Historical Organization of the Week: The Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee
Every Monday, I highlight a non-profit related to history or the arts, a historical society, preservation group or friends group whose main objective is to promote the historical and artistic history of New Jersey.
This week, I am featuring the Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee. Founded in 1973, the Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee is the not-for-profit, volunteer-based, citywide advocate for the preservation of Newark's historic and cultural resources. The Committee has compiled categorized lists of Newark historic buildings, written guidebooks, published newsletters and a web site, hosted exhibits, erected plaques, and has conducted special forums, programs, and tours. They also provide technical assistance to property owners and tenants about historic restoration and collaborate with other non-profit organizations, historical societies, schools, and community and neighborhood groups. The Committee's work has included the nomination of landmarks to the historic registers and intervention on behalf of threatened landmarks.
The Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee relies on memberships, fundraising, and countless volunteers to continue its mission. For more information on programs, special events, and exhibits hosted by the Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee or to become a member or volunteer, please visit www.newarklandmarks.org or call 973-622-4910.
If you are a member of a non-profit organization or know of one that you would like to see featured on this site, please let us know in the comments or send an e-mail to kelly@thehistorygirl.com.
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