Reinvigorating Our Commitment to History
Reinvigorating Our Commitment to History 2013: A Year in Review Written by NJ Historian What a year 2013 has been! I visited over forty locations throughout New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania. To commemorate this banner year, I have decided to take a moment to pause and reflect upon a few of the sites that stood out. With so many sites, it was hard to narrow it down to just a few. Every historic site is important and matters and this list does not diminish the importance and relevance of the ones that were not included. This year, we began a movement to reinvigorate our (collective) commitment to history through this web site and various social media outlets. I am proud to announce that this attempt has been successful, as new audiences have been reached and partnerships created. The new year marks New Jersey's 350th anniversary. As we head into 2014, our theme will be to "Spread The History." Now that you have spent a year exploring and renewing your commi...