Weekend Historical Happenings: 3/30/13 - 3/31/13
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Volunteer Training
Learn to sail the historic 1928 oyster schooner A. J. Meerwald, and a myriad of other volunteer opportunities from education to waitressing in our café, cooking, working in the office, mailings, you name it: if you have a skill or if you have none, we can use you! Discover your hidden talents at this series of learning Saturdays, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. For more information or to register, contact Laura S. Johnson, ljohnson@bayshorediscovery.org; 856-785-2060 ext. 102. www.bayshorediscovery.org
Saturday, March 30 - Union Township, Union County
Easter Egg Hunt
Children will explore the grounds of Liberty Hall searching for plastic eggs hidden through the landscape, filled with holiday treats. A surprise visit from the Easter Bunny caps off the events. Two sessions are scheduled: 10:00 - 11:30 am or 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. $8.00 for a child and adult, all additional children are $5.00, all additional adults are $4.00. Reservations are required; call 908-527-0400. Liberty Hall Museum is located at 1003 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083. Visit www.kean.edu/libertyhall for more information.
Saturday, March 30 - Maywood, Bergen County
Visit with the Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny will make a visit to the Maywood Station Museum, 269 Maywood Avenue, Maywood, NJ on Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon during a special Museum Open House. Parents are invited to bring their cameras for a unique opportunity to photograph their children with the Easter Bunny at the historic station museum. The museum features a wide assortment of displays, artifacts and photographs on exhibit and visitors are invited to climb aboard restored Caboose 24542 and view its operating model train layout and additional photographs and displays. Admission is free. www.maywoodstation.com
Saturday, March 30 - Princeton, Mercer County
Saturday, March 30 - Princeton, Mercer County
Thomas Fleming Book Talk
This Saturday at 9:30 am, Thomas Fleming, author and historian, will be speaking at the New Jersey Civil War Heritage Assocation's annual meeting at Princeton University's Friend Center in Princeton, NJ about his new book entitled, A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War. This event is free and open to the public. Come out and hear him speak on his latest Civil War Book. Directions can be found here. www.njcivilwar.org
Saturday - Sunday, March 30-31 - Camden, Camden County
Battleship New Jersey
Tour the Battleship! Open every day, including Easter Sunday, from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Climb inside the legendary 16-inch gun turret, check out the bridge, experience a simulated tomahawk missile launch in the Combat Engagement Center and learn how the crew lived aboard this floating city! Battleship New Jersey is located at 62 Battleship Place in Camden. www.battleshipnewjersey.org
Saturday - Sunday, March 30 - 31 - Farmingdale, Monmouth County
Egg Hunt and Easter Sunrise Service
On Sunday, Allaire Village, Inc. will co-sponsor an Easter Sunrise Service at the Allaire Chapel. The service will be held in the Historic Village Chapel. Admission is free (donations gladly accepted). The service will be co-sponsored by Rev. Steven Kengeter of the Pierce Memorial Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Tom Detamore of the Ardena Baptist Church in Farmingdale. This service is presented free of charge by Allaire Village Incorporated and the churches of the Farmingdale-Howell Council of Churches. All are welcome to attend the service.
The Historic Village at Allaire is located at 4263 Atlantic Ave, in Farmingdale, NJ. For more information contact the Allaire Village office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at 732-919-3500 or visit www.allairevillage.org.
Other sites open Easter Weekend:
*The Cape May Lighthouse is open Saturday and Sunday. 215 Lighthouse Avenue, Cape May, NJ. Open 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.
*The World War II Lookout Tower in Cape May opens for the season on Saturday and Sunday. 756 Sunset Blvd, Cape May, NJ. Open 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Through April 28, 2013 - Paterson, Passaic County
New Exhibit at Lambert Castle
Lambert Castle, the Victorian-era mansion located on the Garrett Mountain Reservation on the border between Paterson and Clifton, will be home to an exciting new art exhibit now through April 28, 2013. The exhibit, entitled "Message in a Bottle: The Bottleworks of Dr. Etta Ehrlich," will feature Dr. Ehrlich's unique and thought-provoking take on society and culture, using carefully-arranged antique bottles and other found objects. The exhibit will be open until April 28 during regular museum hours: Wednesday through Sunday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Lambert Castle is located at 3 Valley Road, Paterson. For more information, call 973-247-0085 or visit www.lambertcastle.org.
Some event listings courtesy of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey
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