. Visitors are encouraged to leave comments about the themes presented.

The exhibition was inspired when Fellows and Ryan C. Hyman, the Museum's curator, heard Burt Logan, Executive Director of the Ohio Historical Society speak at a conference about the organization's groundbreaking "Controversy: Pieces You Don't Normally See" exhibit, and its sequel, "Controversy 2: Pieces We Don't Normally Talk About". During his talk, Mr. Logan strongly encouraged other museums to adapt the concept and develop similar exhibits. Inspired by the presentation, Hyman and Fellows began discussing how they might create an exhibit using themes from the Morris area's rich history.

"Controversies: The More Things Change..." will be on view during Museum touring hours through June 2014. Please note the subject matter may not be suitable for all audiences. Visitor discretion advised. Recommended for visitors 12 years of age and older.

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum preserves the history of the Macculloch-Miller families, the Morris area community, and the legacy of its founder W. Parsons Todd through its historic site, collections, exhibits, and educational and cultural programs. The Museum is open for house and exhibit tours on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The last tour leaves at 3:00 pm. Adults $8; Seniors & Students $6; Children 6 - 12 $4. Members and children under 5 are free.  For more information, call 973-538-2404 ext. 10 or visit www.maccullochhall.org. Macculloch Hall Historical Museum is located at 45 Macculloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ.

Saturdays and Sundays through July 27, 2014 - Ridgewood, Bergen County
A Community's Journey: Our Place in New Jersey History

The Schoolhouse Museum's new exhibit, on display now through July 27, 2014 celebrates New Jersey's 350th anniversary. "A Community's Journey: Our Place in New Jersey's History" showcases the area's evolution over the last three centuries using the themes of liberty, innovation, and diversity.

The Liberty collection highlights uniforms and other war-time memorabilia while the Innovation collection chronicles the history of performing arts in the village including items from the Ridgewood Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company, such as a silk wedding kimono worn by Yum Yum in the "Mikado." Also on display are items owned by Ridgewood magician Harry Rouclere. Especially noteworthy is the Diversity collection which tells the story of the African American, Jewish, Irish, and  Korean communities through personal artifacts.

The museum is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 1:00 - 3:00 and Sundays 2:00 - 4:00. The Schoolhouse Museum is located at 650 East Glen  Avenue in Ridgewood, NJ. For more information, call  201-447-3242  or visit www.ridgewoodhistoricalsociety.org.

Sundays through August 30, 2014 - Cranbury, Middlesex County
"At Long Last...Summer" Exhibit

The Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society is bringing a bit of the seashore to its museum in Cranbury. After a harsh winter, the society is happy to present a new exhibit  at the Cranbury Museum, entitled, "At Long Last...Summer."  Featuring treasures of the sea and seashore, the exhibit includes oil paintings, watercolors, a rare sea glass collection, antique whale bone, shells, Sailor valentines, ephemera, and vintage toys and souvenirs. The exhibit will continue through August 30, 2014. Celebrate summer and join us on Sunday afternoons from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, to view the exhibit! The Cranbury Museum is located at 4 Park Place East, Cranbury. For more information, visit www.cranburyhistory.org.

Through August, 2014 - Lyndhurst, Bergen County
Let's Play! An Exhibit of Beloved Toys
Children Friendly

From a china-head doll to a Lionel train, several toys are on display at the Little Red Schoolhouse Museum as the Lyndhurst Historical Society recalls fun times with favorite toys. The new exhibit, "Let's Play! An Exhibit of Beloved Toys," is open now through August 2014.

The exhibit is free and open to the public, though a small donation to the Society would be appreciated. The Little Red Schoolhouse Museum is open on the second and fourth Sundays of  every month from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Lyndhurst Historical Society was established in 1984 in an effort to preserve the 1893 schoolhouse, located at 400 Riverside Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ. For more information, call 201-804-2513 (leave a message) or visit www.lyndhursthistoricalsociety.org.

Through Sunday, September 14, 2014 - Princeton, Mercer County
Micah Williams: Portrait Artist Exhibition

Traveling portrait artist and New Jersey resident Micah Williams (1782 - 1837) was a prolific artist who has 272 known existing works. His works are represented in many major museums and are highly sought after by folk art collectors. Yet, there has never been an exhibition dedicated solely to the work of Micah Williams. "Micah Williams: Portrait Artist," on loan to Morven from the Monmouth County Historical Association, tells a story about the new America of the 19th century. With over 40 portraits on view, visitors can come face-to-face with the state's nineteenth century farmers, orchard growers, militia officers, politicians, silversmiths, potters, carpenters, and their families.

The exhibition will also debut Morven's newest acquisition: a pastel portrait of Commodore Robert Field Stockton (1795-1866) completed by Micah Williams around 1821. Stockton was a third-generation resident of Morven, head the Pacific Fleet and a U.S. Senator. With this exhibition, the portrait makes its return to the walls at Morven. "Micah Williams: Portrait Artist" exhibition will be on display at Morven through September 14, 2014.

Morven Museum & Garden is a museum and public garden located at 55 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ. A National Historic Landmark, Morven was the home to Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, as well as the former Governor's mansion of New Jersey. Public Hours: Wednesday - Friday 11:00 am - 3:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm. For more information, call 609-924-8144 or visit www.morven.org.

March 30, 2014 through December 29, 2014 - Woodbury, Gloucester County
Be Prepared:  Scouts of Yesteryear
Children Friendly
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have been a tradition in America for over a century. The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum is presenting a remarkable exhibit with scouting artifacts from over the decades. Numerous uniforms, merit badges, equipment, manuals, and accessories from the 1930’s on are on display.  

The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm and the last Sunday of the month from 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Adult admission $5; children 6-18 years $1; children under 6 free. The Gloucester County Historical Society Museum is located at 58 North Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ. For more information, call 856-848-8531 or visit www.rootsweb.com/~njgchs.

Through February 13, 2015 - Madison, Morris County
The American Revolution in New Jersey
Children Friendly

New Jersey spent much of the American Revolution as a theater of war. A new exhibit at the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts, "The American Revolution in New Jersey: Where the Battlefront Meets the Homefront," explores the rarely told story of New Jersey's farmers, women, and tradesmen and their actions during the war. Topics discussed include the local civil wars that erupted between revolutionaries and loyalists, the multiple roles that women took on as their men went off to war, and how civilian life was affected by the regular presence of troops. The exhibit will be open until February 13, 2015. 

Regular Museum admission is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for seniors, students & children (ages 6 and older), and free for members and children under 6. Family maximum admission $13.00. The Museum is open Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and Sunday from 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm. The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts is located at 9 Main Street in Madison, NJ just two blocks from the Madison train station. For more information, please call 973-377-2982 x10 or visit www.metc.org.

Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey


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