NJ Weekend Historical Happenings: 11/2/19 - 11/3/19

New Jersey Weekend Historical Happenings A Weekly Feature on www.thehistorygirl.com Want to submit an event? Use our event submission form . Saturday, November 2 - Greenwich, Cumberland County Cumberland County Historical Society Annual Business/Dinner Meetin g The Cumberland County Historical Society Annual Business/Dinner Meetin g will be held at the Greenwich Presbyterian Church, 630 Ye Greate Street in Greenwich, NJ beginning at 4:30 pm with a business meeting. There will be a ham dinner from 5:00 - 6:00 pm, followed by “Harriet Beecher Stowe,” the guest speaker, at 6:00 pm . Harriet Beecher Stowe will be portrayed by Kim Hanley from the American Historical Theater in Philadelphia. Cost: $25 per person for members and $30 per person for non-members. For more information, call 856-455-8580, email cc...