Weekend Historical Happenings: 9/1/12 - 9/2/12

WEEKEND HISTORICAL HAPPENINGS Know about a historical event happening in your area? Send me an email to let us know! Be the first to find out about these events on Facebook ! Saturday, September 1 - Lambertville, Mercer County 29th Annual Plowing Match Howell Living History Farm will hold its 29th Annual Plowing Match on Saturday from 9:30 am until 4:00 pm. The public is invited to watch and participate in the event, which features old-fashioned plowing and log pulling competitions, crafts and pony rides for children, and lots of food, music and old fashioned fun. A dozen teams of draft animals from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York are entered in the match, which tests the performance of farmers, their horses and oxen, and their plows as they turn furrows. Judging will take place from 10:00 am until 12:00 noon. Members of the general public aged 16 and older can try their hand at plowing in the...