Weekend Historical Happenings: 12/1/12 - 12/2/12

WEEKEND HISTORICAL HAPPENINGS Know about a historical event happening in your area? Send me an email to let us know! Be the first to find out about these events on Facebook ! All of December - Union Township, Union County A Victorian Christmas at Liberty Hall This holiday season Liberty Hall will be decorated in the ornate Victorian style. You will hear about Victorian Christmas traditions as the servants put the final touches on the decorations for the Kean's holiday festivities. Program Fee: Adults: $10.00, Kean Alumni: $8.00 Seniors, College Students, Children: $6.00, Under Three: Free. Liberty Hall is open Monday - Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. It is located at 1003 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083. For more information, call 908-27-0400 or visit www.kean.edu/libertyhall . ----------------------------------- Saturday, December 1 - Bridgeton, Cumberland County Bridgeton Holiday House Tour This Saturday the Bridgeton...