Historical Organization of the Week: Monmouth County Friends of the Parks

Every Monday, I highlight a non-profit related to history or the arts, a historical society, preservation group or friends group whose main objective is to promote the historical and artistic history of New Jersey.

This week, I am featuring the Monmouth County Friends of the Parks. Formed in 1991, the Friends of the Parks is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) registered charitable organization comprised of area citizens and businesses committed to the support of the Monmouth County Park System. The Friends raise funding for recreation programs, park beautification, educational programming, and exhibits related to sites throughout the Monmouth County Park System.

In the past, Friends funding has paid for the design and fabrication of Park System exhibits. Visitors can enjoy exhibits furnished by the Friends at: Historic Longstreet Farm, Historic Walnford, the Thompson Park Visitor Center, the Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center and Visitor Center, Huber Woods Environmental Center, Tatum Park, and Seabrook-Wilson House. This year, funding has been approved to replace wallpaper in the historic farmhouse at Longstreet Farm and new exhibit panels for both Longstreet Farm and Walnford.

For information about programs sponsored by the Friends of the Parks, please visit http://www.friendsofmonmouthcountyparks.com or call 732-975-9735. 

If you are a member of a non-profit organization or know of one that you would like to see featured on this site, please let us know in the comments or send an e-mail to kelly@thehistorygirl.com.

The 1774 Waln House at Historic Walnford


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